Arguments for the soul's existence...

Nothing. They were just part of some spurious logic that was there to confuse the issue.
obviously you can't read swarm, must be blind as a bat hey? A blind bat with attitude..too

The mention of the orgasm was to focus on the fact that it does have very little role to play in the usual survival only notion of evolution. Why not just reproduce by way of a handshake and save all the bother of foreplay?
The notion of ecstasy was what was being discussed.
in fact why have a race that has two genders, when one hermaphrodite [dual gendered] being would be much better don't you think?
read the posts if you can?
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neway I agree now that there is evidence for soul in this thread, in our conversations with dave. they aren't just words.
neway I agree now that there is evidence for soul in this thread, in our conversations with dave. they aren't just words.
obvious actually if one looks at all of Daves posts over time and refers back to the sisyphus saga over the last 6 months or so....
it is actually easy to see that something has been happening that is quite extraordinary.

In fact I am tempted to run a thread using those posts as clear examples of transient possession.

posts 226 [page 12] through to post 269 of this thread.
special emphasis on posts:
246 and 255 comparison shows direct contra
when a poster makes a deliberate threat to kill another poster I think it is a bit more than just playing around....don't you?

Davidwhite04: post #255 page 13...
If you are TRUE to what you say, I will break the bastards neck, if not, I will break yours.
especially as it was posted almost immediately after:

Davidwhite04: post # 246 page 13

I love you, and you know that right?

and that Davidwhite04 seems to have vanished since...
You are making the mistake of thinking evolution is purposeful.

It isn't. It doesn't matter if something seems contrary like some members being driven mad.

Its just survive and reproduce. Everything else is optional.

Somehow living longer and reproducing longer isn't considered a "good" evolutionary trait -- otherwise it seems a species would overcome the aging process.
Somehow living longer and reproducing longer isn't considered a "good" evolutionary trait -- otherwise it seems a species would overcome the aging process.

Depends on the species. Many simple organisms are effectively immortal. Complex plants and animals seem to all have evolved a die off strategy as an innovation.

For the species it seems to work, even if it is hard on individuals.
The mention of the orgasm was to focus on the fact that it does have very little role to play in the usual survival only notion of evolution. Why not just reproduce by way of a handshake and save all the bother of foreplay?

There are plenty of species with no or little orgasm. There are even some who use a "handshake." After chatting his lady up, a reef squid uses one of his arms to hand a sperm packet to the female who then can decide to keep it or throw it away.

Just because evolution is just survive and reproduce, that doesn't mean that is all there is to existence. Particularly creatures with large brains have all manner of other agendas they like to pursue.

why have a race that has two genders, when one hermaphrodite [dual gendered] being would be much better don't you think?

There are hermaphodite species, most plants for example, gendered seems more effective with animals. But there are variations on the theme. There is a species of fish where they start out female and then when the local male dies one of the females changes her gender to become the new male. Some frogs and insects do away with the male.

Look just because you are ignorant about the topic, that doesn't mean it has anything to do with souls.
The soul is located in a specific part of the body. You can feel it but you cant see it and when you are suroprised or shocked is when you feel it. It is most noticeable early in life but when it ages it takes more to shock and surprise so it is less noticeabele.
The soul is located in a specific part of the body. You can feel it but you cant see it and when you are suroprised or shocked is when you feel it. It is most noticeable early in life but when it ages it takes more to shock and surprise so it is less noticeabele.

M*W: I would venture to guess that the soul you refer to resides in the adrenalin.
when a poster makes a deliberate threat to kill another poster I think it is a bit more than just playing around....don't you?

especially as it was posted almost immediately after:

and that Davidwhite04 seems to have vanished since...

Yeah heh I agree. Although........ other people might not agree :D
M*W: I would venture to guess that the soul you refer to resides in the adrenalin.
I recall mentioning that if any part of the body could be ued as an interface with our theortical soul then the endocrine system would be it including the adrenal systems. This then links u with many eastern Philosophies from Yoga to Chinese medicine etc etc
It determines your emotional state and how you feel and how you feel about how you feel allowing a sense of values all of which is commonly related to the hormonal systems of the body by science any way...
The soul is located in a specific part of the body. You can feel it but you cant see it and when you are suroprised or shocked is when you feel it. It is most noticeable early in life but when it ages it takes more to shock and surprise so it is less noticeabele.

Where ?
Also.. how can the soul age ? How do you propose a non-material 'substance' ages ?
And.. isn't it supposed to be eternal ?
Isn't it a wonder that we think about such grandiose things?
My cat plays with a shadow on the wall, but doesn't seem to care of it's origins, yet he does look around to see what he can see.
We're so small, tiny grains of something on a planet no larger. In a solar system , no larger..yet we think we should know something.
Even ecstasy is no proof of anything.

Maybe a soul is that frontal lobe that downloads the creative evidence of the universal life?
The brain is not a source, but a receiver.
Isn't it a wonder that we think about such grandiose things?
My cat plays with a shadow on the wall, but doesn't seem to care of it's origins, yet he does look around to see what he can see.
We're so small, tiny grains of something on a planet no larger. In a solar system , no larger..yet we think we should know something.
Even ecstasy is no proof of anything.

Maybe a soul is that frontal lobe that downloads the creative evidence of the universal life?
The brain is not a source, but a receiver.
One could say that the brain is also a manipulator. It manipulates data, sensory input and moderates body function accordingly.
The brain is a tad more than just a mere receiver. So in this sense the brain can be a source of creatively manipulated data....[aka imagination - improvisation - free-will]
Source, receiver and manipulator. And none of those have to do with anything like the soul either.
Source, receiver and manipulator. And none of those have to do with anything like the soul either.

IMO is the soul that utilises these tools as part of the way it expresses it's existence. [ or in metaphorical terms : expresses it's love]