Atheistic Trolls...?

Yes, but what does free speech really include? For example, if you were a teacher in a school, would you allow bullies to harrass and insult other students, with a smirk referal to "free speech" ?
Originally posted by Bebelina
Xev, GB, maybe you have not been banned yet, for reasons unknown to me, but now it's about time. Now you have really shown your true faces, and they are ugly. So maybe we should say thank you for finally revealing yourselves for the trolls you really are, so that we won't have to put up with your insults anymore.

Why should they have to put up with yours. Right in your post you are insulting them. They have there reasons for what they post and Xev's and GB's posts are most of the time (from what I've seen) intelligent and funny. I belive we should have more people like them posting. You are basically stating, "I want all of the people I don't like to go away. and thats just not going to happen.
Hold on while I practice my goose-stepping. :p

"Request not granted, sorry.
And from what I've heard you're hanging by a thread, both of you."

Awww now, then who could you direct your childish wrath at, Bebe?

Anywho, I doubt I'm going anywhere. I haven't gotten any requests for anything but to mind me language, and that's from a month old conversation.

As for harassment, I dare you to show me an instance of such behaviour on my part. I'm the first to admit to insults, and to profanity, but not to harassment.

Increan, thank you much.
Originally posted by Bebelina
Yes, but what does free speech really include? For example, if you were a teacher in a school, would you allow bullies to harrass and insult other students, with a smirk referal to "free speech" ?

No, because in school there are rules and one time in school I even tried to use free speech for something (which I cannot recall right now) and I was told by a police officer that in school there is no free speech. Schools basically make there own laws that students must obey.
Well you are grasping for straws and putting words in my mouth which are not true.
You see, they insulted me first, and then I responded, not with an insult , but with a comment pointing out their abusive nature in this forum.


I hope your post wasn't directed at me. I am on your side. Did you not see that part?

Yes, sorry. Edited to note.

And thank you for the compliment. You are too kind. :)
Originally posted by Bebelina
Well you are grasping for straws and putting words in my mouth which are not true.
You see, they insulted me first, and then I responded, not with an insult , but with a comment pointing out their abusive nature in this forum.

As I read it they posted those insults as a joke because of your post saying that if you were a moderator you would get rid of all the people who do that. See they were jokes.
Thank you.

However, I ought to clarify that I have not insulted Bebelina on this thread, merely commented that it is a lucky thing that she does not moderate.
"Awww now, then who could you direct your childish wrath at, Bebe?" Well, there you go, condensending, abusive and harrassing. Why CAN'T we all get along? :rolleyes: Maybe you should read some psychology, just a small advice.

This place is no different from a school, a workplace or any other place were people get together and have discussion about different topics. Civility is a must for it to work, otherwise it become what sciforums have become lately, a playground for the bullies. To be abusive is not a form of free speech.
Condescending, yes. Abusive, no. Harassing, no.

I've made several attempts to figure out precisely WHAT your problem with me is. I've also made several attempts to "make peace" with you.

As for psychology, I've read Freud, Jung, Ericson and others, as well as having taken several abnormal psych classes. What's your point?

Abusiveness (which you have yet to show on my part) is indeed a form of speech.
Originally posted by Bebelina
This place is no different from a school, a workplace or any other place were people get together and have discussion about different topics. Civility is a must for it to work, otherwise it become what sciforums have become lately, a playground for the bullies. To be abusive is not a form of free speech.

This place is different because as in school or at a workplace people don't just get together to have a discussion, they have a goal that has to be acheived. Here we just have discussions. Sorry to say but abusive laguage is a form of free speech.
Abusive language should not be included in free speech, just as violence is not included in a free society. Increan, did you by and chance read any posts prior to that particular one?
Xev, my problem with you, is that you have a problem with me. I was here before you. When you came, I first liked you, I thought you were funny. But then your personality got more and more deranged, saying nothing but insults and being condensending. You stopped being funny, and became just abusive.
I dare you to find those instances yourself, maybe it can be a good psychology excercise for you, since you seem to have no idea whatsoever what the words insulting , abusive and harrassing actually means in practice.
I'm not going on some qoute hunt to humour you, you know what you have said yourself, and playing innocent will not do.

Originally posted by Bebelina
Either you are lying or I have been lied to.

I promise you I've not been told anything.

Zero DID send me a message asking me to edit something out of a post, however if I am correct, Zero isn't a mod, although I do respect him/her very much and s/he never cusses :p

If you've been told I'm hanging from a string, I would appreciate it if you could forward at least that part of the message to me, as I've not yet been informed.

dag, bebe
1) Free Speech does not exist in school because it is a public-money supported place payed for by the people who attend it (more or less) and so it is not allowed to encorporate anything which would hurt any individual as every individual has sent money to support it.
2) Free Speech does not exist in a workplace because in a workplace the stated goal requires everyone to basically 'get along'. A debate forum does not.
3) You don't believe in Free Speech. Free Speech would allow me to say 'nigger'. What you believe in is a form of bleeding-heart Free Speech which isn't Free Speech at all. It's the kind of Free Speech that doesn't allow me to describe a criminal as 'Asian' or 'black'. It's the kind of Free Speech that ignorantly (ignorant because it's factually wrong) states 'Indian' is an offensive term because Columbus named them that thinking he was in India. It's the kind of Free Speech that hopes to save everyone's feelings and by doing so makes us all a bunch of weak little pansies. Men are no longer men with this kind of Free Speech. They're shrivlling little boys. Same with women (er, girls I suppose). Personally, your kind of Free Speech disgusts me. And perhaps you should look up the words 'free' and 'speech'. If you want to do that then I'm sure you'll stop saying "I believe in Free Speech" and start saying "I believe in Restricted Speech".
Well, those were private messages to me, so I don't want to forward them to anybody, out of respect for those who sent them. So you have received nothing from Oxygen?