Argument for the "70 weeks messiah prophecy"?

how easy is it for someone to grab any excuse to not believe.

He already said that. o_O

It's not any excuse, I'm a serious truth seeker, that's why I came on here, because I thought the guy had a point, but I see that I was just being naive, like anyone else who believes, unless I'm missing something here.

YOU guys say he is real, right? THEN FREAKIN PROVE IT.

If someone told you they'd give you a million dollars if you go to his house every Sunday and do stuff for him, what is the COMMON SENSE QUESTION??? PROVE YOU CAN DO THAT FOR ME! Do you have other people you have paid in the past? Can you give me bank receipts to show you even have that kind of money?

No, better yet, it's not even the guy telling you he'd give you a million, it's someone ELSE telling you to come to THEIR house and do work, and some guy you've never met is gonna pay you. LOL. Question: Can you show me the guy? No... Can you give me evidence he even exists? No... But I can give you this book that says he did. WOULD YOU WORK FOR A GUY LIKE THAT? It's just common sense!

Don't tell me "it's too late for you", the Bible says it's not too late for anybody to turn back and repent. That's just a stupid excuse because you can't give me any evidence. Can't you see this?
That was exactly the year when Jesus was baptized and became the Messiah!

Whoever wrote that needs some theology lessons.
Jesus was the Messiah when he was born, not when he was baptized.
He didn't need to be baptised at all.
After his baptism, he was revealed to John B as the Messiah, but his own nature did not change.

Has the writer not noticed that we celebrate Christmas, not Jesus's baptism.
This is just fitting one event in Jesus's life to spuriously make the prophesy perfectly accurate.

The appeal to an historical date doesn't work either.
The great Bible wiki states:
Artaxerxes I was the sixth king of kings of the Achaemenid Empire from 465 BCE to 424 BCE. He was the son of Xerxes I of Persia and Amestris, daughter of Otanes.

465 BCE not 455 BCE.

Ask your friend this:
"Dost thou not believe wiki, thou son of a serpent"?

I wouldn't let people using this insidious type of argument affect your faith or non faith.
You must find your own path.
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Don't tell me "it's too late for you", the Bible says it's not too late for anybody to turn back and repent. That's just a stupid excuse because you can't give me any evidence. Can't you see this?

LOL. What are you doing quoting the bible???? You said:

garbonzo; said:
Hurr? I'm telling YOU to prove he was real, lol. I don't believe in the Bible anymore. :p


Telling us that you do not believe the bible anymore then a few posts later quoting the bible to support your position that it is not too late for you????

Give us a BREAK. :rolleyes:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
LOL. What are you doing quoting the bible???? You said:


Telling us that you do not believe the bible anymore then a few posts later quoting the bible to support your position that it is not too late for you????

Give us a BREAK. :rolleyes:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Now you are just reaching. You know EXACTLY what I mean by that. YOU believe in the Bible. If YOU believe in the Bible, you must go by it, so that's why I quoted from the Bible. Because YOU believe in the Bible.

I'm trying to tell you that you should provide some evidence, because if I see the evidence is true, then I will become a believer. Hence the "it's not too late for me".
so as nothing i will say will ever move you to believe.

No it won't. Given that according to your scripture, people that actually met this Jesus character didn't believe him!

So, 2000 years later, a mostly made up account of a fictionalised character is supposed to be more compelling than meeting the man himself?

Can you explain this discrepancy?
Now you are just reaching. You know EXACTLY what I mean by that. YOU believe in the Bible. If YOU believe in the Bible, you must go by it, so that's why I quoted from the Bible. Because YOU believe in the Bible.

The bible says to me, And you quoted the part about SIN. Not rejection of the atonement of the Messiah Jesus...

You said you did not believe the Bible. Therefore you have rejected the Love of the truth. The Messiah Jesus.. Reject the Message and you reject Jesus.

I'm trying to tell you that you should provide some evidence, because if I see the evidence is true, then I will become a believer. Hence the "it's not too late for me".

The only evidence you will get is the moral convicting evidence of the Message of the Bible. And you have stated proudly with a cheesy P smile that you do not believe it.

Having rejected that then there is no way you are going to get any incontrovertible evidence of the existence of God.. Except on the Day of Judgement. On that Day everyone will have their incontrovertible evidence.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No it won't. Given that according to your scripture, people that actually met this Jesus character didn't believe him!

They rejected Him because they rejected His Message as either an offence or as a joke. It had nothing to do with His existence or not.

So, 2000 years later, a mostly made up account of a fictionalised character is supposed to be more compelling than meeting the man himself?

Can you explain this discrepancy?

The Message is still the same. And low and behold people are still accepting that Message and others are still rejecting it for the SAME reasons.

