Astronomers acknowledge the probability of ETI-UFOs

I don't understand. The link you posted directs me to a story about SpaceShipOne. Ingenious engineering, certainly, but operating well within the boundaries of conventional science. You gave the impression that you were aware of fundamentally radical methods of propulsion.
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What part of this quote didn't you guys understand? Or did you not even click on the link?

EVERY year, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics awards prizes for the best papers presented at its annual conference. Last year's winner in the nuclear and future flight category went to a paper calling for experimental tests of an astonishing new type of engine. According to the paper, this hyperdrive motor would propel a craft through another dimension at enormous speeds. It could leave Earth at lunchtime and get to the moon in time for dinner. There's just one catch: the idea relies on an obscure and largely unrecognised kind of physics. Can they possibly be serious?

The AIAA is certainly not embarrassed. What's more, the US military has begun to cast its eyes over the hyperdrive concept, and a space propulsion researcher at the US Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories has said he would be interested in putting the idea to the test. And despite the bafflement of most physicists at the theory that supposedly underpins it, Pavlos Mikellides, an aerospace engineer at the Arizona State University in Tempe who reviewed the winning paper, stands by the committee's choice. "Even though such features have been explored before, this particular approach is quite unique," he says.
einstein's nazi brigade will never consider anything quantum in nature.
it is simply too spooky and disrupts the comfortable cocoon that safely envelopes them
phlogistician said:
In duendy's mind, hearsay is evidence. Somoene said they saw someone's 'implant' and that counts as verification of the abductees claims. Never mind the very real possibility that the witness is actually the person making up the stories, and the abductee is fictional. We need to see the actual 'implant' duendy, that's the evidence.

me))))))stop. look!! see how you create fabricated scenarios in your head that do NOT exist in reality..........see it. seen?....good. no ude. i had already said i SAW A doctor/surgeon on a documetary with a variety of 'implants' which he siad he hd taken out of abductees bodies, and that debunkers such as your sevls hadn't even taken time to INVESTIGATE them. aree we clear now?
let me know

In the opinion of those people who understand some physics and realise how fucking HUGE the galaxy is, duendy.

me)))))))i know how fukin huge it is, and it is truly beyond fukin mindblowin. and know what. he mindblowingness OF it highlights your narrowminded perspective even MORE so

No, I didn't say that duendy. Pay attention, the detail is important. I said I'd had an 'abduction experience'. I know I wasn't abducted, and I never said I was. I had a dream, which included sleep paralysis, that involved alien type apparitions trying to take me away. But I knew it was a dream, because my thrashings were witnesses by my partner, who I'd woken. We've been over this, your lack of attention span is really quite tiresome.

me)))dontbe condescending. iot is so obvious. i know ou had waht yto call 'sleep paralysis' ....BUT you also called it an abduction experience. right? so i said 'make ya mind up'...for i KNOW, cause i'm quicker tha yo think yu are, tyhat yo call it that to homogenize A L L EVER KNOWN AND REPORTED AND UNREPORTED CASES INTO YOUR OWN LITTLE NARROW MINDED BOX. and you also as said choose to view the CONTENTof your experience as superfluous. just the old brain chemistry hey phlo?

I never said ALL. Pay attention. I said sleep paralysis is one of many disorders that accounts for abduction experiences. Again your lack of focus on the salient issues is rather tiresome.

me)))))))no. but what you dont call sleep paralysis you explain away do not you sire?

Not true at all. I'm looking for real evidence, hearsay,

me))how yu know 'hearsay'? how???


me))))))how you KNOw 'lies' huh? is it the levelof 'liar liar pants on fire'? knowin you, probs

blurry photos,

me))))))ohhh, the 'blurry photo vidoe propaganda. how comes then i have seen CLEAR pics nd videos of em. let me guess....errr i mustn't trust my own experience....riiiight?

