Atheists: Get A Life!!!!!

^ if s.a.m. is a muslim, then yes, it is kind of ironic regarding the situations occurring in most islamic societies.

though, it has one positive thing to it, it shows that not every muslim is living under a rock. now all they need to do is apply those ideas on their own societies.
I think atheists will make the world a dull and dreary place.

Nobody will be able to celebrate anything without upsetting them and having their dull signs and tedious lawsuits to inject misery in every happy occasion. :bawl:

Soon you'll have their miserable pronouncements overshadowing every festival, Christmas will become a commercial enterprise lacking any cheer, nativity scenes will disappear, churches will be abandoned and replaced with sterile ugly [but practical] buildings. It will become impossible to have a Santa in the store and choirs and carollers will be banned. No more Christmas lights, Easter baskets no more public adhans or Diwali crackers in public.

Everyone will be dull and practical and live like drones.

Everyone will be rationalised to death.

I have to agree with this.

As an agnostic I hold see most religions as pointless holdovers from the past. That said, however, I see no harm in a president following a tradition and saying "So help me God," "In God we trust" being on the money and other religious inscriptions being on governmental works. For better or worse, people are religious. Trying to remove every drop religion entirely from our government is undemocratic and patently disrespectful to the vast majority of people who hold those views.

Passing laws that make people believe in a religion is one thing, having a peppering of religious nonsense in government is both unavoidable and reasonable when most people are religious.

PsychoTropicPuppy is a Sock Puppet

nope. this is my very first and only account. ;)

besides that, i find it kind of disheartening when someone accuses me of fraudulent actions without even supporting those claims with solid proof.

just for the sake of it, should i return you the favour? :rolleyes:
Something about rocks?

PsychoTropicPuppy said:

just for the sake of it, should i return you the favour?

What, you mean like an exchange? You did a favor, and it was returned. If you want to keep the cycle going, well ... the only advice I might give is that these aren't the best favors to be trading.
What, you mean like an exchange? You did a favor, and it was returned.

what favour are we speaking of, mister/miss? referring to my previous post? i didn't know that this would be considered as a threat since i pointed out that s.a.m. seems to be one of the more open-minded muslims i've met so far, but if people interpret it as negative, then w/e..

though, i don't quite agree with s.a.m.'s response as in accusing me of being a sock puppet. or is it normal to randomly accuse people of fraudulence on here? :rolleyes:
If you want to keep the cycle going, well ... the only advice I might give is that these aren't the best favors to be trading.
the "roll eyes" smiley should have been enough of a hint to point out the sarcasm.
Innocence? Or unfortunate naîvete?

PsychoTropicPuppy said:

what favour are we speaking of, mister/miss? referring to my previous post? i didn't know that this would be considered as a threat since i pointed out that s.a.m. seems to be one of the more open-minded muslims i've met so far, but if people interpret it as negative, then w/e.

Yeah, actually, I am referring to your previous post. Including your attack against Muslims.

though, it has one positive thing to it, it shows that not every muslim is living under a rock. now all they need to do is apply those ideas on their own societies.

The presumption that S.A.M. apparently testifies against—Muslims living under rocks—is grotesque and stupid in and of itself. And what is it about Muslims living in the United States that they should "apply those ideas to their own societies"? The U.S. is her society.

It's a strange thing that goes on around here: Muslims are regarded exceptionally. That is, people seem to think that because the target is a Muslim, it's fair to presume, accuse, and abuse in ways we wouldn't accept regarding others.

Like Swivel's post earlier. Look what the Muslim said? I don't see how the specific of being Muslim has anything to do with the discussion. Theist? Sure. Monotheist? Most definitely. But Muslim? In response to the proposition of "embracing the concept of coexistence"?

Sure, I dispute her assertion. Monotheists in the United States will embrace coexistence as long as other people coexist as the monotheists say they should. Apparently, though, atheists telling religious people to get the hell off their backs is somehow sinister, or even fascistic. Laughable, yes, but hardly a problem restricted to Muslims.

