Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

Statement 1) God didn't intend it to be this way

God intention is making man as his children. God doesn't intend to be as it is now in end, so it will not be.

Statement 2) Shit is going according to God's plan

Yes, apparently.

Statement 3) He did not intend for us to worship idols
therefore we can go against god's plan. Therefore god isn't omniscient.


Got it yet?

I never didn't have it.
God intention is making man as his children. God doesn't intend to be as it is now in end, so it will not be.
Then we're going against the plan. :rolleyes:

Which contradicts the plan: i.e. god is fallible.

I never didn't have it.
Then why do you persist in contradicting yourself? Why do you appear to be incapable of making a rational argument?
Then we're going against the plan. :rolleyes:

Which contradicts the plan: i.e. god is fallible.

How, and how? I would like to make it clear that I feel you should stop speaking on the subject if you desire eternity. You work to undo faith, punishable by eternal burn.
How, and how?
If there is a plan and we are doing something that is not in, or according to, that plan then, necessarily, we are are not following that plan.

I would like to make it clear that I feel you should stop speaking on the subject if you desire eternity.
And why exactly do you feel this? Bearing in mind that you have no actual knowledge regarding this?

You work to undo faith, punishable by eternal burn.
Again, you make claims on a subject of which you know nothing. Plus, of course, you're ignoring the fact that, if god does exist, then I'm doing exactly what he intended for me to do.
If there is a plan and we are doing something that is not in, or according to, that plan then, necessarily, we are are not following that plan.

Ok? Your point?

And why exactly do you feel this? Bearing in mind that you have no actual knowledge regarding this?

Listen, or not, I don't need to prove myself to you.

Again, you make claims on a subject of which you know nothing. Plus, of course, you're ignoring the fact that, if god does exist, then I'm doing exactly what he intended for me to do.

God does exist, and you are far from what he see's as great.
Ok? Your point?
Oh boy, have you been reading ANY of this thread at all?
If we can go against god's plan then god is not omniscient. Therefore he isn't, by definition, god. :rolleyes:

Listen, or not, I don't need to prove myself to you.
Agreed. But why do have this compulsion to make pronunciations based on ignorance? I note that you didn't answer the question...

God does exist
That's a supposition, not a fact.

and you are far from what he see's as great.
At no point did I claim to be great, simply, again, exactly what he wants me to be.
For example, pick your opponents / battles more carefully.
Meh, you mean stay out threads with idiots in them? ;)

Choose those who have a similar level of competence in debate as you.
I've never done a debate. I simply follow the logic. :p
(I dunno whether to be flattered or not).
A frustration? When responses include claims I didn't make?
which is why you are frustrated.

I should just let stupidity perpetuate?
Like you can do anything to change that...

Correction: people, because they seem to prefer being emotional, see it as judgmental. I just stick with the logic.
you make definitive assertions based on your own interpretation and experiences. (projection?)

Enjoy the discussions? I would, if discussion were offered (as opposed to diversion, misinterpretation, lies and sheer stupidity).
definitive assertions. aka judgmentalism

1) I have never claimed to be infallible or to know everything.
2) I have, throughout, presented my chain of logic.
3) At no point has that chain of logic been directly addressed, let alone refuted. You, on the other hand, have resorted to diversion, obfuscation, non-sequiturs, misinterpretation and lies.
so if we don't respond how you think we should respond,means we are wrong?

If we don't play your way,your not gonna play?? (but then we wouldn't have any fun..:p)
Oh boy, have you been reading ANY of this thread at all?
If we can go against god's plan then god is not omniscient. Therefore he isn't, by definition, god. :rolleyes:

But we can't, and we do not.

At no point did I claim to be great, simply, again, exactly what he wants me to be.

God wants all his children to be great, not only the children of God.
There are "levels" of fallibility?
At some point a human can start talking. Most of the time this is a poor idea. So how far do you contend that you can ramble on without making a mistake?

Or more fallible than nature, less than a bug, Until three trustworthy people tell me I'm wrong. Tons of things you could have said... Or is it that you just don't know?

