Atheist expects oblivion; Envies believers

As has been noted (not sure if in this thread) what is the point of a afterlife? Why not just keep this one going?

Or do reincarnationist (?) have the correct reasoning?

Afterlife is keep coming back as something else until you get it right?

Or with the christian view of afterlife one choice only and two main afterlife choices, heaven / hell

I think if you substitute "reason" for "point" you can sum EVERYTHING up with "There isn't any point (reason)"

Everything just is

If you anthropomorph a creator into the picture then for the following,
What is the point of a afterlife? Why not just keep this one going?
What is the point of reincarnation?
What is the point of heaven and hell?

and all other related stuff, then I'm afraid you will either have to ask him / her / it / or whatever it is you have conjured up those questions or read the mind of him / her / it / or whatever it is you have conjured up

If you don't feel you are disliked by skunks, feel free to do your own field research
Skunks are humble, polite, even friendly neighbors, if cut slack - they will let their babies lick the salt off your toes, mind their own business moseying around the yard, etc. They don't seem to harbor much in the way of ill will of any kind, and by all accounts make among the best pets or companion animals of wild critters.
In 5-12 years, I expect total oblivion.

My brain processes my memories & thoughts. When it is no longer functional, those memories & thoughts will be non-existent.

To me the above means that nothing I consider to be me will exist.​

I envy those who expect some continued existence, but wonder what basis there is for that belief.
How much longer do you want to live?

The thing about total oblivion is that you will never know if you achieved it. So, how bad can it be?
From Stranger Post 48
How much longer do you want to live?
It would be nice to make it to age 150-200

If I had the option, I would like to be in a coma for 100 years at a time & wake up for several days to see what happened while I was in the coma.
From Stranger Post 48It would be nice to make it to age 150-200.
Any qualifications to that? Does it depend on good health?

If I had the option, I would like to be in a coma for 100 years at a time & wake up for several days to see what happened while I was in the coma.
Different issue but interesting.

IF there is an afterlife, how long do you want that to be? Or would 200 years here be good enough?

Any qualifications to that? Does it depend on good health?

Different issue but interesting.

IF there is an afterlife, how long do you want that to be? Or would 200 years here be good enough?


The impression I have from theist is they don't really know what you do in heaven - the exception being you sit at the feet of god and sing his praises

They are more passionate about telling atheist you will burn in hell for eternity

The other rumours I heard about heaven is that you know everything about everything

Kills the idea about going around the Universe finding out stuff

IF there is an afterlife, how long do you want that to be? Or would 200 years here be good enough?

Given the above 2 years I would have thought be more than enough

Not sure if there is a "god cancel my ticket to heaven" please option

I just want to be around long enough to photograph everything that delivers photons to Earth.
I often wonder how the theist would go in heaven ..their hobby is sortta over..I mean they could not run around telling each other about the after life or God...what could they talk about?
Obviously no sinners to look down upon..
What would they do?

Now if I was there I would still be busy.
Probably better seeing conditions in heaven so the astro photography would be cool.

Anyways while I am confined to this body I better get some use out of it...

mean they could not run around telling each other about the after life or God...what could they talk about?
Obviously no sinners to look down upon..
What would they do?

Good point. Perhaps all the god bothere in heaven now are the ones who are currently vetoing what you prey for

god comes in for the morning meeting

"What have we got for today?"

StPeter stands up "Last 24 hours we had just under 4 billion prayers, a little down on same day last year. Seems to be a worrying trend. Little over 500,000 prayers were insincere. The most common seem to be, excuse the language "jesus christ get out of my way". This expression seems to increase in proportion to the number of trucks and bikes on the road"

"Yes all right. We can do without the stats"

"But my lord the stats are important they show us where we are going"

"I'll tell you where your going if you don't shut up and sit down. Now the rest of you, tell me what the people want"

Bike, bigger flat screen TV, new younger wife and a longer....

"Yes we have heard all that before over the 2,000 years. No miracles I could be doing?"

"Lots my lord but they generally get put down to remission or medication. Ever since you stopped doing personal appearances......"

"Well you all know why. Any of you want to go down and get nailed up?........................ Thought not. Meeting over. Same time tomorrow. Stay back Peter we need to talk"

To be continued.....

To be continued
You know and I know you will run out of stuff and you can come up with more stuff than them.

So I guess those theist dont realize how boring it will become laying around praising all day punctuated with a bit of worship.

Still we know it wont happen I hope they realise when they lay their head on their pillow and it gives them a dose of honesty.

Alone in the dark wondering and fearful...poor little things.

Please happy theists come forward and waffle your way through this with a meaningless explanation of what you understand, given God tells you the rules, what will go on...Oh remember when Noah built the Ark...come on Gerald we went thru that yesterday ... and the day before that.. think I will head down and see God and praise for a while and go back home for a bit of bible study...boring!

Does heaven have any attractions...theists must know after all they have so many details about it all...

Does heaven have any attractions.

I heard via the grapevine (ie I got pissed in the pub on vino) a few angels sneak off to hell for holidays to catch up with mates who never made it to heaven.


And he thinks he knows everything

And that's why I think that religion is evil.

Lets face it. Religion is bullshit and the world would be better off without religion.

Religion ignores human nature and religion also ignores the natural sciences like biology, chemistry and physics.

But the fact is that human nature is what it is and will not change because of religion.

Religion is nothing but lies on top of lies and is based on fantasy and imagination and not about the cruel and harsh world that we live in.
Religion is nothing but lies on top of lies and is based on fantasy and imagination and not about the cruel and harsh world that we live in.

cruel and harsh world that

Of which many religious people very actively engage in