I understand the theistic complaint in a certain context. Our own atheists here at Sciforums, despite their appeal to the rational, aren't especially rational. But that occurs in the context of an ongoing political dispute. Still, though, how one group responds to chronic annoyance is its own issue, and one S.A.M.'s appeal to coexistence willfully ignores. But that deliberate apathy has nothing to do with Islam specifically.

though, i don't quite agree with s.a.m.'s response as in accusing me of being a sock puppet. or is it normal to randomly accuse people of fraudulence on here?

Not especially normal, nor is it random. I can understand her suspicion. Your denigration has a familiar tone. To the other, though, I've found the variations on the theme of belittling Islam to lack creativity, so the fact that you can't manage anything better than any others isn't especially suspicious to me.
I have to agree with this.

As an agnostic I hold see most religions as pointless holdovers from the past. That said, however, I see no harm in a president following a tradition and saying "So help me God," "In God we trust" being on the money and other religious inscriptions being on governmental works. For better or worse, people are religious. Trying to remove every drop religion entirely from our government is undemocratic and patently disrespectful to the vast majority of people who hold those views.

Passing laws that make people believe in a religion is one thing, having a peppering of religious nonsense in government is both unavoidable and reasonable when most people are religious.

Well said. That's exactly the attitude I support.
Well said. That's exactly the attitude I support.

I'd make an additional correction: for better or worse, people have a wide range of beliefs. Within reasonable limits guided by civility and (un)common sense, this diversity should be embraced as part of the human experience
Coexistence should be extended across borders? Not a bad idea: maybe we should all BDS those who are unwilling to coexist
I'd make an additional correction: for better or worse, people have a wide range of beliefs. Within reasonable limits guided by civility and (un)common sense, this diversity should be embraced as part of the human experience

and atheists are against this?

your ignorance is a little sickening
Yeah, actually, I am referring to your previous post. Including your attack against Muslims.

attack? i saw attack against atheists? right, we're even.

besides, why should a religious receive unadulterated and unquestioning respect when knowing that the religious person is representing a religion that in itself is disrespecting everything that's not part of it, or doesn't conform to its doctrines. so, the intolerant stance of the religious should be freely tolerated while criticising a religion is strongly disliked, if not demonized and looked upon as if it's a crime to question the credibility of a religious' statement? nice double-standard right there.

logically, one would realise that even the christians are flawed, and if s.a.m. would have been a christian, i'd say something similar. people are so hypersensitive when someone dares to say something critical about islam.
The presumption that S.A.M. apparently testifies against—Muslims living under rocks—is grotesque and stupid in and of itself. And what is it about Muslims living in the United States that they should "apply those ideas to their own societies"? The U.S. is her society.
i don't think that it's grotesque nor stupid. i merely pointed out that not all muslims are the way they're being described by the media, etc. and that s.a.m. is a good example to disprove the theory of a many, muslims being evil and ignorant. i don't care where she's from. she's part of a religion, and, supposedly, she believes in the given holy scripts and consequently she's reflecting what's written in it whether she wants it or not, the fact that she considers herself a muslim is enough. so she should get along with the fact that her belief would eventually get questioned.

when i said islamic societies, i thought of countries where the politics and laws are based on islam, and then someone who's partially part of it says "I'd suggest they start with embracing the concept of coexistence." look at the shiites and the sunnis..they're in conflict for i don't know how long. or look at what happened when christianity took control over europe and what happened to all those so-called "infidels". or the conflicts between religion and human rights. i found it ironic to hear that from a "monotheist" who represents all of that. what else does a representative of a seriously flawed religion expect? praise? love? respect? if they don't want to be confronted with criticism then they should step out of that "sect" and believe in their god without being part of any of those institutions.

oh, WAIT! every human being has the right to have their religious harmony preserved. oh wait...but i'm a heretic, and in the bible and the quran there are verses about me, quite unpleasant verses, verses that discriminate against my existence, etc. wonderful. i really should become that big of a hypocrite and support and respect this.

