Argument for the "70 weeks messiah prophecy"?

Interesting.. I did not know david koresh claimed to be the Messiah Jesus. Where did you get this information?

How is that of any importance?
Why would you bother asking that?
Lots of loonies think they are the second coming.
Different thing to being the Messiah, but we'll allow the confusion.
And Muslims say people who reject Allah will have to watch out for his retribution and punishment when they are judged. And people who believe in Vishnu say to watch out for his retribution. And people who believe in Zeus say to watch out for his retribution.

Most religions play the "Believe or you'll be in trouble after you're dead!" card. As an outsider looking in, which religion should be believed? Each one says the others are wrong, in part or in whole.

:rolleyes: You investigate these claims and You decide who is right and who is wrong.

Simply asserting something doesn't make it valid.

So what??? It is either valid or invalid. You decide.

There's plenty of assertive ardent Muslims, Hindus, pagans, etc, as well as Jews and Christians.

Yeah so???

The strength of a believers conviction has no bearing on the truth of their convictions.

Yeah So???

Playing the "You'll be sorry when you're dead!" card is pointless.

Well i agree to some extent. Especially when you say it to a proud, pompous (insert derogatory identifier here). But some actually find it a good motivator to seriously seek. And prompting serious seeking is not pointless.

Do you worry about the Muslim or Hindu god (or gods) punishing you when you die? No.

Not at all, there gods are not God.

Well an atheist feels precisely as you do, but we also feel the same lack of fear when it comes to your god.

Speak for yourself. You don't speak for all atheists.

Threatening someone with "Santa will be angry!" is a laughably pathetic attempt at emotional manipulation.

Indeed. santa does not exist.

It's a sign you have nothing rational to justify your position, only pathetic mind games.

No it means i see someone who just might be moved to take things a bit more seriously if they think there is a possability of a serious outcome to their final decision on the matter. Well of course of often i am wrong, i am only human so i cannot read peoples intents are attitudes with 100% accuracy.

When presented with 100 people with conflicting opinions, no evidence and all denouncing the 99 others the logical, rational thing is to disbelieve them all until evidence can be presented.

The evidence they provide is there teachings. Their scriptures. And that is evidence through a message.

Until you can present evidence the book you believe in is more accurate a description of reality and the views and opinions of a universe creating deity than any other religions the only rational conclusion is not to believe you or any other religious person's claims.

Ha Ha Ha you keep on telling yourself that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
How is that of any importance?
Why would you bother asking that?
Lots of loonies think they are the second coming.
Different thing to being the Messiah, but we'll allow the confusion.

Well because i hear so many people on this and other forums stating that david koresh claimed to be the returned Messiah Jesus. It has been stated so often that it is assumed fact. Thing is i am not so sure he ever did claim to be the returned Messiah Jesus.

So i am putting upon the one who made the statement to provide ummmm Evidence. LOL man this is funny. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Interesting.. I did not know david koresh claimed to be the Messiah Jesus. Where did you get this information?

Does he have to proclaim it to be it? Where do you get that notion from?

The all fail because they are human beings who cannot live up to the standards set by God.

Then you are all going to hell. What's the point even trying to be good then?

Oh yes i did. I always review posts of others and there is another poster in here that has made spelling mistakes. But i am not a pathetic jerk

Try to be more like Jesus.

Jesus dud exist as depicted in the Bible. And your woe is coming from the eternal torment in the lake of fire as revealed in the Bible.

No he didn't, the character of Jesus is an amalgam of various characters. Jesus, Mithras, and probably more, there were various people claiming to be Messiahs, Jesus was one of many.

As to the lake of fire and eternal torment,... well, again you show your lack of education and understanding of the bible, because it clearly states God does turn his back on people for ever. So you need to go read it again and learn the truth.

What are you talking about? That was to convict you. To reveal to you just what kind of (insert derogatory identifier here) you are. But alas you keep biting because your not one for convicting are you. You’re proud of your pride.

Try to be more like Jesus.
Well because i hear so many people on this and other forums stating that david koresh claimed to be the returned Messiah Jesus. It has been stated so often that it is assumed fact. Thing is i am not so sure he ever did claim to be the returned Messiah Jesus.

So i am putting upon the one who made the statement to provide ummmm Evidence. LOL man this is funny. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

OK, I'll try Phlogistian with a couple of questions.

Question One.
Let's say you had two people who say they are doctors. Dr A and Dr B.
You check into the backgrounds of both.

Dr A revolutionised medical treatment, and his medical theories were accepted all over the world.

Dr B was a pervert, with no qualifications, who caused the death of most of his patients.