That’s not a discrepancy, that's a consistency.

Nothing changes under the sun, same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
They rejected Him because they rejected His Message as either an offence or as a joke. It had nothing to do with His existence or not.

Same could be said for David Koresh. Nutters get followers, others see them for what they are.

The Message is still the same.

Then how come Christians own property, if the message is still the same? Seems they conveniently ignore the very clear instruction to sell their belongings and give away the proceeds.

And low and behold

It's 'lo' not 'low'. It's used quite often in the bible, if you've read it.

people are still accepting that Message and others are still rejecting it for the SAME reasons.

Yeah, nutters will gather followers, and others will see them for what they are.

That’s not a discrepancy, that's a consistency.

No, it's a discrepancy. Jesus wasn't all that compelling in person, in that people who met him thought he was a liar. To think scripture is compelling therefore is to ignore the fact he wasn't.
The Message is still the same. And low and behold people are still accepting that Message and others are still rejecting it for the SAME reasons.

That’s not a discrepancy, that's a consistency.

Nothing changes under the sun, same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So you guys have been preaching for over 2000 years about a judgement day it it has never come for 2000 years. What makes you think it will ever come? Heck, that's just Christians, but people have been saying "It's the end" since the early days of mankind.

Your right, though. Nothing will ever change, there will be no Judgement day, the only way the end will come is if it was by mankind's nature... or aliens.

My own opinion from what I've researched.
Daniel is actually talking about events within New Testament revelations that appear after Christ. The Daniel prophesy is connected to the prophesy of the White Horseman.

The white horseman has a bow and arrow and goes forth conqueoring and to conqueor. His white color symbolizes purity/good, with his gold crown that of a divine king. His bow and arrow are symbolic of something similar to Cupid's arrow; hits to the heart. He wins human hearts. His bow and arrow is a long distance weapon; he will travel by a way that he does not transverse by foot.

Relative to the Daniel time cycle, the white horseman cycle is already in motion, before that happens. The cycle of the white horseman culminates when the word is given by the whitehorseman to restore and purify jerusalem. After the 67 weeks of restoraton, the white horseman or Messiah comes into Jersusalem. Rise and shine for your light has come.

The whiteness of the white horseman Messiah is short lived, after his coming into Jerusalem. Once in place, the whitehorse man becomes the red horseman. This is the same person, but now his winning white personality is becomes a lot more fiery (red) with his two edge sword, designed for in fighting; in your face. The fiery red Messiah (Elijah) hooks up with another person. These are the two annointed ones.

The bear of Daniel is built up one side (two annointed ones are the Messiah and a secondary but lessor annointed one). Their tough reign culminates in the guilt sacrifice. Jesus was the sacrifice for sin. But even with forgiveness for sin, many people still feel guilty, not allowing self forgiveness of their sin, even when there is forgiveness for sin. The guiilt sacrifice removes the guilt of original sin. The beast from the abyss kills them. The weaker annoited one is a female; She is the new symbolic Eve, who makes a different choice, all the way to her death. With the two dead and gone, and guilt finally appeased, due to the guilt sacrifice, things take a change for the worse. And behold the blackhorseman appears.

Many years ago I took an interest in bible prophesies, due to an interest I had in collective human symbolism. I was not religious, but had the POV of a rational scientist who also like symbolism. I approached prophesies like it was a science project, where I would test my knowledge of symbolism and learn new symbols.

At the beginning of revelations, there is a warning not to add or take away from the words of the prophesies. What I noticed is that most people always add words, when they try a explain a symbol or a quote, such as using an event in history. The history words are not in the original text so they just just added words. This created a paradox, as how do you explain a mystery, without using extra words to explain???

After pondering this paradox, an idea appeared to me. It dawned on me this was not a warning, but a hint. The hint says do not add or take away. My approach became, treat the bible like a textbook, where I would highlite the entire book (new and old testament) for all the prophesy quotes and symbols, trying not to leave anything out; no words were left out; check.

Next, I hired a girl to type all these quotes into a computer, since I type like crap. What I had was a puzzle, with all the prophesy quote pieces laid out in front of me. To satisfy the second requirement of the hint/warning (add no words of your own) all I needed to do was rearrange "all", the quotes, until the completed puzzle told a story, using no words of my own. It took about a year to put all the pieces into the puzzle. I am not sure if I got it all right, but I may be the only one who followed the rules of the warning/hint; all the words with none of my own.