1) I have never claimed to be infallible or to know everything.
2) I have, throughout, presented my chain of logic.
3) At no point has that chain of logic been directly addressed, let alone refuted. You, on the other hand, have resorted to diversion, obfuscation, non-sequiturs, misinterpretation and lies.
1) Your point? Never claimed you were.... wait what was that word again... oh yeah evasion. I can't follow my chain of logic when you refuse to answer questions truthfully.
2)Presented your fallible arguments... yes
3)Post 248, you refuse to comment. I think there is a word for that... wait oh yeah... EVASION... I wait five whole pages for you to bring up some part of the ten commandments...
Edit: and you are largely incoherent, you rarely say exactly what you mean, and appear to have great difficulties in doing so even when you intend to do that.

Again... I apologize I can't reconfigure your assumptions to fit reality.
But we can't, and we do not.
Let me see:
Shit is the way it is because MAN made it this way.
Man did, not what god decided.

He [god] didn't intend for it to be this way
If god didn't intend it this way then he didn't plan it to be this way. Therefore we're doing something not in the plan.

Only because man choose it to be this way.
If it's ONLY because man chose it then god didn't plan it.

Not what you have claimed in the past.
But, accepting your premise that we can't and we don't, then we don't have free will.

God wants all his children to be great, not only the children of God.
That, stipulating the existence of god, is self-evidently incorrect, given your statement that we cannot and do not go against god's will.
If god exists and we cannot do anything other than his will then we are, each and and every one of us, EXACTLY what he wants us to be at each stage in our lives.
if you desire eternity.

You work to undo faith,
i have been round and round with dyw, this statement is inaccurate although understandable..

The weak of faith can be destroyed by such scrutiny, but if your foundation is solid it will strengthen your faith.(also the weak of faith comes across as babbling, as you do.)

I would question the foundation of your faith, not to destroy it, but to rebuild it..Dyw questions it just because he can..

what is your church history?

punishable by eternal burn.
A threat man makes..

God intention is..
red flag statement..
that may be what he wants from you..that doesn't mean he wants that for everyone else..
and we are back to judgementalism and frustration..

Uncalled for and as a believer you should know better..
At some point a human can start talking. Most of the time this is a poor idea. So how far do you contend that you can ramble on without making a mistake?
I dunno. Let's see shall we?

Or more fallible than nature, less than a bug, Until three trustworthy people tell me I'm wrong. Tons of things you could have said... Or is it that you just don't know?

1) Your point? Never claimed you were.... wait what was that word again... oh yeah evasion.
Then why ask if I'm capable of acknowledging my own fallibility? If you agree that I have never claimed to be infallible, and that neither have you, then my fallibility doesn't become a question.

I can't follow my chain of logic when you refuse to answer questions truthfully.
Please show where I have been less than truthful.

2)Presented your fallible arguments... yes
Good. My argument is fallible. Now show me how it is so and elucidate the faults in it.

3)Post 248, you refuse to comment. I think there is a word for that... wait oh yeah... EVASION..
Correction. Post #248 came AFTER I stated that I was no longer to engage you with regard to prior discussion (and it was also an evasion on your part).

I wait five whole pages for you to bring up some part of the ten commandments.
And I still haven't.

Again... I apologize I can't reconfigure your assumptions to fit reality.
And I'm sorry that you are incapable of recognising reality.
Dywder, you are lost inherently damned.
And you still can't explain the contradictory claims you make, nor support your position.

If (note the word IF) I really am damned it's because (according to your theology) god intended me to be. All I'm doing is providing some amusement for a psychopathic sadist with immense power.
i have been round and round with dyw, this statement is inaccurate although understandable..


The weak of faith can be destroyed by such scrutiny, but if your foundation is solid it will strengthen your faith.(also the weak of faith comes across as babbling, as you do.)

I am babbling, sorry YHWH.

I would question the foundation of your faith, not to destroy it, but to rebuild it..Dyw questions it just because he can..

This your right according to free will, but not your right according to me.

what is your church history?

Sunday school drop out, annually attend Catholic church for X-mas, and Easter.

A threat man makes..

Carried out by angels.

red flag statement..
that may be what he wants from you..that doesn't mean he wants that for everyone else..

Whats the context of that?

and we are back to judgementalism and frustration..

I will judge as I have been, God gave me that right. Frustration because time draws near, and still the resistance is strong.

Uncalled for and as a believer you should know better..

I do as God will have me, not a church.
And you still can't explain the contradictory claims you make, nor support your position.

If (note the word IF) I really am damned it's because (according to your theology) god intended me to be. All I'm doing is providing some amusement for a psychopathic sadist with immense power.

Holly Christ. Were do you trace your lineage, if you don't mind?