Arguments for and against the existence of God

So guys, when will we confront the pivotal factor:

What if the universe is regarded as absolutely finite? IOW, no entropy, para uni's, time, space - no nothing. Go on - play devil's advocate!
Therefore, God is nowhere.

No, he's outside of creation. Although technically its true, as Big Chiller said- the creator of location must be outside of location-

we can not imagine anything outside of time, space, and matter/mass so I'm not going to say how something can exist outside of space because I myself can not imagine it... But my argument was general, he's outside the code- that means he's somewhere

Where is this single moment of "creation"? Which point?

At the point of creation-

Everything is information depending on the system. Systems define what is information or what is not. A molecule might not have any value of information for X system, but it can present a valuable information for Y system.

And the system itself is made of information- so information is telling it what information is information in the first place. 'Systems define' but system must be defined first.

It does. You still didn't define what do you mean by code. If you mean DNA, in this case DNA is not created either. It evolved through chemical agreements through time, and still evolving using species.

I already explained this, go back and read it. A process being part of a code can never negate the code.

Sorry, it doesn't work like that: You will claim something has a starting and/or finishing point and I will prove otherwise. The idea behind my claim is simple. If:

a) any occurrence has a history behind it, that is to say "doesn't appear out of nowhere" but progress through time and used by another beings/systems
b) any occurrence does not disappear out of existence but transforms into something else

Therefore you can not talk about absolute starting and end points.

You are only talking about things that occur within the coded creation which appear to fit your options.. But I'm talking about the code itself- not that which results within it.

What a bold claim. Yes you can write it down; but the problem is this: Does it work?

Sure it does. Egyptians used multiple forms of writing forms to express the same thing-

Here is a definition for you from Wikipedia:

This definition doesn't talk about duplication or anything for a good reason: Because duplication or making working systems depending upon scientific knowledge is "technology". If you find any definition of physics that mixes up science and technology, you can bring it up, we can have a look.

I never said duplication of things. I said a duplication of code into the form of Math. Much like translation.

First, you don't write a code to describe the world, you simply try to formulate the actual happenings in order to understand. Therefore, your conclusion of "Universe is based on a code" is similar to claim that "God exists", pure imagination and unsubstantiated supposition.

'Describing' = modeling. Which is what you are talking about 'formulation of actual happening'.

Therefore, I don't understand why you're being so stupid.

DNA is not a product of a code. DNA is the code for the most of the living thing (viruses that works on RNA is excluded, yet if you think that viruses needs a DNA host to survive we can say the "all" living things instead of the most).

And since DNA is not product of a code, according to your logic, it shouldn't be the result of creation. Because your logic makes DNA as a creation "if" DNA was coming from a code. Since this is not the case, will you modify your statement, will you prove or argue that DNA is coming from a code (where was it written before DNA, how did it emerge? etc.), or will you find another excuse to insist upon "creation"? Which one?

Can you get your head around my argument in the first place. I'm not talking about the coded DNA of A's, T's, C's, and G's.... I'm talking about the whole frickin universe. Is DNA product of the universe? Yes.

My assumption is simple: There is no creator. I designed the subject example in order to clarify what type of "creator" you are talking about; not because of my understanding of a creator; I don't have any image of creator in my mind. And I hope we don't compare the local time zones between God and us; we are discussing an assumption of instant creation claim vs. evolving structures of the universe. If we can follow the elements of process when we look at natural beings, therefore this process requires certain steps: It's against the idea of being 0 and suddenly being 1.

Why not mention the time zone- then so is instantaneous change.

My world view is not "a creator vs no creator"; it's probably your world view and you are clearly standing behind the creator side. My one is simpler: "What creator"?

Are you even trying to understand what I'm saying- or you just want to say something in response for the sake of it.... I only said there is difference in how one understands the world depending on if one views it with a creator vs not- I didn't say anything about your worldview.

You are imposing the idea of a "creator" without explaining the "logic" (that's what you call it) or the story behind this assumption.

Then you just missed it, or you don't understand the argument- which is more likely true as you keep asking me about 'what code'.