I have been reluctant to publish this small book. I buried it for nearly 25 years, because the story can mess with your mind. Even as a scientist, trying to be objective, it pushed firmware buttons I did not expect. On the other hand, I have been considering finally putting the prophesy puzzle solution on the net, so others can see that it is possible. I also considered, as a possible way to avoid misunderstanding, maybe I could sell it as a script for a movie or mini-series, since the puzzle story is awesome and unique and unexpected.
Daniel is actually talking about events within New Testament revelations that appear after Christ. The Daniel prophesy is connected to the prophesy of the White Horseman.

The white horseman has a bow and arrow and goes forth conqueoring and to conqueor. His white color symbolizes purity/good, with his gold crown that of a divine king. His bow and arrow are symbolic of something similar to Cupid's arrow; hits to the heart. He wins human hearts. His bow and arrow is a long distance weapon; he will travel by a way that he does not transverse by foot.

Relative to the Daniel time cycle, the white horseman cycle is already in motion, before that happens. The cycle of the white horseman culminates when the word is given by the whitehorseman to restore and purify jerusalem. After the 67 weeks of restoraton, the white horseman or Messiah comes into Jersusalem. Rise and shine for your light has come.

The whiteness of the white horseman Messiah is short lived, after his coming into Jerusalem. Once in place, the whitehorse man becomes the red horseman. This is the same person, but now his winning white personality is becomes a lot more fiery (red) with his two edge sword, designed for in fighting; in your face. The fiery red Messiah (Elijah) hooks up with another person. These are the two annointed ones.

The bear of Daniel is built up one side (two annointed ones are the Messiah and a secondary but lessor annointed one). Their tough reign culminates in the guilt sacrifice. Jesus was the sacrifice for sin. But even with forgiveness for sin, many people still feel guilty, not allowing self forgiveness of their sin, even when there is forgiveness for sin. The guiilt sacrifice removes the guilt of original sin. The beast from the abyss kills them. The weaker annoited one is a female; She is the new symbolic Eve, who makes a different choice, all the way to her death. With the two dead and gone, and guilt finally appeased, due to the guilt sacrifice, things take a change for the worse. And behold the blackhorseman appears.

Many years ago I took an interest in bible prophesies, due to an interest I had in collective human symbolism. I was not religious, but had the POV of a rational scientist who also like symbolism. I approached prophesies like it was a science project, where I would test my knowledge of symbolism and learn new symbols.

At the beginning of revelations, there is a warning not to add or take away from the words of the prophesies. What I noticed is that most people always add words, when they try a explain a symbol or a quote, such as using an event in history. The history words are not in the original text so they just just added words. This created a paradox, as how do you explain a mystery, without using extra words to explain???

After pondering this paradox, an idea appeared to me. It dawned on me this was not a warning, but a hint. The hint says do not add or take away. My approach became, treat the bible like a textbook, where I would highlite the entire book (new and old testament) for all the prophesy quotes and symbols, trying not to leave anything out; no words were left out; check.

Next, I hired a girl to type all these quotes into a computer, since I type like crap. What I had was a puzzle, with all the prophesy quote pieces laid out in front of me. To satisfy the second requirement of the hint/warning (add no words of your own) all I needed to do was rearrange "all", the quotes, until the completed puzzle told a story, using no words of my own. It took about a year to put all the pieces into the puzzle. I am not sure if I got it all right, but I may be the only one who followed the rules of the warning/hint; all the words with none of my own.

I have been reluctant to publish this small book. I buried it for nearly 25 years, because the story can mess with your mind. Even as a scientist, trying to be objective, it pushed firmware buttons I did not expect. On the other hand, I have been considering finally putting the prophesy puzzle solution on the net, so others can see that it is possible. I also considered, as a possible way to avoid misunderstanding, maybe I could sell it as a script for a movie or mini-series, since the puzzle story is awesome and unique and unexpected.

I think you definitely should try and sell it to the History channel or so.
Same could be said for David Koresh. Nutters get followers, others see them for what they are.

So? What does that have to do with the topic? Where talking Jesus. Not david koresh.

Then how come Christians own property, if the message is still the same? Seems they conveniently ignore the very clear instruction to sell their belongings and give away the proceeds.

How does the failings of Christians in regard to the message of Jesus have anything to do with the Message of Jesus? The Message of Jesus stands independent of all the varying reactions to it.

It's 'lo' not 'low'. It's used quite often in the bible, if you've read it.

Pathetic personal attack over a spelling error, does not undermine the message of the other. It only shows you to be attacking the messenger because your attack on the message is weak.

people are still accepting that Message and others are still rejecting it for the SAME reasons.

Yeah, nutters will gather followers, and others will see them for what they are.

The reaction to the Message will reveal people for what they are. You call Jesus a nutter WOE TO YOU.

No, it's a discrepancy. Jesus wasn't all that compelling in person, in that people who met him thought he was a liar. To think scripture is compelling therefore is to ignore the fact he wasn't.