'channelling' and mumbo jumbo aren't what I need.

me)))))))errr, where did 'channeling' come from? i also am suspicious of channeling. so we agree. what you do dude is lump everything into your out box, and...DONT EXPLORE. NOT REAL science

I am open minded on this subject duendy, I firmly think the odds are that the Universe if full of life, and plenty of it will be intelligent. But for it to get here requires a rewriting of our understanding of physics.

me))))))clue. a main inquiry in PHILOSOPHY, COGNITIVE SCIENCE and....dada dede daaaaaa PHYSICS is.........can u guess it??
CONSCIOUSNESS!...are u gettng tis or are you asleep

Scientists will discover if this is possible, not some self proclaimed 'channeller', or nutter like Qorl.

me)))))))))YES. reallll science. science which is much more broadened in its apporach. interdisciplined, etc. NOT old-school science which the ones here speakin ourt for materialisttic science are still stuck wid

What is the limit of science, duendy? I want to explore the truth, that's my only limit.

mePPPth limit of YOUR science is materialistic ideology. begin diggin tis

Finding a cure for the disorder that causes the bad dreams. Stop being obtuse.

mePPPPPwhich is?i am not the one being obtuse here. you also had the experience. what did u take to 'fix' it?

With people like Qorl on this board who talks to god apparently, do you not believe that some people are mentally ill? You've seen a mental health practitioner, so obviously, at some point, you did too?
see you'll. this is where tis man operates. right up his materialistic fundamentalist dogma he is
What part of this quote didn't you guys understand? Or did you not even click on the link?
Don't be dishonest VRob. I clicked on the link and was taken to a CNN article about Burt Rutan, Mike Melvill and SpaceShipOne. I am familiar with the New Scientist report in the new link. While it's fascinating, and the prospect of such a propulsion revolution is very exciting, I won't throw relativity out the window just yet. It's very easy to be skeptical about rediscovered unifying theories from the fifties which promise anti-gravity and hyperspace.
Laika said:
Don't be dishonest VRob. I clicked on the link and was taken to a CNN article about Burt Rutan, Mike Melvill and SpaceShipOne.

I initially inserted a different link to a totally unrelated topic. I changed the link within 30 seconds. There was no dishonesty intended, I just figured nobody had clicked the link so fast.

I am familiar with the New Scientist report in the new link. While it's fascinating, and the prospect of such a propulsion revolution is very exciting, I won't throw relativity out the window just yet. It's very easy to be skeptical about rediscovered unifying theories from the fifties which promise anti-gravity and hyperspace.

Skeptical yes, but you and many others continue to use words like 'Impossible', when referring to visitations from other world intelligences due to the distances needed to travel.

It is only impossible using the standards we've thus far attained in regards to space flight and propulsion methods. But you can't actually believe we will still be using rocket technology forever, do you?
There was no dishonesty intended, I just figured nobody had clicked the link so fast.
What can I say... I'm just keen! :)

I do use the word 'impossible' because I believe the consensus among physicists is that FTL travel is impossible. You'll notice that my whole sentence was:
My unrequested opinion is that FTL travel is impossible, though I realise that relativity is merely the best approximation we have right now, subject to replacement at short notice.

Skeptical yes, but you and many others continue to use words like 'Impossible', when referring to visitations from other world intelligences due to the distances needed to travel.
Perhaps you are confusing me with somebody else. I don't recall ever making such a statement. What I did say was:
Even limited to subluminal travel, representatives of other stars may be present in our Solar System as tiny (or otherwise undetectable) automated probes - you never know! If FTL travel is possible the chances are higher.

