Atheistic Trolls...?

So you are basically saying that you blame me for all that is wrong in your opinion with this world? :eek:
Banshee: I didn't compare them. I said it is beb's idea of 'free speech' that allows this to happen.

Beb: learn how to reply with some substance. Or at least learn how to read. I said it is people like you who allow these kinds of things to be possible. I said your view is one of the things I find wrong with this planet.
Beautiful post, Tyler. I could not have said it before.

Or, to quote a movie

"I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I want to smoke Cuban cigars the size of Cincinatti in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked, with green jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine.

Why? Because I suddenly like feel the need"


Of course. It's Dave's site, and he gets to make the rules.
You said people like me, so you are then assuming that I would do something like this, which is what you think is what's wrong with world, right? However, I would not do something like this, that proves how much you know about "people like me". What exactly are people like me? do you think you have somehow pinpointed my personality? I seriously doubt it. But please, humour me...:)
I would like to comment your comment about my ability to read, and if I would do so, then it would probably be in the lines of questioning your ability to connect words with thoughts, which you seem to have a problem with, but I won't...of course.

"You said people like me, so you are then assuming that I would do something like this, which is what you think is what's wrong with world, right? However, I would not do something like this, that proves how much you know about "people like me". What exactly are people like me? do you think you have somehow pinpointed my personality? I seriously doubt it. But please, humour me..."

It's Banshee that's Dutch, right? If your first not language is not English, I apologize for the following comment in advance. English is not a difficult language. I said: "i is people like you who allow these kinds of things to be possible.". That is what I said. If you can quote me saying "people like you do these things" I will send you all of my money for the next 10 years. Furthermore, I used the word 'like'. Which means that even if I had said that "people like you do these things" I did not say it was you who would do this type of thing. Now you will see what I mean when I suggest you go back to English class.

"I would like to comment your comment about my ability to read, and if I would do so, then it would probably be in the lines of questioning your ability to connect words with thoughts, which you seem to have a problem with, but I won't...of course"

No, because insinuating it is oh so much more polite. Anyway, either you can't read or you choose not to read. I could see it going either way.

Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you began posting something of substance. So far all you have said relates to your misinterputation of my words. Actually, misinterputation isn't even the word. Lack of ability to read is the only phrase that fits.

Xev; thank you. And another nice quote.
Originally posted by Xev
Or, to quote a movie

"I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I want to smoke Cuban cigars the size of Cincinatti in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked, with green jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine.

Why? Because I suddenly like feel the need."

Whoo! Hoo! Demolition Man!
It's spelled misinterpretation, isn't it?
Is English your native language?
I do not misinterpret you at all Tyler, it's you who read in things in my comments that aren't there. It's you who have reading problems.
So send me your money.

Well, enough of this. You stay away from me and I will stay away from you.

Not to be mean or anything, but it seems like you are making all kinds of enemies.
Thoughts by others

I think these are relevant. Trust to Picard to put it succintly. ;)

With the first link, a chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. - Picard, ST:TNG, quoting a fictional judge, The Drumhead

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth, more than ruin, more even than death... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man. - Bertrand Russell

Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. - William Pitt

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evilminded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, wellmeaning but without understanding. - Justice Louis D. Brandeis

The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is besides the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech. - Justice Anthony Kennedy


Sorry to just give quotations but if I actually enter this issue I'll have to start taking heads.
*Zero pads out of the corner of the room and starts whimpering at people's feet looking for scraps and petting*

Holy cow, what the hell happened to this thread? It seems to have gained weight since the last time I saw it. Maybe it needs a diet.:D

Seriously, I believe the definition of freedom to be (roughly) "being able to do whatever you desire without affecting the freedom of other people". Do whatever the hell you want, but don't restrict or damage the freedom of other people. Tell me if you don't agree and we'll sort it out.

Frankly I see Bebelina getting a bit too excited about posts that shouldn't really matter, and I also see a room full of people ganging up on her. Not sure if I like this situation, but hey. What do I know. *sigh*
"being able to do whatever you desire without affecting the freedom of other people"

I agree. And bullying and abusive language do damage the freedom of others.
Yes, maybe I am getting overly excited about this, but that is just because I'm fed up with this situation. That every time anybody sais something that the bullies don't find compatible to their worldview, they immediately resort to personal attacks and abusive language instead of discussing whatever subject was at hand.

But we all know this by now, so maybe this discussion is finally over.
Originally posted by Bebelina
And bullying and abusive language do damage the freedom of others.

They most certainly don't affect the right to the pursuit of happiness. If I'm unhappy, I can still pursue happiness. I can recover.

Yes, maybe I am getting overly excited about this, but that is just because I'm fed up with this situation. That every time anybody sais something that the bullies don't find compatible to their worldview, they immediately resort to personal attacks and abusive language instead of discussing whatever subject was at hand.

Gee, Bebelina, you've never launched a verbal attack on anyone. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Bebelina
I agree. And bullying and abusive language do damage the freedom of others.

I really don't see how abusive language can do any kind of damage to someone elses freedom, they can still do what they want and they can use abusive language back. It absolutly does not affect another persons freedom.
Increan, then what about this?

"Rape does not affect the freedom of others, they can still rape back"

"Violence does not affect the freedom of others, they can still fight back"

"Stealing does not affect the freedom of others, they can still steal back"

etc. It simply does not work. And reality is, you can get done for verbal abuse.
Originally posted by Zero
Increan, then what about this?

"Rape does not affect the freedom of others, they can still rape back"

"Violence does not affect the freedom of others, they can still fight back"

"Stealing does not affect the freedom of others, they can still steal back"

etc. It simply does not work. And reality is, you can get done for verbal abuse.

Of course rape and violence can affect a persons freedom, its physical. Stealing does not affect it. and what does "you can get done for verbal abuse" mean? You really should have thought through your post IT Simply Does Not Work.
Verbal abuse is considered a crime and can be pnishable by law.

And so you think stealing is okay?
I never said I thought any of it was ok, but verbal abuse and stealing are not things that can affect someone elses freedom. Like the guy who owns a K-Mart is no less free if someone steals a CD from there now is he?
The guy who owned the Kmart now has lost the freedom/ability to sell that particular CD. The thief has deprived the Kmart owner of the freedom to sell that item, since it is now gone.

Verbal abuse reduces a person's mental freedom by inflicting psychic pain which hinders the victim.

This all sounds trivial, but remember that both are punishable by law, and the consequences are serious.