Not compelling to people like You....

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So you guys have been preaching for over 2000 years about a judgement day it it has never come for 2000 years.

Well for about 1981 years thats under 2000 years not over. But anyway what does time have to do with it? There will either be a day of Judgement or not. We could be waiting for another 1000 years.

What makes you think it will ever come? Heck, that's just Christians, but people have been saying "It's the end" since the early days of mankind.

Because Jesus said so and i have faith in Him.

Your right, though. Nothing will ever change, there will be no Judgement day, the only way the end will come is if it was by mankind's nature... or aliens.

My own opinion from what I've researched.

LOL Aliens....

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
How does the failings of Christians in regard to the message of Jesus have anything to do with the Message of Jesus? The Message of Jesus stands independent of all the varying reactions to it.

So your saying you've sold everything you have, as Jesus stated you should and go preach the good news?

LOL Aliens....

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You are Catholic, right?

There is already overwhelming evidence supporting ETs were here on Earth before through archeological findings and hieroglyphics.
The reaction to the Message will reveal people for what they are. You call Jesus a nutter WOE TO YOU.
And Muslims say people who reject Allah will have to watch out for his retribution and punishment when they are judged. And people who believe in Vishnu say to watch out for his retribution. And people who believe in Zeus say to watch out for his retribution.

Most religions play the "Believe or you'll be in trouble after you're dead!" card. As an outsider looking in, which religion should be believed? Each one says the others are wrong, in part or in whole.

Simply asserting something doesn't make it valid. There's plenty of assertive ardent Muslims, Hindus, pagans, etc, as well as Jews and Christians. The strength of a believers conviction has no bearing on the truth of their convictions. Playing the "You'll be sorry when you're dead!" card is pointless. Do you worry about the Muslim or Hindu god (or gods) punishing you when you die? No. Well an atheist feels precisely as you do, but we also feel the same lack of fear when it comes to your god. Threatening someone with "Santa will be angry!" is a laughably pathetic attempt at emotional manipulation. It's a sign you have nothing rational to justify your position, only pathetic mind games.

When presented with 100 people with conflicting opinions, no evidence and all denouncing the 99 others the logical, rational thing is to disbelieve them all until evidence can be presented. Until you can present evidence the book you believe in is more accurate a description of reality and the views and opinions of a universe creating deity than any other religions the only rational conclusion is not to believe you or any other religious person's claims.
So? What does that have to do with the topic? Where talking Jesus. Not david koresh.

Just because you do not accept David Koresh as being the 2nd coming doesn't mean he wasn't. In the same way that you dismiss Koresh, others dismissed Jesus. Get that?

How does the failings of Christians in regard to the message of Jesus have anything to do with the Message of Jesus? The Message of Jesus stands independent of all the varying reactions to it.

Because the majority fail. The message can't have been clear enough therefore.

Pathetic personal attack over a spelling error, does not undermine the message of the other. It only shows you to be attacking the messenger because your attack on the message is weak.

You got it wrong. Take it on the cheek and turn the other. Where have you heard that before?

The reaction to the Message will reveal people for what they are. You call Jesus a nutter WOE TO YOU.

Jesus didn't exist as depicted in the bible. So where is this woe coming from?

Not compelling to people like You....

Clearly you have missed the message of your Messiah, which is peace and love. Take some time to get off your high horse and start displaying some love for us sinners. It will give you some credibility. Maybe.
Just because you do not accept David Koresh as being the 2nd coming doesn't mean he wasn't. In the same way that you dismiss Koresh, others dismissed Jesus. Get that?

Interesting.. I did not know david koresh claimed to be the Messiah Jesus. Where did you get this information?

Because the majority fail. The message can't have been clear enough therefore.

The all fail because they are human beings who cannot live up to the standards set by God.

You got it wrong. Take it on the cheek and turn the other. Where have you heard that before?

Oh yes i did. I always review posts of others and there is another poster in here that has made spelling mistakes. But i am not a pathetic jerk who will use their spelling mistakes in a vain attempt to undermine their thoughts. So my cheak has turned in this matter on a few occasions on this board.

Jesus didn't exist as depicted in the bible. So where is this woe coming from?

Jesus dud exist as depicted in the Bible. And your woe is coming from the eternal torment in the lake of fire as revealed in the Bible.

Clearly you have missed the message of your Messiah, which is peace and love. Take some time to get off your high horse and start displaying some love for us sinners. It will give you some credibility. Maybe.

What are you talking about? That was to convict you. To reveal to you just what kind of (insert derogatory identifier here) you are. But alas you keep biting because your not one for convicting are you. You’re proud of your pride.

Proverbs 16
18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days