Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

Oh, let's see.
A) that hardly constitutes a plan:

B) it disagrees with what is stated in the Bible (and theology).

C) where is the "guidance"?

The "scheme" is to make man as God. What disagrees with the bible? The bible was not written by God, and I have not met the prophets of the bible, so I pick what to believe as I have eye for good and evil, and I use my reason to from the ends to see what makes sense not according to the "natural," but to the ends.
What "scheme"?
You certainly didn't give one.

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation (Psalm 33:11).
This is the plan devised against the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out against all the nations. For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back? (Isaiah 14:26-27).
What "scheme"?
You certainly didn't give one.

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation (Psalm 33:11).
This is the plan devised against the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out against all the nations. For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back? (Isaiah 14:26-27).

Knowledge 1:1 All prior knowledge of the LORD is moot in the hands of man, even the smartest man can not comprehend what is destined of him for the lack of that faith is taught in this society. As man trys to understand God his understanding of God worsens. Then there is the man who understands but doesn't believe, even refutes it, worse, doesn't even hold hope to receive the mark of God.

I already stated the outline of the "plan," which is more just what is, and what will be.
Why did you bother posting total nonsense?
How is that, in any way, a response to my comments?
Oh, okay.
You'd rather posts drivel than try to actually reply.
The audience is relavent to omniscience, since it place limits on what omniscience can do with the audience. If I tried to explain chemisty to 1st grade students, I will need to stay very simple and may need to use analogies such as the planets and sun to explain an atom.

Technically this is incorrect, which any high school student can point out. But I could not directly explain the truth to the first graders or they will be totally lost and/or will lose interest. Omniscience knows how to cater to an audience in a way that builds the truth toward the final truth. If you did not cater to maximize understanding for all this would reflect less than omniscience. The idea is to maximize for all, which takes more omniscience than one size fits all.
Oh, okay.
You'd rather posts drivel than try to actually reply.

"Then there is the man who understands but doesn't believe, even refutes it"

I have answered all your "drivel" to the best of my understanding.
The audience is relavent to omniscience, since it place limits on what omniscience can do with the audience.
What "audience"?
Maybe you should read some posts before jumping in with irrelevancies.

If I tried to explain chemisty to 1st grade students, I will need to stay very simple and may need to use analogies such as the planets and sun to explain an atom.
So what?

Omniscience knows how to cater to an audience in a way that builds the truth toward the final truth. If you did not cater to maximize understanding for all this would reflect less than omniscience. The idea is to maximize for all, which takes more omniscience than one size fits all.
All of this is utterly irrelevant to the points under discussion.
"Then there is the man who understands but doesn't believe, even refutes it"

I have answered all your "drivel" to the best of my understanding.
Oh, got it. My apologies.
What you're saying is that can't understand the points made or the questions asked, so you're resorting to posting off-topic and inane nonsense.

Oh, got it. My apologies.
What you're saying is that can't understand the points made or the questions asked, so you're resorting to posting off-topic and inane nonsense.

"What you're saying is that can't understand the points made or the questions asked, so you're resorting to posting off-topic and inane nonsense." Back at you
Well argued. Succinct, nearly irrefutable and thoroughly logical. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh, though.
Well argued. Succinct, nearly irrefutable and thoroughly logical. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh, though.

i am beginning to think he is a sock puppet trying to validate claims made about anyone being able to make up their own rules for God..
i am beginning to think he is a sock puppet trying to validate claims made about anyone being able to make up their own rules for God..

Knowledge 1:2 I am a sock puppet? I assure you I am a man. You can not make up rules for God, I just gave you word of God that is all. My word will hold no less true than Peter, or James this I assure you.
So effectively all you're doing is claiming that the previous claimant is wrong, and that we ARE following the plan?
No. Learn to read. If you don't apply to natural rules then you are either above or below nature.
Edit: PS you are, once again, diverting. Natural wasn't mentioned.
And your second sentence: "But if you don't follow them it simply means you are unnatural or supernatural" is incorrect given the initial postulate

how is my initial postulate violated?