Argument for the "70 weeks messiah prophecy"?

Yes there was greater reward mentioned by Jesus for doing more and lesser reward for doing less. But they where about varying degrees of reward.

Not about Slavation to Eternity with God or Condemnation to the Lake of Fire.

And Paul was a true Messsanger of God, guilded by the Holy Spirit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Will I ever be free? More M.G.s Caps too . Dw. you see why I am delusional yet ?
What happens if someone in heaven gets fed up of all the hymns and worship and decides to rebel?
OMFG you are so right! I can't believe I even had to ask, it's so simple, loool. I feel so embarrassed now. I guess that christian brainwashing never really leaves you, or at least not for awhile.

You have just been brainwashed/handled.