But yes, I do suspect that rocketry and the various methods of sailing will be our only means of space travel for ever. I hope that I am proved wrong one day.
VRob said:
It is only impossible using the standards we've thus far attained in regards to space flight and propulsion methods. But you can't actually believe we will still be using rocket technology forever, do you?
It seems that you are confusing 'standards' and 'physics'. The speed of light is a physical barrier. Technology may find a loop hole some day but technology will never supplant the laws that govern our universe.
snake river rufus said:
It seems that you are confusing 'standards' and 'physics'. The speed of light is a physical barrier. Technology may find a loop hole some day but technology will never supplant the laws that govern our universe.
question: did not classical physics have 'laws'

question: would u say they was 'broken'?

if not , what term would you use?
untested and unproven laws, and since proved wrong. Special Relativity is still being tested and proven. And still being used. No comparision.
Now that you've corrected the link, I see something different.

VRob said:
I initially inserted a different link to a totally unrelated topic. I changed the link within 30 seconds. There was no dishonesty intended, I just figured nobody had clicked the link so fast.

Dishonest? No. But my question was valid at the time. Indeed, it is still valid. Your criticism of my question was dishonest, though. Since you knew there was a possibility that I looked at the other link. This was the link I saw:

There is some speculation in your new link, but an article in a popular magazine hardly constitutes a peer-reviewed theory. Lets wait a see more before you start creaming your jeans about visiting other stars. Like anyone, I'm hopeful. But hope is not a method in science. Still, I'll concede that with such speculations, FTL might be possible and, of course, alien visitation is thus possible. Now, where are they?

VRob said:
Skeptical yes, but you and many others continue to use words like 'Impossible', when referring to visitations from other world intelligences due to the distances needed to travel.

Perhaps he used the word "impossible," but I challenge you to cite a post where I did. I've always maintained that it is possible that we are being visited by extraterrestrial intelligent beings. It simply isn't very likely nor is there any evidence that can be tested or reproduced to show it.

You're too busy being pissed at me for asking the right questions of people who just blindly accept the woo-woo nonsense about abductions, visitations, cattle mutilations, etc., etc. -even when they are demonstrably false or unlikely.
duendy said:
i had already said i SAW A doctor/surgeon on a documetary with a variety of 'implants' which he siad he hd taken out of abductees bodies, and that debunkers such as your sevls hadn't even taken time to INVESTIGATE them. aree we clear now?

Yeah, you saw some footage of a guy who claims to have 'alien implants'. I wonder if it was the Dr Leir 'documentary' that has been shown on the SciFi (that's Science Fiction) Channel? I find it odd that one single man specialises in the removal of such things, don't you? I'd go to my GP, and my local hospital, if I had a troubling implant. I wouldn't seek out Dr Leir! What is to guarantee he isn't substituting the things he removes for preconstructed props? Fertility doctors have been caught substituting their own sperm, so is it so hard to imagine this guy doing similar?

Dr Leir is also in allegedly posession of a piece of the crashed Roswell UFO. Turns out that it is 99% silicon, but supposedly the isotopic ratios make it unlikely to have come from earth (although the ratios weren't revealed, so this is just his assertion) as Silicon makes up 25% of the Earth's crust, it's quite abundant (2nd most abundant) and so will be found in an array of states. Also, Silicon is a fairly common ingredient in meteortites, so if what he has is non terrestrial, it's probably a fragment of meteorite. He Also made claims that if this fragment was dipped into hot water, the end you were holding would get too hot to hold. Well, the thermal conductivity of silicon is better than that or iron, so it would get hotter faster than a spoon in tea, but it's about a third of that of copper, so is not demonstrating anything odd, just the expected properties for a small lump of silicon.

ohhh, the 'blurry photo vidoe propaganda. how comes then i have seen CLEAR pics nd videos of em. let me guess....errr i mustn't trust my own experience....riiiight?

In more 'SciFi Channel' documentaries? I bet you've seen that 'Alien Autopsy' footage too? Do you believe that was real, or, do you acknowledge, that Ray Santilli, the producer of that 'documentary' was quite a skilled fraudster? He went to a lot of effort to get Kodak film stock that matched the era, and set the scene, and build provenance that wasn't falsified easily.

