Arguments for the soul's existence...

care to elaborate?

Actually I'm wearing these:

Partial Evidence of transient posssession:
posts 226 [page 12] through to post 269 of this thread.
special emphasis on posts:
246 and 255 comparison shows direct contra
thus partial evidence of "soul"
Could be said I guess that they refuse to acknowledge it. It's kind of typical I think. So I ask everyone else why you ignore it?

Ignore what? I went back a page or so but you mainly seem to be having a personal side conversation.
This was an experiment. Please let me explain.

This thread is about the soul and whether it indeed exists.

Actually, later in this post you show that was a deceit on your part and it wasn't what this thread was about.

Many of us believe personal character [*1] is a defining attribute of the soul.

The term soul is superfluous here and adds nothing which the other terms don't already contribute. The same applies to the rest of your "definitions."

Character requires a conscience and this differentiates the human species from other species.
Sorry bub, the other social mammals have conscience. In fact its not hard to argue that some of them have a more active conscience than we do since their sense of greed isn't as well developed.

Dogs, who have lived with us for long enough to develop fair interspecies communication, can even express concepts like guilt in ways we understand.

As you can see from the definitions these concepts are entertwined.
All I saw in the "definitions" was that you are self serving and very unclear on the concepts of proof and existence.

Hence I ran an experiment to see if any atheist could objectively evaluate what CHARACTER is.

Why is it that the theists who whine the loudest about souls and gods and judgment are the ones who lie and act with such deceit?

I gave Jesus and Hamlet as examples [of fictional characters.]...No atheist has been able to get past "Jesus is just fiction"

Jesus is just fiction. What about it? What exactly is there is to "get past?"

The gospel authors intended Jesus as a morally good hero

And failed because they weren't clear on the concept themselves, and weren't the world's best writers. What about it and what could fictional characters have to do with proving actual souls?

Hence, an atheist can not differentiate character in a fictional writing where the motives are made known by the authors.

What a self serving conclusion. Fiction often is interpreted in different ways by different people. It is all too common that how the author thought a character was being portrayed ends up portraying him differently, and this is when the author is still kicking around to be questioned. Also cultural nuances change from culture to culture and time to time. What many have seemed no big deal at the time may spark a fire storm of controversy today, like Mohammad's favorite wife having been a child bride.

Grow up. Take a literary criticism class and broaden your horizons a bit.

If an atheist can not rationally evaluate fictional CHARACTER

Failing to agree with you is not failing to evaluate the character of Jesus. In fact as a "believer" your rose colored interpretation is the one most suspect. I would hardly be surprised if you turned away from an accurate re-portrayal of the Jesus character. He isn't that attractive when you arent' lusting after his carrot or fearing his stick.

how can they rationally evaluate real character

We each do it every day and you seem to be coming up short.

the concept of a SOUL?

An archaic concept without merit beyond its use as a poetic metaphor.
Woody said:
This was an experiment. Please let me explain.

This thread is about the soul and whether it indeed exists.
Actually, later in this post you show that was a deceit on your part and it wasn't what this thread was about.
Woody said:
Many of us believe personal character [*1] is a defining attribute of the soul.
The term soul is superfluous here and adds nothing which the other terms don't already contribute. The same applies to the rest of your "definitions."
Woody said:
Character requires a conscience and this differentiates the human species from other species.
Sorry bub, the other social mammals have conscience. In fact its not hard to argue that some of them have a more active conscience than we do since their sense of greed isn't as well developed.

Dogs, who have lived with us for long enough to develop fair interspecies communication, can even express concepts like guilt in ways we understand.
Woody said:
As you can see from the definitions these concepts are entertwined.
All I saw in the "definitions" was that you are self serving and very unclear on the concepts of proof and existence.
Woody said:
Hence I ran an experiment to see if any atheist could objectively evaluate what CHARACTER is.
Why is it that the theists who whine the loudest about souls and gods and judgment are the ones who lie and act with such deceit?
Woody said:
gave Jesus and Hamlet as examples [of fictional characters.]...No atheist has been able to get past "Jesus is just fiction"
Jesus is just fiction. What about it? What exactly is there is to "get past?"
Woody said:
The gospel authors intended Jesus as a morally good hero
And failed because they weren't clear on the concept themselves, and weren't the world's best writers. What about it and what could fictional characters have to do with proving actual souls?
Woody said:
Hence, an atheist can not differentiate character in a fictional writing where the motives are made known by the authors.
What a self serving conclusion. Fiction often is interpreted in different ways by different people. It is all too common that how the author thought a character was being portrayed ends up portraying him differently, and this is when the author is still kicking around to be questioned. Also cultural nuances change from culture to culture and time to time. What many have seemed no big deal at the time may spark a fire storm of controversy today, like Mohammad's favorite wife having been a child bride.

Grow up. Take a literary criticism class and broaden your horizons a bit.
Woody said:
If an atheist can not rationally evaluate fictional CHARACTER
Failing to agree with you is not failing to evaluate the character of Jesus. In fact as a "believer" your rose colored interpretation is the one most suspect. I would hardly be surprised if you turned away from an accurate re-portrayal of the Jesus character. He isn't that attractive when you arent' lusting after his carrot or fearing his stick.
Woody said:
how can they rationally evaluate real character
We each do it every day and you seem to be coming up short.
Woody said:
the concept of a SOUL?
An archaic concept without merit beyond its use as a poetic metaphor.

