Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

If I wrote one book and you burned it. I no longer have a book.
So you're contending that what we know as the Ten Commandments today aren't actually the ones that were written on the stone tablets? That no one memorised what was on there, or copied it.

A better question would be if you are ever going to answer post 281.
That "question" has been replied to: I will not answer it until you do as requested.
Where did you say that?
in the disclaimer..(you don't know how to read between the lines?)

When I gave the argument it was predicated on simple claimed factors.
so you were so focus on getting him to understand you,that you failed to understand him..

No other "understanding" required. Then again, if it's true (that the new one IS required before understanding the old) why couldn't NH have said so, rather making it appear to be a non-sequitur?
because your not as smart as you think you are?..
why does everything need to be spelled out for you?

Plus, he had stated, more than once that he had already refuted my logic. :shrug:
it seems that word is used in a 'i don't agree with you' context here on sciforums.

Allow me some small digs. The guy has lied a number of times, without once acknowledging that he has done or apologising.
he is won't acknowledge it.

Again: huh? If the discussion is about A and B what is the point of introducing Z and W without showing how they are relevant? (If they are at all).
you don't give them a try to keep the focus on YOUR point.

All I'm left with is to agree or disagree with the claim as presented.
when all is said and done,this is all we have..
(see 'making decisions with limited information' a human condition..)

But I see you've added another lie to your catalogue.
Little miss can't be wrong?
do you really believe that is a productive argument??

take this from someone who knows..
you are emotionally driven.(not a bad thing by itself,acknowledgment helps)
you will deny this because it will make you feel inferior.(not to dismiss the desire to not acknowledge that i am right..IOW you will admit/not deny it just to make me wrong)
your desire to be 'right' interferes with you actually being 'right' (or more to the truth, you do not wish to feel 'wrong')
trying to convince others they are wrong, will never affect how wrong you feel..
(reverse justification? if i convince others they are wrong, that will make me feel right?)

you are not always wrong.
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Maybe the stones that they were written on got smashed, but didn't that "smash" the Commandments themselves any more than burning a book would destroy the words and thoughts within it.
If they (the Commandments) HAD been smashed then how come we know about them and still apply them today? :rolleyes:

so you were so focus on getting him to understand you,that you failed to understand him.
Okay, YOU explain to me what he meant. Go ahead... ;)

because your not as smart as you think you are?..
why does everything need to be spelled out for you?
Because if the subject of discussion is teapots what help is it introducing badgers?

he is won't acknowledge it.
Trying? I listed, specifically, what I wanted apologies for: he has so far failed completely to mention either of those things.

Little miss can't be wrong?
do you really believe that is a productive argument??
Except that, in this case, as the posts show, I'm not wrong. Do you think deliberately adding more lies is productive?

you are emotionally driven.(not a bad thing by itself,acknowledgment helps)
you will deny this because it will make you feel inferior.(not to dismiss the desire to not acknowledge that i am right..IOW you will admit/not deny it just to make me wrong)
I grant that with regard to lies/ lack of apology I am emotionally driven. What else do have here on the board except for "reputation"? If someone is accused of lying and lets it slide then either they're acknowledging it was a lie or they're indicating that they aren't bothered about being taken seriously.
I grant that with regard to lies/ lack of apology I am emotionally driven. What else do have here on the board except for "reputation"? If someone is accused of lying and lets it slide then either they're acknowledging it was a lie or they're indicating that they aren't bothered about being taken seriously.

"I Nietzschehimself admit that all my assumptions are false and that I have misrepresented actual concepts in the course of my discussion."

This right here does not qualify as an apology to dywyddyr. While I personally believe it is short succinct, emberassing to admit. He expected me not to apologize for the sole reason of evading a single question. Now he fails to accept my apology for the same reason. How much longer can this persist?
It's quite simple.
For one I doubt your sincerity - ALL of your assumptions are false?
For a second I asked specifically for you show where my logic had been refuted or retract that CLAIM (not assumption).
And thirdly I asked for evidence to support your ACCUSATION that I had been "less than truthful" or a retraction that ACCUSATION (nothing whatsoever about "actual concepts").

