Arrested for not Tipping

"After the $73 bill came, the group paid for food, drinks, and tax but refused to pay the tip."

so 8 people and their bill was less than $10 per person. They split 2 orders of fries and had a couple beers each.

parasites. I wouldnt want to waste my time serving these bottom feeders. I'd stick with the regulars. Sounds like it was their first trip outside of a mcdonalds.
"After the $73 bill came, the group paid for food, drinks, and tax but refused to pay the tip."

so 8 people and their bill was less than $10 per person. They split 2 orders of fries and had a couple beers each.

parasites. I wouldnt want to waste my time serving these bottom feeders. I'd stick with the regulars. Sounds like it was their first trip outside of a mcdonalds.

or maybe it took so long just to get waited on they went with what would be easiest/quickest to cook. :shrug:
or maybe it took so long just to get waited on they went with what would be easiest/quickest to cook. :shrug:

Her story is changing. This one says 6 people and 2 hours (or they arrested others for the same thing).

"My table of 6 waited over 120 minutes for our food in an EMPTY restaurant. Every time we needed our waitress she was no where to be found. When we wanted to get our check we found her outside smoking a cigarette. After we refused to pay the 20% tip that they automatically charged us, they had us ARRESTED!!! That was the second time i was there. The first time they forgot my order. I will NEVERRRRRR return to that awful place!"

The MSNBC article says Pope and John Wagner were with six friends.
"The owner admitted that the group waited unusually long for their food, but said the pub was extremely busy that night."
Not sure if the owner has a clue as to how many people were there.
Her story is changing. This one says 6 people and 2 hours (or they arrested others for the same thing).

"My table of 6 waited over 120 minutes for our food in an EMPTY restaurant. Every time we needed our waitress she was no where to be found. When we wanted to get our check we found her outside smoking a cigarette. After we refused to pay the 20% tip that they automatically charged us, they had us ARRESTED!!! That was the second time i was there. The first time they forgot my order. I will NEVERRRRRR return to that awful place!"

The MSNBC article says Pope and John Wagner were with six friends.
"The owner admitted that the group waited unusually long for their food, but said the pub was extremely busy that night."
Not sure if the owner has a clue as to how many people were there.

why do you automatically assume that the defendents are telling the truth?
I'd have my day in court..if I lost I'd promptly become a career criminal.

I must admit there are far too many laws already to become a "criminal" incidentally, its bound to happen to me eventually...
A gift from the Crown

Asguard said:

why do you automatically assume that the defendents are telling the truth?

It is an American standard to presume the defendant innocent. Unless they're black. Or hispanic. Or Arab. Or Muslim. Or young. Or poor. Or politically deviant.
It is an American standard to presume the defendant innocent. Unless they're black. Or hispanic. Or Arab. Or Muslim. Or young. Or poor. Or politically deviant.

You forgot Asian-Pacific Islander. Those bastards are always up to no good! ;)

tiassa, i didnt mean not to presume they are innocent. Im saying why do you presume they got bad service?
My timing is off

Superstring01 said:

You forgot Asian-Pacific Islander. Those bastards are always up to no good!

Yeah, damn Samoas. I can't stand shredded coconut.

Oh, wait. Samoans. Sorry, my bad. Um ... yeah.

Er ... right. I'm actually coming up empty, aside from that thin joke.
Yeah, damn Samoas. I can't stand shredded coconut.

Oh, wait. Samoans. Sorry, my bad. Um ... yeah.

Er ... right. I'm actually coming up empty, aside from that thin joke.

Every Samoan guy I've met has been huge (not fat, but HUGE: tall, muscles). I've seen two naked and was relatively stunned by God's mistake in granting with both fucking hands.

Samoans, I'm certain, are a people apart. I've never met one who I'd mess with and hope to come out standing. . . or with my head attached.

Yeah, damn Samoas. I can't stand shredded coconut.

Oh, wait. Samoans. Sorry, my bad. Um ... yeah.

Er ... right. I'm actually coming up empty, aside from that thin joke.


Oh, Vishnu! I just got that.

