Atheists: Get A Life!!!!!

Atheists do not want to ban the nativity or the hijab. They only want their government not to represent a particular religious point of view. ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF SOCIETY ARE FREE TO DO AS THEY WISH. Do you get it now? I'm completely tolerant of religious practices in all other aspects of life, just not government. You consistently misrepresent my complaint as objecting to all overt displays and representations of religion.

I do coexist, most of my friends are either Christian or some form of theist.

I see you missed my point about secular societies. And in fact, amply demonstrated it. :D
That they are created by theists who are flexible in their attitudes. Not by atheists, they are still inflexible as the fluffy lawsuits show.
Our secular principles were indeed created by mostly religious people to ensure religious freedom. They become hypocrites by insisting on an exception for Christian customs. Don't fool yourself, they aren't tolerant of other religions at all.
If we compare worst to worst, I think atheists will be winners by a greater margin. I prefer to compare best to best.

And best to best, I find Christians to be more flexible than atheists.
If we compare worst to worst, I think atheists will be winners by a greater margin. I prefer to compare best to best.

And best to best, I find Christians to be more flexible than atheists.

I'm flexible in that I support personal religious freedom. I'm just not flexible one bit with respect to religion as a part of government customs. This country is a home for all religions (or no religion) only as long as our government keeps the hell out of it.
Like I said, secular societies are a result of theists extending themselves. Its why theist societies work.
They had no choice. In a multicultural society, a theist government would create unrest and probably lead to violence.
You can reverse it and compare theists living under atheist societies, if you like. While theists can extend themselves to accept other systems, it just does not work the other way around. Majority theist societies will permit self government of other systems, atheists will not. Majority theist societies will adopt secular mores whereby they will be willing to give up, for example as in Lebanon, the right to majority rule by one theistic group, atheists will not. Majority theist societies will even be willing to support a society where there is separation of church and state. You'll never see a majority atheist society bending the same way.

So it doesn't matter whether its a "religious" society or a secular society. It only "works" when the majority of the people are theists.
Today about 76%[1] of Swedes belong to the Church of Sweden, but the number is decreasing by about one per cent every year, and Church of Sweden services are sparsely attended (hovering in the single digit percentages of the population).[3] The reason for the large number of inactive members is partly that until 1996, children became members automatically at birth if at least one of their parents were a member. Since 1996, all children that are baptised become members. Some 275,000 Swedes are today members of various free churches (where congregation attendance is much higher), and, in addition, immigration has meant that there are now some 92,000 Roman Catholics and 100,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians living in Sweden.[4] Due to immigration, Sweden also has a significant Muslim population. As many as 500,000 are Muslims by tradition[5] and between 80,000 - 400,000 of these are practicing Muslims.
No it means that the questions asked in the polls do not reflect religiosity

Q: Do you pray 5 times a day?

Me: No

Q: non-religious
SAM said:
That they are created by theists who are flexible in their attitudes
Not the US.
SAM said:
Majority theist societies will even be willing to support a society where there is separation of church and state.
Not willingly. At gunpoint.
SAM said:
You understand that the secularity of American society is based ENTIRELY on its acceptance by theists.
One reason it's at risk. The atheists managed to get their way in the Constitution, with religious war fresh in everyone's mind and a religiously disparate nation to unify, but a new day is a new opportunity, and we've got Pledges to God and "faith-based" criteria for governmental hiring and spending.and an increasingly theistic military, especially the Air Force. You may have noticed some of the effects of that, of late.
SAM said:
I'd suggest they start with embracing the concept of coexistence. Its a nonnegotiable aspect of any society
Right now we've got spreading theisms that can't even coexist with the theisms most closely related to them. We've got theisms that can't coexist with nude swimming or a beer on Sunday. And they are quite durable. The Islamic civilizations have been around a long time, and coexist by writing their religion into the law - apparently coexistence is capable of fairly significant negotiations after all.
SAM said:
Its based on the flexibility of theists towards positions other than their own.
The only flexible theists are the ones answerable to other beliefs. Where one kind gets sufficient power, flexibility tends to disappear.
SAM said:
That poll is bogus.
No, it isn't.
SAM said:
No it means that the questions asked in the polls do not reflect religiosity
Yes, they do. Deal.