Plus, you are also claiming that there is no structural difference between the numbers of creators. Moreover, you are using natural or human made technology in order to argue your God idea (and "the logic behind it") without giving any clue about what this God is made of, where does it stay or what is the limits of its power. You can not, because the answers of these questions are nothing, nowhere/everywhere and limitless respectively.

Because all of this is irrelevant to the discuss that a creator exists- what he looks like and any of his attributes are different topics. I'm dealing with the general concept of a creator, not the specifics of one. I believe I've said this before.

This kind of logic or argument is not a type of logic I am familiar with.

Because you don't know what 'logical' hence 'logic' is as you demonstrate below.

"Logical assumption" is not something that you can say anything you like and claim it as "logical". "Logical assumption" requires some proposition, statement that can be tested (this is very important: tested) according to certain parameters; it must be arguable according to the rules. If you are talking about a "creator", or a "God", this is not a "logical" argument, it's only a claim.

Logic doesn't require to be tested- you're thinking science which uses testable logical arguments. But there are logical arguments that can not be tested but are logical. All squares are rectangles but all rectangles are not squares.... Science and pure logic are not the same thing. All science is logical but all logical arguments are not science.

Within the code, within the code: What code?

The system of the universe.

So you can freely claim that physical universe perform on codes, more dramatically you believe in this, but when someone asks you "what are they?" you simply divert the topic to physics books and other excuses. You simply show me a source, a site, a textbook where I can check out your "universe on code" claim is mentioned, then I will go and check it, promise.

Universe is not performing upon the laws of physics?

Physics don't work with assumptions; at least not the type of "assumption" in your mind. Fitting into mathematics is not a criteria for Physics, there are calculations in physics that ends up with "infinity" and this is simply meaningless. But this doesn't stop physicists in terms of "continuing their research", they still try to approach differently. Because problem is still there; for instance: Black holes. What are they going to do know? "Black holes doesn't match up with our maths, so let's drop this topic." Is that so? What if current mathematical modelling is not enough to describe what is going on?

It doesn't matter that 'current mathematical modeling' is not enough- but as long as it can be incorporated in a systematic fashion- then that is a systematic code.

"The assumption that everything is physical can never be proven" you say. This is absolutely right: For instance, idea of God can not be physically proven. Because it's not the subject of physics. If you go back the definition I provided above, physics deals with physical things, with nature. "Everything" is not even a concept. Because anybody can fill the contents of "Everything" with "anything" they like. Physics obviously can not deal with this type of arbitrary approach.

Yes that is why they work under the assumption that what is, is physical- so they try to find an explanation.

Is this a conclusion, because it sounds like one. If you do not want to discuss the existence of God, it is your thing, I can understand. But don't try to impose a strange idea that the existence of God is irrelevant to this topic. It may not be relevant for you, but some people might want to know the subject of discussion.

Are you mentally impaired? In which form did that look like a conclusion- it was the terms upon which the discussion is to be based-

Peace be unto you ;)
I think that sometimes we mix up the creation of the universe with the Existence of all things, of which the big bang of our universe, is only part of existence.

The creation of the singularity might only be a part of all things of which the creation of our beautiful universe, is only a part of all reality
No, he's outside of creation.

we can not imagine anything outside of time, space, and matter/mass so I'm not going to say how something can exist outside of space because I myself can not imagine it... But my argument was general, he's outside the code- that means he's somewhere

Nice contradiction, well thought out. You make a claim for something you can't possible imagine, but you make the claim in the affirmative anyway.

Therefore, I don't understand why you're being so stupid.

Why are you?

Can you get your head around my argument in the first place.

One fallacy after another does not produce an argument.

I'm dealing with the general concept of a creator, not the specifics of one.

That would be the concept you claimed one couldn't possibly imagine.

Because you don't know what 'logical' hence 'logic' is as you demonstrate below.

You shouldn't be accusing others of the crime you yourself are committing.

Are you mentally impaired?