What 'evidence' do you actually reject, duendy? Anything? Or do you believe everything?
Duendy cannot believe the evidence of those who proceed with the methodologies of science, for they have fallen prey to the evils of scientism, being consumed by the patriarchal conspiracy involving government, big business, the educational establsihment and commercial science.

She would much prefer to believe the genuine evidence of those who are
a) mentally ill (for there is no mental illness)
b) edcuationally subnormal (for they are victims of the aforementioned conspiracy)
c) drug addicts (for hallucinogens have opened their eyes to another, spiritual dimension)
e) charlatans (because, heh, everybody has to earn a living)

Duendy, forget science, forget logic, forget proof. It just doesn't seem a very sensible way to live your life.
Ophiolite said:
Duendy cannot believe the evidence of those who proceed with the methodologies of science, for they have fallen prey to the evils of scientism, being consumed by the patriarchal conspiracy involving government, big business, the educational establsihment and commercial science.

me))even tho obviously takin the piss, you are really gettin it. so yer really takin thepiss outta yourself if yu get me...?

She would much prefer to believe the genuine evidence of those who are
a) mentally ill (for there is no mental illness)

me))didn't see much of you in the threads we discussed this. or are you quite happy with meaningless soundbytes?

b) edcuationally subnormal (for they are victims of the aforementioned conspiracy)

me))))really throwin labels about aren't we..'mentally ill' 'educationally subnormal'....? what next prey? shall we see?

c) drug addicts (for hallucinogens have opened their eyes to another, spiritual dimension)

me)))oh and i notice you call that drug addiction. i see. so Indigenous peoples who had a psychedelic sacrament were 'drug addicts' were they yo ....CHAV. you are bein ptricularly silly and childish and ignoat and a pain today aren't you?

e) charlatans (because, heh, everybody has to earn a living)

me)))))))yaaaaaawn. have u anything worthWHILE to say. or is ridicule your middle name?

Duendy, forget science, forget logic, forget proof. It just doesn't seem a very sensible way to live your life.
well if you are anything to go by, you representing what you are trying tobe clever about. then, go shove it where sun dont shine!
sorry to insult the term 'chav' which is a stupid middle class label anyhow.....solet me try agin:

youuuu plonker.

that's more fitting
Hrmph. Duendy doesn't like what's said in contradiction to its beliefs, so duendy breaks out its seemingly endless bag of insults. How very unwarmongerish and loving. Completely lacking in hypocrasy, enlightening the world through "you warmongering mong, go shove it, plonker" etc. Thank you duendy, for helping ME understand more about the way the world works, and the nature of the universe.
wesmorris said:
Hrmph. Duendy doesn't like what's said in contradiction to its beliefs, so duendy breaks out its seemingly endless bag of insults. How very unwarmongerish and loving. Completely lacking in hypocrasy, enlightening the world through "you warmongering mong, go shove it, plonker" etc. Thank you duendy, for helping ME understand more about the way the world works, and the nature of the universe.
i only insult those who deserfe it. those whose religon is dropping snide innuendos about people, and blatantly calling them every name under the sun. people they aint even met. and YET have a bit of ribbin with them and they scream..."OHHHHHHHH. how very daaaare you. you insulted me'!

now. what is your argument ...SIR?!
I think my parody of her beliefs must have hit rather too close to home this time, Wes. Sadly, I now find myself immune to her insults, or at best treat them like a comfortable old pair of slippers. The moth eaten old grump below my name was taken from one of her characterisations of me. [I acquired the senile from Happeh.]
Ophiolite said:
I think my parody of her beliefs must have hit rather too close to home this time, Wes.

me))) flatter per usual, Oph

Sadly, I now find myself immune to her insults, or at best treat them like a comfortable old pair of slippers.

m)))hmmmm, now whereees them razor blades gone?

The moth eaten old grump below my name was taken from one of her characterisations of me. [I acquired the senile from Happeh.]
you know good crit when yo sees it, i'll give you that