Which was the real doctor? Choose one.
1. A
2. B
3. A & B
4. Neither

Question Two.
You say, I think that Jesus was a made up person.
Are First Century Jews well known for their fictional works?
Can you name any other people they invented and made biographies for?
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:rolleyes: You investigate these claims and You decide who is right and who is wrong.
And my conclusion is none of them.

So what??? It is either valid or invalid. You decide.
My point, which you seem to fail to grasp, is that your claims are just baseless assertions like every other religion but you don't seem to realise it.

But some actually find it a good motivator to seriously seek.
That doesn't make it an honest way to go about convincing someone of the truth. The truth shouldn't need threats of violence, it should be able to stand on evidence and reason.

Not at all, there gods are not God.
Do you honestly not see how circular and baseless that is? From my point of view your god is indistinguishable from any of those other gods in terms of validity. The amount of evidence for your god is the same as for the other claimed gods, claims which you dismiss.

Come on, you must see how circular your comment is. Why is your god more valid than these other gods? Your answer is "Because those other gods aren't God", which is a fancy way of saying "My god is right because the gods which aren't my god aren't my god". Your god is God because he's your god. That's exactly what the believers in other gods would say about their god(s). A muslim's god is God because your god isn't God. A Hindu's gods are Giods because your god isn't God. It's all basless assertions.

Rather than simply saying "Those gods aren't God because my god is God because I say so" why don't you provide some evidence?

Speak for yourself. You don't speak for all atheists.
Atheists, by definition, do not accept the claims of the existence of gods. You don't accept the claims about gods except for your one particular god. Atheists, by definition, don't believe that god either.

Indeed. santa does not exist.
And neither does your god. Why do you dismiss Santa and other gods but not your god? What reason other than "Because I say so" have you got?

No it means i see someone who just might be moved to take things a bit more seriously if they think there is a possability of a serious outcome to their final decision on the matter. Well of course of often i am wrong, i am only human so i cannot read peoples intents are attitudes with 100% accuracy.
If you could present evidence you'd not need to threaten people because people would have to accept the truth of reality, just like people have to accept new science when experiments and evidence are provided to them. The use of emotional manipulation and threats suggests you want to push people to accept things which aren't really true.

If I put a gun to someone's head they'd do as I say. If I threaten to hurt them over a protracted length of time they will do as I say for long enough that they might start believing the lies I've made them repeat. Religion could be likened to mass Stockholm Syndrome. After enough threats and emotional manipulation people begin to identify with their captors and might even believe they are good. Doesn't make it true.

The evidence they provide is there teachings. Their scriptures. And that is evidence through a message.
You have a laughably pathetic standard of evidence.

Ha Ha Ha you keep on telling yourself that.
That is the rational sceptical conclusion. Until someone presents evidence outlandish claims should not be believed. Would you believe me if I said I could fly or shoot lasers from my eyes? Not likely. Does the claim become more acceptable if I make my powers more fantastic? No. You'd ask for evidence. I'm asking for evidence of a being who can do anything, who is everywhere and all powerful and supposedly wants me to believe in him but won't show himself.

In every other area of our lives we dismiss outlandish claims until evidence is presented. You undoubtedly do it yourself. As such saying "Keep telling yourself that!" is just self contradictory.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days[/QUOTE]
And my conclusion is none of them.

My point, which you seem to fail to grasp, is that your claims are just baseless assertions like every other religion but you don't seem to realise it.

That doesn't make it an honest way to go about convincing someone of the truth. The truth shouldn't need threats of violence, it should be able to stand on evidence and reason.

Do you honestly not see how circular and baseless that is? From my point of view your god is indistinguishable from any of those other gods in terms of validity. The amount of evidence for your god is the same as for the other claimed gods, claims which you dismiss.

Come on, you must see how circular your comment is. Why is your god more valid than these other gods? Your answer is "Because those other gods aren't God", which is a fancy way of saying "My god is right because the gods which aren't my god aren't my god". Your god is God because he's your god. That's exactly what the believers in other gods would say about their god(s). A muslim's god is God because your god isn't God. A Hindu's gods are Giods because your god isn't God. It's all basless assertions.

Rather than simply saying "Those gods aren't God because my god is God because I say so" why don't you provide some evidence?

Atheists, by definition, do not accept the claims of the existence of gods. You don't accept the claims about gods except for your one particular god. Atheists, by definition, don't believe that god either.

And neither does your god. Why do you dismiss Santa and other gods but not your god? What reason other than "Because I say so" have you got?

If you could present evidence you'd not need to threaten people because people would have to accept the truth of reality, just like people have to accept new science when experiments and evidence are provided to them. The use of emotional manipulation and threats suggests you want to push people to accept things which aren't really true.