(Q) I have no interest in talking to a cultist like you

Peace be unto you ;)
(Q) I have no interest in talking to a cultist like you

I have no problem with that. Once again, you shouldn't be accusing others of what you yourself are doing. I belong to no cult, you do. :D
Regarding design and randomness: Do not you see obvious design in the following?!


The Creator uses same pieces of design across species. Here we can see owl eyes on a butterfly. Butterfly name: Caligo Idomenius.

I do not see obvious design in the image, as I understand the process by which the pattern was formed. There are many models describing, very accurately, the mechanisms governing the formation of biological patterns.

One of the earliest models of pattern formation, the reaction diffusion theory of morphogenesis, was put forward by Alan Turing in 1952. He suggested that, under certain conditions, chemicals can react and diffuse in such a way as to produce steady state heterogeneous spatial patterns of chemical or morphogen concentration.

Without delving into the technicalities of the theory, the upshot is that simple chemical diffusion conditions exhibited in domains of certain geometries give rise to a plethora of different patterns.

A prediction of the early work of Turing (Turing-instability being the mechanism by which animal coat markings are formed) is that we shouldn't expect to find animals with striped bodies and spotted tails, only the other way around. This prediction is verified by observation almost universally in the animal kingdom. Very few animals have striped bodies with spotty tails. Not bad from a man who was neither a biologist or a chemist! His early work gave birth to a very rich and fruitful field of research.

Biological patterns are beautiful and to simply credit such beauty to a designer ignores the equally beautiful biology, mathematics and chemistry underlying them. No design is necessary.

For a thorough account see
J.D Murray, Mathematical Biology (Volumes I & II). [an excellent text]

There's even a whole section on butterfly wing pattern formation!
Maybe some people are not able to see obvious design in the owl eye butterfly but what about this:

Chapter 76 of the Holy Quran, named "Human", is the 31[sup]st[/sup] chapter containing the word "Human" from Quran's beginning. It is the only chapter in whole Quran that consists of 31 verses. Open the old testament and you find that Genesis 1:1 (creation story) consists of 31 verses.

Here is the first verse in chapter 76 "Human":

"Does there not come on MAN a portion of time when he is nothing worth mentioning?" - The word used in this verse and discussed here is "ALANSN" which means man (human being - no gender specified)

This verse with this clear reference to human creation is the 46[sup]th[/sup] verse from Quran's beginning which contains the word "Human".

Different species have different number of chromosomes. Human beings have 46 chromosomes. The chromosomes contain the genetic material needed for the functioning and development of the human body.

The number 46 itself is the 31[sup]st[/sup] composite number in universe. Composite numbers are numbers composed of the multiplication of prime numbers.

Someone may ask but what about the number 76 ? Amazingly the number 76 is the 31[sup]st[/sup] number if counting up from number 46.

Even more, the word man "ALANSN" appears 65 times in the whole Quran. Number 65 is the 46[sup]th[/sup] composite number in universe!

Data sheets, tables and more amazing facts can be found in this article:

Word "Human being" - Ingenious arrangement

The amazing thing is that those scientific and mathematical phenomena are found in a text with incredible literary eloquence. No one ever was able to match the language of the Holy Quran. It is clear that it is a revelation of the All Knowing God who created man and taught him how to speak. The mathematical phenomena and the linguistic beauty of the Quran make it clear that it was revealed by the mathematician of everything! And I sincerely see no reason not to believe in Him!
I think that sometimes we mix up the creation of the universe with the Existence of all things, of which the big bang of our universe, is only part of existence.

The creation of the singularity might only be a part of all things of which the creation of our beautiful universe, is only a part of all reality

There is no singularity as in an indivisable and/or irreducible entity. Technically, there is no absolute ONE in the universe. It takes a minimum of a duality to have an action.

This factor negates the reality of the BBT - which is only a theory regarded the best we can come up with: if the BB began with one single entity - there cannot be any action from it, such as an expansion or a bang. This is also the reason for the premise the universe is infinite, which assumes there are forces pre-dating the universe which acted upon the first BB entity. But this fails again - because it contradicts the BB as being the first entity! Strange, but I learnt this science from a theological writing called Genesis.