Atheistic Trolls...?


"Your post count doesn't say a thing about their contents."

No, but if each - or even most - were instances of trolling, I think I would have been banned by now.

You once asked what "spamming" was. I'd ask you to use my above link to learn what "trolling" is.

"In no way is Bebelina forcing others to adhere to her standards. You only display your own anger and you give reference to your own one sided view on things in general. Maybe it should be wise to read Bebelina's posts a little better and really look at what she posts all over the boards. This is not only in this thread that you take other posters down. You can say to me whatever you wish, leave the others in their value!"

A: I'm not angry. Please don't assume that I feel the same way you do.

B: Thanks for the advice, it has been duely ignored. ;)

"This is exactly what takes the mentality of Sciforums to a very low degree. It shows a lack of respect and is totally uncalled for.
Please, stop with this..."

GB-Gil posted that, not myself. Kindly show the distinction in your posts, or risk being thought of as disingenuous.


You seem to have missed the subtle irony of GB-Gil's post.

Bebelina ranted about the incidence of profanity and personal attacks on the boards, and expressed her desire to make such people leave.

GB-Gil countered with profanity and what would be a personal attack.

Am I the only one who sees the irony there?


Oh come on. Lighten up! It's only the internet. Are we really hurt when people are mean to each other, or call us names?

Just words on a computer screen. They won't hurt you.


No really, I promise that the words won't hurt you. Even if they are biiig, mean, evil words like "fuck".

Please believe me.

You seem to have missed the subtle irony of GB-Gil's post.

No, I did not miss the irony, it was perfectly clear.

I should therefore ask, Did you not see the underlying intent ?

GB-Gil countered with profanity and what would be a personal attack.

Exactly. He stated the obvious. Therefore, I would conclude his intent was not really that of irony.

Besides, Bebelina is supposed to astral project herself to my pool party tonight, and I would rather she show up in a good mood. ;)
Anyhow, there are trolls in any field, be it atheist or staunch xtian. The thing is to keep a cool head. A cool head will get you any fucking place you want.
Xev, GB, maybe you have not been banned yet, for reasons unknown to me, but now it's about time. Now you have really shown your true faces, and they are ugly. So maybe we should say thank you for finally revealing yourselves for the trolls you really are, so that we won't have to put up with your insults anymore.
How sad that only a select few could see the irony in my post.

Bebelina: Even if Xev were a troll, I certainly think that her positive contributions to Sciforums outweigh what you call trolling.

Trolling isn't cussing.

Given your low level of intelligence and self-awareness, and GB-Gil's high levels of both, that is not suprising.

How about this: Next time I "troll", you report the post to a moderator. The chances of my being banned are slim, seeing as our webmaster is a reasonable man who does not obsess over these sort of things....

But you can always hope, ja?

Until then, I leave you with the advice I posted elsewhere when this sort of behaviour manifested itself in you:

"Bebe, find actual males to pay attention to you, rather than engaging me in some weird-a**ed catfight."


Thanks. I tend to think that the perception of irony is a higher intellectual function than the perception of insult.

I found your post quite amusing, and leave with the words of Bob (of course) ringing in my ears:

"F*** 'em if they can't take a joke"
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GB-Gil, u r a doo-doo face. it iz just teh inernet, so get a lif an stop complainin

GB, I'd like to hear some justification for your irrational hate towards Xev.

*stands protectively in front of Xev with a determined expression and a pair of samurai blades*
Originally posted by Zero
GB, I'd like to hear some justification for your irrational hate towards Xev.

*stands protectively in front of Xev with a determined expression and a pair of samurai blades*

Zero, I'm thinking you didn't understand that was a joke.

However perhaps you are joking as well. In that case, touché! ;)
How dare you touch Bebelina? The avenging fire shall burn thee!!!!!!!!!! Muwahahaaaah!!

She happens o like color, that's all. Or that's what she told me. "An animal lover who happens to like colors".
I think it's very nifty hair, and the coloured posts are good too.
Words are just words they can’t hurt. Perhaps this is true, but words portray ideas and intent and these can hurt but can also create pleasure.

The wrong words can cause wars.

People have murdered because they were insulted by mere words.

Three short words can communicate love and the result can be extraordinary.

Words of hate can cause deep emotional stress.

Words can mobilize a nation into action.

Words can cause many emotions and make you cry or laugh, but these are only mere words, right?

Words can create friction – kinda sounds like parts of sciforums.

Repeated often enough words can cause indoctrination of dangerous ideas.

Words can convince others of your point of view.

The right words can create credibility and respect where your ideas will last and be used.

The wrong words repeated often enough will mean you can become an outcast and be ignored.

Words are the most powerful weapon and influential force ever developed by the human race.

Not everything you think needs to be expressed. If you dislike someone then do you need to let him or her know? Who would benefit? If you gain pleasure from upsetting someone else then is that questionable ability really something you want to pursue? Why not simply remain silent?

The idea “if you can’t say anything good then don’t say anything at all”, has enormous power to prevent destructive actions.

Profanities are words that portray virtually no meaning and are specifically used to offend and harm others. I cannot imagine any valid argument that can support such a strategy in an arena intended to share ideas and to discuss ideas.

It is true that many here have very deeply held beliefs and ideas that reflect the wonderful diversity of the human race. If we cannot tolerate the ideas of others in this tiny microcosm of a debating forum then what hope is there for the human race?

Sciforums has attracted many members here because it is more civilized than many other websites. I value that condition and would very much like that to continue. I will strongly support others here who share that ideal and will certainly support the other moderators in an effort to enforce such ideals.

I would rather support Bebelina who might have a more narrow view on acceptable behavior rather than have to read mindless torrents of irrelevant profanities and abuse of others. Note that this is not me being overly sensitive but rather an expression of having seen this tiresome behavior so often that I’m moved to help prevent its damaging effects. And that is purely selfish on my part because I have enjoyed many valuable exchanges of real ideas here and I intend to help ensure that that continues.

Is that 2 or 10 cents?


PS. Please choose your next words carefully.
hej dar honey ;) hur stål det till?

anyways, hon, our very level-headed moderators would probably not respond to such a report.

and although this might be hard for you, i'd request that you remove from your signature that image and try to use colours a little less as it's very hard on the eyes.

till later, honey pie
gotta go, buhbye! :)
Request not granted, sorry. :)
And from what I've heard you're hanging by a thread, both of you.
Originally posted by Bebelina
Honestly, if I was a moderator...I would not allow people to stay here if they called people b*tches and told them f*ck off, not a chance, that person would have to go right away. And that hasn't happened yet, why? Is it ok to act as a jerk just because you have made up in your mind that you have the right to? No. It's never ok.
I am really dissapointed the way this place has fallen in the hands of foul mouth, egobloated kids, and that nobody seems to recognize a troll when they are staring right at it.

Of course its not good to act like a jerk, but people do have the right to and the also have the right to say what they want no matter how vulgar or inappropriate. It's all part of free speech. *ugh* Something that we all love and hate at sometimes.