This needs to be posted again.
Well said.
Jesus is just fiction. What about it? What exactly is there is to "get past?"

exactly the point. If Jesus is considered a fictional character, then he follows the directions of the authors (who were real people). The authors wanted to present this "god-man" character as a super-hero that could do no wrong. "Stealing" was not part of their script. Hence it would be illogical to assume that the authors implied Jesus was a crook. The bible is just fiction controlled by the authors ....right????

In addition, a fictional character can't steal something in reality.

Somehow, atheists need to learn this: once you have assumed something is fiction you must be consistent with that assumption.

Likewise with character which is a part of the concept of soul. There are real characters and there are fictional characters. Learn the difference. The same concept of "a character" applies to both of them, kind of like there are real numbers and imaginary numbers, but they are both numbers.

Once the concept of "character" can be discussed rationally, then perhaps the concept of "soul" can be discussed rationally --except with Marcos who rejects it outright. I did not start this thread by the way.
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This "Electricl Aura", if it even exists, could easily be dismissed as a physical phenomena by a rational atheist.

As I think further on this, I keep returning back to bliss.
Nature is very efficient.
Evolution is very efficient.
The collection of emotions we refer to as “love” serves to propagate the species and foster familial connections and compassion. Without attachment to other human beings, without compassion we would not have cooperation. Without cooperation, an animal as weak and vulnerable as the human being will not survive.
We feel fear in order for us to be aware of potentially dangerous situations. Pain teaches us avoidance of those situations. Again, these things benefit us through helping to ensure survival and safety.
All our instincts are there for a reason, a purpose - a benefit to the individual or species. If that's true, then what is the purpose of ecstasy? What is the purpose of man's capacity to feel rapture? There is no direct survival benefit of the feelings of pure ecstasy that man feels related to his senses and emotions. Why does man have the capacity to experience extreme ecstasy over the taste or smell of a food, over a touch, over a piece of music, over art? There is no survival benefit from having the capacity for such immense and overwhelming pleasure. If anything an argument could be made for the detriments of our ability to fall into abandon over such elated bliss.

Perhaps this could be an atheist's argument for the existence of a soul?
Could bliss be evidence of the existence of a soul to an atheist?

I think an idea too sciency like that isn't going to work for someone so pragmatic as an atheist. It has to be something completely faith based, maybe a loved one died and he's too attached to really ever think they left him, I don't know. But if it's too sciency, then the scientific readers can just easily dismiss it and it detracts from your book. Which reminds me, I never got back to you on the chapters you sent me! Once my midterms are over, I'll get right on to reading them. Sorry!:(

Edit: You posted this in 06.. so I guess that means the book you sent me was the book you were writing.. whoops..
All our instincts are there for a reason, a purpose - a benefit to the individual or species. If that's true, then what is the purpose of ecstasy? What is the purpose of man's capacity to feel rapture? There is no direct survival benefit of the feelings of pure ecstasy that man feels related to his senses and emotions. Why does man have the capacity to experience extreme ecstasy over the taste or smell of a food, over a touch, over a piece of music, over art? There is no survival benefit from having the capacity for such immense and overwhelming pleasure. If anything an argument could be made for the detriments of our ability to fall into abandon over such elated bliss.
Bliss and ecstasy are the relief of suffering manifested into our consciousness. It is in these words the ultimate mortal relief from a build up of inherent tension if you like. Unfortunately short lived as the pleasure of rapture turns into suffering and boredom and inevitably over comes the sense of ecstasy.

It is worth noting though that other questions One_raven raises:

  1. Why would a purely physical entity be evolved so that it strives for ecstatic events an a ongoing cyclic basis their entire life.
  2. How does this serve the survival of the species?
  3. Would not other systems be just as adequate and less costly to the whole? [ as this desire for ecstasy has driven man mad on many occassions and is contra to survival instinct.
  4. Why evolve a system of cyclic self delusion thus deluding us into a sense of purpose when the atheist would say there is none other than biochemical....
are very valid indeed...

This in some ways points very much to the existence of something way beyond the mere physical biochemical existence and on to something a little more profound.
In the very lest providing a logical and reasonable justification for the asking of the questions about the existence of the soul.

just thought I'd comment on the inspiring post above...thank you...
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in other words why is the sense of "oneness" bliss and ecstasy?
Why is an sexual orgasm a state of oneness and neutralisation of tension either betwen people or with self?
Why do we seek oneness with a partner be it heterosexual or homosexual?
Why do we develop friendships and love bond relationships with our children?

Why is singing Ava Maria in church on a Saturday for a devote Christian a state of ecstasy and bliss for the singer and the group simultaneously?
and why does winning the world cup [ soccer ] send an entire nation beserk with mass ecstacy? [ again onesness of purpose - oneness of shared success]
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You are making the mistake of thinking evolution is purposeful.

It isn't. It doesn't matter if something seems contrary like some members being driven mad.

Its just survive and reproduce. Everything else is optional.
You are making the mistake of thinking evolution is purposeful.

It isn't. It doesn't matter if something seems contrary like some members being driven mad.

Its just survive and reproduce. Everything else is optional.
ha...and you think having an orgasm is optional ha....tell that to most of the world men and women...especially the men and see what sort of response you get... [chuckle]