I clicked away. . . was browsing other posts when I started wondering, "Why would Tiassa stress the last few letters. . ." Then I thought, "Huh, I really have a taste for those scrumptious Girl Scout Cookies with similar names. . ."

Then I hit me.


Okay. That's a pretty good joke.

Note: I love those fuckers. I can sit and eat a box in under 10 minutes.

Unfortunately I live in USA, this land called America forces tips on its customers. I cannot refuse the tip, they will make sure I will pay it. What can I say, a land of the prisoners.

One time I went to this arabic restaurant in USA in Michigan state and after I ate the food for like 10$ worth I left a tip 1$, I started walking out of the store but than this American server runs after me when I was like walking on the street and tells me "sir you forgot the tip", I was like "but I tipped you 1$", he is like, "well that is not enough", so I squeezed my teeth tight and gave him 2$ and he still glanced at me like I wasnt fair. At which point I decided never to come close to that American restaurant ever again.
Imagine if they extended this concept making it mandatory for all people to pay for services billed, even if the services are sub-par. Most restaurants get by with paying low paychecks because the servers expect to make up the difference in tips. But yeah, its only in the US that you get little cards which tell you how much to tip by % with a minimum of 10%.

In London I was surprised that people did not tip as a rule. Us US-returned students apparently stand out by our tipping. :p
I think the restaurant doesn’t include the tip into the price (as food price), because if it is so, it would increase the basic price (which would reduce demand) AND it would be taxed (as taxable income). By making the tips obligatory, they make sure that people will pay for the tips anyway.
on the same note how can you call a manditory tip gratuity when by definition its a tip for good service. if the service is crap no way in hell im paying them gratuity.. iv been in way to many places that have "manditory" gratuity and guess what overall the waiters/tresses try less i mean why would you try if you know your going to get it regaurdless.. on the flipside if service is good and gratuity isnt manditory ill tip on average 30-35%

sometime its hard for me to do that.. reason being? i have a job and when i send a unit off i dont get tipped for getting the job done to all specs.. as a waitress or waiter you need to realise you knew what you signed up for.. you shouldnt assume you will get a tip.. your the one of the very few that recieve it.. for mind you .. doing a very very easy job.. if you can deal with the general public bs.. i have been a waiter and i can deal with that stuff well so it didnt bother me.. never once did i think i should get tips.. the job is soo easy, i felt bad getting paid for it.. chatting wtih people all day bringing them food was a great time
sifreak said:
sometime its hard for me to do that.. reason being? i have a job and when i send a unit off i dont get tipped for getting the job done to all specs.. as a waitress or waiter you need to realise you knew what you signed up for..
And these customers should have read the menu which stated parties of x amount get automatically charged 18% (I assume it was written in the menu as it is in many places I have dined at). They need to realize what they signed up for when they placed an order.
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You sound like my old economics professor. She was very contemptuous of the philosophy of tipping and always used the example of the elevator operator as a parallel to tipping i.e. the guy is being paid gratuitously for the job of pressing buttons. According to her all tipping was like paying someone for an imaginary job at an imaginary value which the labourer assigns himself with the complicity of the consumer, because they were already getting paid for their labour at market rates.
You sound like my old economics professor. She was very contemptuous of the philosophy of tipping and always used the example of the elevator operator as a parallel to tipping i.e. the guy is being paid gratuitously for the job of pressing buttons. According to her all tipping was like paying someone for an imaginary job at an imaginary value which the labourer assigns himself with the complicity of the consumer, because they were already getting paid for their labour at market rates.

However in some states you are taxed for the tips you supposedly make, so if no one tips you your base wage actually will decrease as a result. :shrug:

I will always tip unless I get awful service, the way I see it a person should factor in tipping as part of their meal expense.
You sound like my old economics professor. She was very contemptuous of the philosophy of tipping and always used the example of the elevator operator as a parallel to tipping i.e. the guy is being paid gratuitously for the job of pressing buttons. According to her all tipping was like paying someone for an imaginary job at an imaginary value which the labourer assigns himself with the complicity of the consumer, because they were already getting paid for their labour at market rates.

bzzzt Wrong:

Minimum Cash Wage - $2.83