that's right, there are always exceptions, but that's, sadly, just a minority.

what about the oh-so-peaceful-and-respectful coexistence of homosexuals and monotheists? oh right..that doesn't exist.

or monotheists citing passages of the holy scripts to support the enforcing of the subdued place of women in home and society. pure co existential harmony.
It's a strange thing that goes on around here: Muslims are regarded exceptionally. That is, people seem to think that because the target is a Muslim, it's fair to presume, accuse, and abuse in ways we wouldn't accept regarding others.
it's quite a strange thing that goes on around here: critical posts about islam are regarded as exceptionally. insulting. discriminating.

amusing is that religious people are never short of citing "offence" at criticism hurled at their religion, but often have no scruple about causing real damage and pain in form of words and, sadly, even actions, in other words, massively disrespecting the rights and liberties of other individuals. ironic.

Like Swivel's post earlier. Look what the Muslim said? I don't see how the specific of being Muslim has anything to do with the discussion. Theist? Sure. Monotheist? Most definitely. But Muslim? In response to the proposition of "embracing the concept of coexistence"?
muslims are monotheists.
it just happened that s.a.m.'s a muslim? my response would have been the same even if s.a.m. would have been a christian.

Not especially normal, nor is it random. I can understand her suspicion. Your denigration has a familiar tone. To the other, though, I've found the variations on the theme of belittling Islam to lack creativity, so the fact that you can't manage anything better than any others isn't especially suspicious to me.
right. i can see how objective you are.

all in all, i can throw the question back at you. so just because she's a muslims she's got the right to reside on an elevated pedestal, shielded from criticism and arguments that we'd be vigorously applying to any other form of claims made by any other kind monotheist, yes? funny.

yes, the medias brainwashed me. goddammit! :rolleyes:
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What part of not imposing your ideology on other people is hard to fathom? Atheism per se is a negative movement. Anti-everything they don't agree with. Not pro-anything

This is such a load of dung.

As an atheist, I am pro a whole lot of things. Pro humanist, pro science, pro responsibility, pro freedom, pro love for ALL people regardless of religion.

And contrary to your very sheltered and one sided views of atheists based on a few of the loud minority, I am full of life, love, joy, passion and service to others. My life is not dull, pragmatic or boring at all. I love, so that the example of my love resonates to all the people I touch. I am fervently passionate about helping others to help themselves. I am full of purpose and full of happiness and I can't wait to share those things with other people. My life isn't about how to get into heaven, but how I can make my fellow human beings weight a little bit less in THIS life. That is a far greater purpose than the laws you obey so that you can be in good favor to your God or Gods. Faithful adherence to laws and texts is in no way greater than the choice each individual can make to do good for goodness sake alone.

What kind of world could we have without religion? The same one we have now, because there will always be people who choose to follow and those people who choose to lead. It won't matter if it is religion, or ideology or political system. But I can say with a clear conscience that I feel that I have loved the world so fully that I can be satisfied. That is all I need. You can keep your ideas of heaven, afterlife's, virgins, and rewards given for duty to your God or Gods. I have the smile and love of my fellow man, and that is worth far more than any of that.

Not all atheists are the same, and there is a very loud minority that chooses to champion a banner that does not stand for all atheists, just as there are Muslim, Jewish, Christian and even Buddhist zealots. There will always be people who negatively take things to extreme, but they are not representatives of the majority and you can not judge a ideology for it's extremely loud few. To do so, is a disservice to yourself as it keeps your mind and heart too closed off.

Believe me when I tell you that my life is rich, full and happy. It's exciting and passionate and full of satisfaction. Not many can say the same, and sometimes they get to the end of their life and wonder what they did with it. I won't have to say that, and that is a treasure.
And your point being?

I wouldn't be allowed near Mecca as an atheist. The Muslim faith is largely based on the conversion or death of infidels. Their behavior leads me to believe that this ideology is still a focus today. A Muslim telling the world to get along makes me throw up in my mouth.

People that feign ignorance about what I meant make me laugh. :p