Atheistic Trolls...?

So Tyler, you think abusive language is ok, as is violence, because otherwise your freedom is invaded? If you call someone a nigger, do you then get upset if that person then sues you? Would that person be a lesser man than you? Would you be disgusted by his act?

Don't think I am against you or anything I am just trying to show you how you view freedom of speech is not the way it is. Thats all
Originally posted by Bebelina
Well, those were private messages to me, so I don't want to forward them to anybody, out of respect for those who sent them. So you have received nothing from Oxygen?

I meant simply forward the part of the message which indicated my status, ie "They are hanging by a thread", and that's all. However you may not wish to send even that.

And no, I've never received anything from Oxygen, never even talked with him/her on a thread.

Abusive language should not be included in free speech, just as violence is not included in a free society.

Luckily, neither the UN Declaration of Human Rights nor the US Constitution uses such a strange definition of "free speech".

Xev, my problem with you, is that you have a problem with me. I was here before you. When you came, I first liked you, I thought you were funny. But then your personality got more and more deranged, saying nothing but insults and being condensending. You stopped being funny, and became just abusive.

I don't have any issues or problems with you. I occasionally find you to be rather cloying, but generally steer clear.

I've occasionally amused myself by a bit of piss-taking, and watched you get worked up over nothing.

Perhaps you have issues re: the way you relate to other women. I can offer you my sympathy now, and promise not to take advantage of these issues any longer.

However, should you continue on whatever strange jihad you have going against me, I shall be forced to withdraw my sympathy and offer only the back of my hand.

I'm not going on some qoute hunt to humour you, you know what you have said yourself, and playing innocent will not do.

Very well then, you cannot back up your assertions. An honourable woman would withdraw them.

I shall pretend that you did, so long as you do not repeat such baseless accusations.

Well, those were private messages to me, so I don't want to forward them to anybody, out of respect for those who sent them. So you have received nothing from Oxygen?

You may well be misinterpreting them. Oxygen and I have a month old conversation re: the applicability of profanity going.

Without revealing the contents, the gist of such was that, as we have some rather young members here, and as I am rather well - er - regarded, it would perhaps be best to refrain from the stronger profanities.

I acceded to such request.

I extend to you this olive branch yet again. You have my deepest sympathies, and I do hope that you are able to work out your issues some day. I promise to be much more tolerent in the future. :)
I extend to you this olive branch yet again. You have my deepest sympathies, and I do hope that you are able to work out your issues some day. I promise to be much more tolerent in the future. :) [/QUOTE]

She's just as likely to take that branch as Tiassa is to have an IQ over 70 :p
"So Tyler, you think abusive language is ok, as is violence, because otherwise your freedom is invaded?"

If someone calls me a Dirty Jew my freedom is not invaded in any way. To say that my freedom is invaded suggests that I have some how lost a freedom. People have called me dirty jew. Never made me loose any freedom.

"If you call someone a nigger, do you then get upset if that person then sues you?"

What the fuck do they have to sue me for? Like I said, I've been called dirty jew. I play on a practically all-jewish hockey team and we've always been called dirty jew and dirty canuck in the states on tournaments.

"Would that person be a lesser man than you? Would you be disgusted by his act?"

I loose much respect for the person. However, that doesn't mean I think it should be banned or illegal. I also loose a lot of respect for anyone who's chosen to be ignorant to politics and world issues.

Increan, thanks.

Oh, I know it's a lost cause. But should she refuse my olive branch, and continue with her infantile jihad, she can have only herself to blame.
Originally posted by Xev

Oh, I know it's a lost cause. But should she refuse my olive branch, and continue with her infantile jihad, she can have only herself to blame.

Somehow, she'll still blame you.
"Somehow, she'll still blame you."


What can you expect from an anti-christ like Xev? :p

We're both antichrists then! Cool!

Who else is an antichrist?

*Wanders off to do anti-christ type things* :p
Tyler, I suggest you read the laws where you are located. You could end up in deep trouble with that opinion.
Freedom of Speech in Daveland

Of course, when we signed on to become users at this board, we agreed to abide by the TOA, which bans abusive language and such. This isn't America, this is Daveland, and we must abide by his rules, which I find to be pretty fair.
Discrimination is illegal. To say the word 'nigger' is not. The blacks in my school say it every day. Should we lock 'em up?

To do something to a person based on their ethnicity is illegal.

I suggest you stop considering yourself an advacate of free speech. You are 100% the opposite. You are, in my opinion, one of the things that is wrong with this world. You voice an opinion of kindness and freedom and then maintain that this freedom may only exist if it's your interputation of freedom. Your the kind of person who makes it both possible and acceptable for a woman to get her coworker fired for saying "hey baby". When I was 13 my guitar teacher was fired from where he worked because a 17 year old female student of his came to him one day depressed because her boyfriend dumped her and he told her to cheer up because she is 'smart, fun and attractive'. When the student told her mother about her conversation with the guitar teacher (which had apparently helped her to feel better) the mother decided to complain to the store that a 36 year old man told a 17 year old girl she was attractive. He was fired. Your type of 'free speech' is what makes these kind of things possible.

I enjoy being free. I enjoy knowing that I am free to be sexist untill I hurt someone in a real way. I enjoy knowing that I am free to be racist until it gets in someones way. I enjoy knowing that I can hate jews, christians, moslems or buddhists as long as what I do never harms another person. I use to enjoy knowing that I could go get a copy of Mein Kempf at the book store in Toronto. Now, thanks to someone who feels it hurts other people's feelings, I can't do that.
Originally posted by Tyler
You are 100% the opposite. You are, in my opinion, one of the things that is wrong with this world. You voice an opinion of kindness and freedom and then maintain that this freedom may only exist if it's your interputation of freedom. Your the kind of person who makes it both possible and acceptable for a woman to get her coworker fired for saying "hey baby".

What a stupid example! I am sorry to say so. You really need to do something about that. because you can not be further off the truth.

Originally posted by Tyler, too
the mother decided to complain to the store that a 36 year old man told a 17 year old girl she was attractive. He was fired. Your type of 'free speech' is what makes these kind of things possible.

Then the girl had a very overprotective and very silly mother. I do not see how you can make a comparison like this between that poor excuse of a woman and Bebelina.

My, my...