Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

Ah. You're ignoring things again simply because you insist on "god exists because... uh, well he just does".
Gesundheit! ;)
You know I used to try to say words when I sneezed - which is not uncouth like trying to say words when burping (my aesthetics) - but as well as 'episte..' would go, 'mological' would be a challenge. But don't think for one moment I won't try.
Which ones?
Oh, well, you must have them or you wouldn't be able to say his or her reasoning and/evidence are problematic. You could only scream 'I remain unconvinced'. Which I think is a good thing to scream and it shortens discussions. (again, my aesthetics). If 'they' then say you should be convinced, you can say you are unconvinced by that. Very hard to end up defending assumptions with that tack.

No charge for the tip.
No I was actually looking for a valid argument.
Ah, that must be why you haven't posted one yet: you can't find one.
So, ready to apologise for accusing me of lying? Or even back up your assertion?

I'm almost too tired of laughing at the same unchallenging joke
If it's so "unchallenging" how come you've consistently avoided addressing it?
Yeah "unchallenging". As pineal pointed out I can sit here and point out that I never said "god, exists" nor have I provided a reason as absolutely absurd as you suggest I have. Im no expert but I think that makes you a liar.
Yeah "unchallenging".
Then provide your refutation.

As pineal pointed out I can sit here and point out that I never said "god, exists"
Oops, lie:
Yes he [god] consists of every natural object

nor have I provided a reason as absolutely absurd as you suggest I have.
The only way for your assumptions to be correct is if we certify that nature is faulty. We know as an Absolute truth nature is not faulty, so the premise of your assumptions is incorrect.

Im no expert but I think that makes you a liar.
You're right. You're not an expert, but you are a liar.
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

The words were. God "exists" as a straight proclamation of my belief that lead directly to the belief of god. A definition of the word is not proof of belief. take it back. It is not true.
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

The words were. God "exists" as a straight proclamation of my belief that lead directly to the belief of god. A definition of the word is not proof of belief. take it back. It is not true.
A claim of what "god is" (especially since that claim is "every natural object") is, ipso facto a claim that god exists.
Or maybe you're going to deny "everything natural" doesn't actually exist?

I see that you're incapable of giving a rational or coherent (or honest) reply.
I'm done with you.