Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

then badmouthing/trashing others beliefs is not a good place to start.

I do not agree.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.

If you do not agree, then you are not much of a man.

unfortunately this is correct.
question is do they have some kind of insight the rest of us is lacking?

what is the difference between theists forcing something down your throat and certain other people forcing something down your throat?
scientists for example.

Science backs what it says with facts and proofs.

Religions with faith. The belief in things unproven.

See the difference?

i am STILL trying to come to grips with certain information i have found, trying to put it all together, trying to find a plausible reason for it.
yes, science is just as guilty in this area as religion.

there are 2 problems with this.
first is god being taught as a fact.
second, and more importantly, is that there are many different types of religion.
once we start down this road we WILL have to include them all, thereby confusing the student even more.

Confusion leads to inquiry which leads to facts and conclusions.
This is a gift to students.

Much better than faith without facts. That is for fools.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
i understand what you are saying..but i think religionists is the wrong word.
that word speaks of more attention/focus on the rituals,doctrine,etc rather than an actual focus on God.

They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position.

and consider human nature, anything can be matter how ideal.
so its really not a matter of starting some new ideal movement as it will become corrupted also..

i think it is just a matter of fighting the misinformation/misunderstanding.
unfortunately..some ppl love their own understandings,and will fight any ideals to the contrary (both theist and non-theist)

so its not a matter of convincing ppl that religion is in error,(most ppl know this)
bad mouthing/trashing religion only communicates your opinion of it,it does little to encourage ppl to rethink religion.
i understand what you are saying..but i think religionists is the wrong word.
that word speaks of more attention/focus on the rituals,doctrine,etc rather than an actual focus on God.

and consider human nature, anything can be matter how ideal.
so its really not a matter of starting some new ideal movement as it will become corrupted also..

i think it is just a matter of fighting the misinformation/misunderstanding.
unfortunately..some ppl love their own understandings,and will fight any ideals to the contrary (both theist and non-theist)

so its not a matter of convincing ppl that religion is in error,(most ppl know this)
bad mouthing/trashing religion only communicates your opinion of it,it does little to encourage ppl to rethink religion.

I have a friend who only looks at things from a loving God POV.
He would not say shit if he had a hat full and shows love and respect to all men. We like and understand each other and usually agree on things.

He gets shit on for his soft love just as badly as I get shit on for my tough love.

No one likes to hate more than theists IMO so I would just as soon follow my bliss and trash the garbage instead of trying to wrap it up in a pretty little package. Either way, I would get shit on.
I would rather be honest and truthful and let things fall where they may.

My concern and why I am here is to further moral thinking and correct those I think need it.

Then you're in for a one-on-one fight. You against another person.

Not God against some people.
Not theistic doctrine against some people.
But you against some people.

Then you're in for a one-on-one fight. You against another person.

Not God against some people.
Not theistic doctrine against some people.
But you against some people.


I will let imaginary Gods have whatever shit morals they wants.

It is man that judges what is said of him and decides to follow or not.

When scriptures depict a genocidal tyrant and theists have their heads up his ass, it is they that are immoral and to be pitied. Not the God who stands there ready to receive their heads. He is the smart one waiting for the sheeple who cannot reason.

Given the content of theistic claims, theists should be better than the general population.

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll

@leopold --

there is indeed a complete lack of evidence the sun will rise tomorrow.

Relativity and historical precedence is evidence, but not a guarantee, that the sun will rise tomorrow. I fail to see what's so hard to grasp here.

the ONLY thing you can say is it always has.

AND that the laws of physics predict that it will. We don't need to be one hundred percent to have evidence that something will happen. This is a straw man argument.

there is no evidence "god" doesn't exist.

Negative proof fallacy, try again.

it doesn't matter how you or i feel about this matter.

You're right, however anything which can be asserted without evidence can be equally rejected without evidence.

yes, a basis. there are no guarantees.

Evidence isn't a guarantee.

faith is faith regardless of whether it involves god or not.

No, it isn't. I have every reason to believe that the sun will rise tomorrow but I have absolutely no reason to think that any god/s exist. QED.

and i have quite often wrote an involved post to only press the back button on my browser and not submitting it

Irrelevant, that's still evidence that you will.

you seem to be saying that those that "believe in god" are somehow lacking in mental scruples

Nope, nice straw man though, I'm saying that theists haven't applied critical thought to their beliefs. Big difference.
I will let imaginary Gods have whatever shit morals they wants.

It is man that judges what is said of him and decides to follow or not.

When scriptures depict a genocidal tyrant and theists have their heads up his ass, it is they that are immoral and to be pitied. Not the God who stands there ready to receive their heads. He is the smart one waiting for the sheeple who cannot reason.


What do I say to this? Oh yes, the LORD rebuke thee.
@leopold --
Relativity and historical precedence is evidence, but not a guarantee, that the sun will rise tomorrow. I fail to see what's so hard to grasp here.
it is evidence on HOW AND WHY it rises.
it provides ZERO evidence it will do so in the future.
AND that the laws of physics predict that it will.
it predicts that it should, not that it will.
We don't need to be one hundred percent to have evidence that something will happen. This is a straw man argument.
well, no it isn't.
if you are 100% sure then you are guaranteed.
since we are not 100% sure then, well, you take it from here.
Negative proof fallacy, try again.
absence of proof is not proof of absence.
No, it isn't. I have every reason to believe that the sun will rise tomorrow . . .
i do too.
but I have absolutely no reason to think that any god/s exist. QED.
i don't really have a reason either, but on the other hand i have no reason to outright dismiss the proposition.
Nope, nice straw man though, I'm saying that theists haven't applied critical thought to their beliefs. Big difference.
well, yeah, i guess.
"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll

But aren't you doing the same thing, implying you are "a favorite with God"?
I will let imaginary Gods have whatever shit morals they wants.

It is man that judges what is said of him and decides to follow or not.

When scriptures depict a genocidal tyrant and theists have their heads up his ass, it is they that are immoral and to be pitied. Not the God who stands there ready to receive their heads. He is the smart one waiting for the sheeple who cannot reason.

In some ways, I sympathize with your efforts.
I myself am on a somewhat similar "mission."
Although I have a different approach than you in that I do not consider myself to be a member of any particular religion or religious/theistic school, not even a theist.
But aren't you doing the same thing, implying you are "a favorite with God"?

Where did I imply or say such a thing?
Doesn't sound like something I would say.

I may have spoken of my apotheosis but I have no idea what my standing is and never said anything about being a favorite.
I guess I could say that I was favored, but that does not make me a favorite. At least not in the way I use language.

In some ways, I sympathize with your efforts.
I myself am on a somewhat similar "mission."
Although I have a different approach than you in that I do not consider myself to be a member of any particular religion or religious/theistic school, not even a theist.

We are closer perhaps in that way.
Calling myself a Gnostic Christian naturalist basically means that I belong, if I can use that term, to a church and religion consisting of one member.
I urge others to do the same.

Man is meant to stand beside man. Not in front or behind another. We are all brothers under the skin and should recognize that fact.
The only reason some will elevate some other is just the recognition of how man learns. We learn from each other and just elevate each other as a sign of respect. Unfortunately, this form of instinctual mimicry has been recognized by religions forever and they have used it against us instead of for us.

See if this does not add truth to what I just said.
Not so much about religions. In a way, they are just acting naturally.
Note instead how man learns and is more of a natural sheeple than other animals.

It is quite hard I think for us to think out of the box.
