Astronomers acknowledge the probability of ETI-UFOs

phlogistician said:
It's not alien life that's in dispute. It's aliens visiting us that is. Given the sheer size of the Universe, it's unlikely we are alone. Given the sheer size of the Universe, it's incredibly unlikely we've been visited.

Remember the Eqyptians back in Moses's days and how the pharoh*sp* threw down 2 staffs which transformed into snakes? IMO this power or magic was gave too them by ET or the feat itself was performed by ET from space. I think there was some Aliens involved in either case.
barehandkiller said:
Remember the Eqyptians back in Moses's days and how the pharoh*sp* threw down 2 staffs which transformed into snakes? IMO this power or magic was gave too them by ET or the feat itself was performed by ET from space. I think there was some Aliens involved in either case.

I never met those Egyptians, so I don't remember them, no. Maybe you meant do I recall hearing a story about that alleged event?

Well, I recall a different story, of a Jewish slave throwing his staff down in front of an Egyptian Pharoah, and it turning into a snake. Then there allegedly followed plagues of this and that, none of which were recorded by the Egyptians. That they weren't recorded is a bit odd, as Egyptians usually kept good records. Do you think it all really happened?

But anyway, all you are doing is supplanting 'god' with 'aliens' in biblical stories, as if that makes any of the 'miracles' more feasible.

Or maybe, just maybe, the bibles are full of shit? Exaggerated tales, grandiose lies, and pure BS?
Communist Hamster said:
Please mention an invention that has changed the world that was done by non-scientific methods.
-Talent, nobody knows where the talent is coming from.
Guessing probabilities doesn't really add to the stockpile or lack-there-of regarding "alien visitation". I'd think it freakin FASCINATING if we were being visited, but so far - there's no evidence to support it, which is pretty damned dissapointing to be honest. Sure there are stories, tons of them about people seeing strange things. Cool for them, as I'm sure they add a smidge of a "special feeling" and some joy in their life, or horror in those who experience night terrors and claim abduction. The fact remains however, there's nothing tangible to support the claims. I'd like to believe it, but can't be compelled to do so without some pretty hefty evidence, like for instance frequent visitation out in the open so that we could all see, or at least me. In the latter case, I'd tell you but wouldn't expect you to believe me, as you'd have no tangible evidence... only my claims. For now and however long to come, likely subjectively never given precendent, I'll just have to live with it. Well, I guess I could just jump ship and join in with the crowd of those who proclaim their wishes a reality, but can't really prove it to those who don't believe them.


Psychology is interesting. The best meme wins, always.
wesmorris said:
Guessing probabilities doesn't really add to the stockpile or lack-there-of regarding "alien visitation". I'd think it freakin FASCINATING if we were being visited, but so far - there's no evidence to support it, which is pretty damned dissapointing to be honest. Sure there are stories, tons of them about people seeing strange things. Cool for them, as I'm sure they add a smidge of a "special feeling" and some joy in their life, or horror in those who experience night terrors and claim abduction. The fact remains however, there's nothing tangible to support the claims. I'd like to believe it, but can't be compelled to do so without some pretty hefty evidence, like for instance frequent visitation out in the open so that we could all see, or at least me. In the latter case, I'd tell you but wouldn't expect you to believe me, as you'd have no tangible evidence... only my claims. For now and however long to come, likely subjectively never given precendent, I'll just have to live with it. Well, I guess I could just jump ship and join in with the crowd of those who proclaim their wishes a reality, but can't really prove it to those who don't believe them.


Psychology is interesting. The best meme wins, always.

in psychology theres a term called 'denial'----this is where yu'll are at who
B E L I E V E there is no evidence...!

your problem is your meaning of 'evidence'....but no. keep gin round nd round in circles. you knoooows ya loveit
Duendy, you can't deny evidence, it stands on it's own.

There is NO evidence for alien abduction. There is plenty to explain that abduction experiences come from several mundane phenomena that we have discussed before, such as night terrors, seizures, temporal lobe epilepsy, hallucinations etc. There is NOTHING to suggest that anybody who relates an abduction experience has been abducted. There is plenty of scientific evidence to demonstrate the difficulties of aliens getting to earth. But despite all these facts, YOU still deny the evidence. That is frikking priceless, duendy.
duendy said:
in psychology theres a term called 'denial'----this is where yu'll are at who
B E L I E V E there is no evidence...!

your problem is your meaning of 'evidence'....but no. keep gin round nd round in circles. you knoooows ya loveit

you really aren't very bright.