All clearly laid out in post #285.

And I see that, once again, you are making unwarranted assumptions: your post #305 is unsupported by evidence.
It's quite simple.
For one I doubt your sincerity - ALL of your assumptions are false?

Yes because they follow your false logic.
For a second I asked specifically for you show where my logic had been refuted or retract that CLAIM (not assumption).
And thirdly I asked for evidence to support your ACCUSATION that I had been "less than truthful" or a retraction that ACCUSATION (nothing whatsoever about "actual concepts").
I dont have any evidence for either of those, So your asking me to lie here? I retract the accusation that I deal with actual concepts. Happy?
Yes because they follow your false logic.
The logic YOU have claimed to be false yet have not shown to be so, you mean?

I dont have any evidence for either of those
So now you deny you accused me of being less than truthful? That you have claimed my logic has actually been refuted?

, So your asking me to lie here?
Ah, I see, you only lie on your own behalf. :rolleyes:
The logic YOU have claimed to be false yet have not shown to be so, you mean?
You have shown my conditions and assumptions false. Therefore they are false. I do not refute this issue.

So now you deny you accused me of being less than truthful? That you have claimed my logic has actually been refuted?
When you lie to yourself publicly, do you lie to the public?

Ah, I see, you only lie on your own behalf. :rolleyes:

Assumption. A false one at that.
When you lie to yourself publicly, do you lie to the public?
I wouldn't know. Why don't you tell me?
You said:
you refuse to answer questions truthfully.
You said:
So quit lying(to yourself)

And further evidence of your insincerity:
Post 313
You have shown my conditions and assumptions false. Therefore they are false. I do not refute this issue.
Post 311
Yes because they follow your false logic.

Or do you now also retract the claim that MY logic is faulty (since you have not yet shown, or even attempted to show, that it is so)?
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We shall.

Do you believe that nature is perfect in every way?


This is an irrefutable fact.
Within the bounds of physics.

Here, the U S version and use of the word perfect must be used and thus a perfect state can move to a more perfect state. This allows for evolution and we are thus a part of this evolving perfection.

Candide inadvertently helps us out.

"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

Wait you missed part of that one... "I can't follow my chain of logic when you refuse to answer questions truthfully." Which bring us back to you evading questions.

You misrepresented another point you refused to acknowledge.

"So quit lying(to yourself), your not going to hurt my feelings by saying you don't believe in omniscience. Just realize that is a belief."

Or do you now also retract the claim that MY logic is faulty (since you have not yet shown, or even attempted to show, that it is so)?

No. Your logic is the only reason my mocking positions over your standpoint are incorrect. You don't think so? Bring one of them into discussion. That or evade the "Is nature perfect?" question like you have been doing for a page and a half.

So your choices are EVADE or EVADE. I wonder what you are going to choose?
Wait you missed part of that one... "I can't follow my chain of logic when you refuse to answer questions truthfully." Which bring us back to you evading questions.

You misrepresented another point you refused to acknowledge.

"So quit lying(to yourself), your not going to hurt my feelings by saying you don't believe in omniscience. Just realize that is a belief."
Yet BOTH were accusation of me not being truthful.
Can you show, at all, anywhere, where I have been untruthful?

No. Your logic is the only reason my mocking positions over your standpoint are incorrect. You don't think so? Bring one of them into discussion.
Yet, one more time, all you have done is CLAIM that my standpoint is incorrect. You have consistently failed to show that is so.

So your choices are EVADE or EVADE. I wonder what you are going to choose?
As noted: once you have apologised.
The only way for your assumptions to be correct is if we certify that nature is faulty. We know as an Absolute truth nature is not faulty, so the premise of your assumptions is incorrect.
The only way for your assumptions to be correct is if we certify that nature is faulty. We know as an Absolute truth nature is not faulty, so the premise of your assumptions is incorrect.
And what "assumptions" have I made?