Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

A claim of what "god is" (especially since that claim is "every natural object") is, ipso facto a claim that god exists.
Or maybe you're going to deny "everything natural" doesn't actually exist?

I see that you're incapable of giving a rational or coherent (or honest) reply.
I'm done with you.
He or she can't help it. All replies are utterly determined. I am not sure where rational or irrational comes into it. Doesn't 'being rational' imply choice between possible processes, when there is none?

I know this may have seemed like a joke before. But in a sense determinism is a spirituality or should lead to one. I do not mean in the epistemological sense that it is a spirituality, just that, if believed, I mean really believed, it should lead, I would think inevitably to no longer reacting to people in certain ways. What does accusing someone of 'being dupilicitous' mean where there is no free will. It's like yelling at a clam for spitting. Or at water for running downhill.
Even if we believe determinism to be true it doesn't work if we turn it into a faith because to us it always seems we acted of our own accord when we do.
What does accusing someone of 'being dupilicitous' mean where there is no free will. It's like yelling at a clam for spitting. Or at water for running downhill.
Like my answer to a similar question in a different thread: I'd have no choice in my response either! ;)
And another missed point.

If I were to claim god was supernatural it would show he did not exist in nature...Pay close attention to the next one and remember to follow your previous logic.

If I claim god is a plan and state your not following it then he still exists.
Exactly. All I would be doing if I said "therefore god isn't omnipotent" would be stating a belief.

But my first assumption is always valid.
which refutes your "ipso facto" claim
No it doesn't.
Stating god to be supernatural is not stating god to be non-existent - as you agreed:
You said:
Dywyddyr said:
A claim of what "god is" is, ipso facto a claim that god exists.
ding,ding,ding!!! We have a winner. Thanks for playing along with your own beliefs for a post.
(And I'm still at a loss as to what "beliefs" of mine you think I'm "playing along with").

leading so far none of your claims to be valid.
Please list my claims that are invalid.
PS if that was meant to say "leading so far to" then you're equally incorrect. Even if I were wrong on that it wouldn't mean that all of my "claims" were.

And I believe you now owe me an apology for purposefully misrepresenting my beliefs.
You appear to believe many things. Most of them incorrect.
Please show where I have misrepresented your beliefs (purposely or otherwise).
Stating god to be supernatural is not stating god to be non-existent - as you agreed:
wow your way off. You really can't read. I'll give you one more try...
(And I'm still at a loss as to what "beliefs" of mine you think I'm "playing along with").
the one in which you know nature to be perfect, but can't find evidence that it is so.
You appear to believe many things. Most of them incorrect.
Please show where I have misrepresented your beliefs (purposely or otherwise).
appearances can be deceiving. Post 327 assumes I believe in god. I told you this was false and you continue to use this underlying assumption to make inferences concerning my beliefs. This is dishonest, especially when the only claim you have to tie the connection is that "any claim that attempts to define god is a claim that he exists" ( your own statement that refutes your logic on post 96 ) , which might I add has been shown to be false by a previously aforementioned "statement of my actual belief."
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wow your way off. You really can't read. I'll give you one more try...
Really? So you changed your mind?

the one in which you know nature to be perfect, but can't find evidence that it is so.
Please show where I have stated this. You are STILL assuming. (And in fact YOU have claimed (for me) that I don't believe this).

appearances can be deceiving. Post 327 assumes I believe in god.
Which I showed to be true, based on your own statement (and subsequent agreement).

I told you this was false and you continue to use this underlying assumption to make inferences concerning my beliefs.
Yet you made the claim.

( your own statement that refutes your logic on post 96 )
No it doesn't.

which might I add has been shown to be false by a previously aforementioned "statement of my actual belief."
Also incorrect.

Are you capable of following a chain of reasoning? Are you capable of understanding plain logic?

Tell me, are you some sort of polycephalous alien? Because I find it hard to believe that anyone can be so stupid with only one head.
Really? So you changed your mind?
Yeah The statement that shows I don't believe god is irrefutable proof that I do.... sarcasm cough cough.

Please show where I have stated this. You are STILL assuming. (And in fact YOU have claimed (for me) that I don't believe this).

Can I state that as a fact? You know nature is imperfect and have evidence? Where?

Which I showed to be true, based on your own statement (and subsequent agreement).
Let me get this straight. You believe I believe in god, """"because""" I can define god with basic words in the english language? And you going to assume I do this just because?
Yet you made the claim.
You made the claim that a definition following your assumptions is a statement of what consider to be an absolute fact.
No it doesn't.
Post 96 you make a claim to what god is. Therefore I assume you believe in god, but only because I'm following your logic.

Also incorrect.

"If I were to claim god was supernatural it would show he did not exist in nature"

In the above sentence, What does not exist?
Yeah The statement that shows I don't believe god is irrefutable proof that I do.... sarcasm cough cough.
The statement didn't show that you don't.

Can I state that as a fact? You know nature is imperfect and have evidence? Where?
Still dumb I see. Read what I wrote. YOU have claimed that I know this. I haven't.

Let me get this straight. You believe I believe in god, """"because""" I can define god with basic words in the english language? And you going to assume I do this just because?
Let me see...
Me: A claim of what "god is" (especially since that claim is "every natural object") is, ipso facto a claim that god exists.
And you agreed with it.

You made the claim that a definition following your assumptions is a statement of what consider to be an absolute fact.
No I didn't.

Post 96 you make a claim to what god is.
No I didn't.

"If I were to claim god was supernatural it would show he did not exist in nature"
In the above sentence, What does not exist?
Still can't see your error? A claim is NOT proof.
kids these days..

you both are so busy playing 'you said/i said' that your not saying anything..
Me: A claim of what "god is" is, ipso facto a claim that god exists.
Still can't see your error? A claim is NOT proof.
Not my error....

No I didn't.
Yeah you did...

No I didn't.
So your saying you made no claim for or against his omnipotence? This I assure you is true.

Still can't see your error? A claim is NOT proof.
There is no error to my logic. Stick to solipsism, you are really good at arguing against yourself.
Okay, one last attempt.
I'll give you the argument AGAIN, see if you can address it properly.

Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
If there IS a plan then either we're doing what god intended or we aren't.

Got that that so far?


It has been claimed that god is omniscient (i.e. knows everything).
Therefore any plan made by god will include and cater for any and all contingencies.

If we are not following that plan (as has ALSO been claimed) then, by definition we are doing something that is not part of the plan.
Got that?

THEREFORE the plan wasn't perfect.
THEREFORE god is not omniscient.
Since one of the prime attributes of god is claimed to be omniscience it follows that any being that isn't omniscient cannot be god.
THEREFORE what is claimed to be god isn't.

Point out the errors.
And stay on track.
Yes a natural plan will include and cater for all contingencies.(ie nature is perfect) But if you don't follow them it simply means you are unnatural or supernatural.
So effectively all you're doing is claiming that the previous claimant is wrong, and that we ARE following the plan?

Edit: PS you are, once again, diverting. Natural wasn't mentioned.
And your second sentence: "But if you don't follow them it simply means you are unnatural or supernatural" is incorrect given the initial postulate
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