If I put a gun to someone's head they'd do as I say. If I threaten to hurt them over a protracted length of time they will do as I say for long enough that they might start believing the lies I've made them repeat. Religion could be likened to mass Stockholm Syndrome. After enough threats and emotional manipulation people begin to identify with their captors and might even believe they are good. Doesn't make it true.

You have a laughably pathetic standard of evidence.

That is the rational sceptical conclusion. Until someone presents evidence outlandish claims should not be believed. Would you believe me if I said I could fly or shoot lasers from my eyes? Not likely. Does the claim become more acceptable if I make my powers more fantastic? No. You'd ask for evidence. I'm asking for evidence of a being who can do anything, who is everywhere and all powerful and supposedly wants me to believe in him but won't show himself.

In every other area of our lives we dismiss outlandish claims until evidence is presented. You undoubtedly do it yourself. As such saying "Keep telling yourself that!" is just self contradictory.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What makes you come to the religious sites? I don't quite understand that ? I would would think it would not be worth your time the way you feel about it all ? I don't know ? Don't seem all that rational. Me Atheist Mother or Daughter would not waste there time like that , but then They are rational
OK, I'll try Phlogistian with a couple of questions.

Question One.
Let's say you had two people who say they are doctors.

Bad analogy. Care to try something more appropriate?

Question Two.
You say, I think that Jesus was a made up person.
Are First Century Jews well known for their fictional works?

Jews? It was the Roman Empire that created the character 'Jesus'.
Forget the analogy then.

The Roman Empire invented Jesus.
Right, so:
How did the Romans know so much about Jewish history and tradition?

Why is the story of Jesus so different to all the other Gods they invented?

Which brilliant Roman, since forgotten, was talented enough to make up these events and stories?
And tell them in four different styles, under the names of the four Evangelists.
The parables are such a vibrant source for understanding human nature,
that they have been adapted and retold by poets and writers ever since.
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Forget the analogy then.

The Roman Empire invented Jesus.
Right, so:
How did the Romans know so much about Jewish history and tradition?

Dude, are you seriously asking that? Are you completely unaware that the area Jesus lived in was subject to Roman occupation? That it was a Roman, Pontius Pilate, that acted in his trial?

Why is the story of Jesus so different to all the other Gods they invented?

It isn't, it's largely the story of Mithras.

Which brilliant Roman, since forgotten, was talented enough to make up these events and stories?
And tell them in four different styles, under the names of the four Evangelists.
The parables are such a vibrant source for understanding human nature,
that they have been adapted and retold by poets and writers ever since.

Christianity was a political move to unify Mithraists and the followers of Jesus, perpetrated by the Romans. Why else do they share so much? The headquarters of the Mithraist organisation was Vatican Hill. Mithras' birthday is 25th December,..... the character of Jesus was designed to appeal to both sects and unite them, so they could be led more easily.
Then you are all going to hell. What's the point even trying to be good then?

Wow do i have to point out the very basics of Christian teaching to you? Or are you just willingly being difficult?

Christians have eternity with God because they are FORGIVEN their sins. Not because they stop sinning. Got it??

We try to be good because it is good to try to be good. We do not try to be good to have eternity with God. We already have eternity with God because we believe Jesus.

Once again basic Christianity 101.

Try to be more like Jesus.

In what way? You want me to visit your place with a whip and pull your computer onto the ground and smash it? Jesus did something like that in the temple.

No he didn't, the character of Jesus is an amalgam of various characters. Jesus, Mithras, and probably more, there were various people claiming to be Messiahs, Jesus was one of many.

:rolleyes: Just a statement. Ok counter pointless statement back at you. Here goes.

Hes He did exist, He is not a character amalgamation of..... you fill in the rest_ _ _ _ _ _ _

As to the lake of fire and eternal torment,... well, again you show your lack of education and understanding of the bible, because it clearly states God does turn his back on people for ever. So you need to go read it again and learn the truth.

Waaaaht? talk about saying something totally unrelated to what i posted.

Where did i say that God did not turn His back on people????? When people reject the Love of His truth He not only turns His back, He gives them over to deception so that they may be condemned...

Try to be more like Jesus.

Ok maybe i should have said something like Jesus said.
Matthew 23
29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, 30 and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’
31 “Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ guilt. 33 Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?

Never called anyone in this forum a Serpent or a brood of vipers. So do you think i should start?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And Muslims say people who reject Allah will have to watch out for his retribution and punishment when they are judged. And people who believe in Vishnu say to watch out for his retribution. And people who believe in Zeus say to watch out for his retribution.

Most religions play the "Believe or you'll be in trouble after you're dead!" card. As an outsider looking in, which religion should be believed? Each one says the others are wrong, in part or in whole.

Simply asserting something doesn't make it valid. There's plenty of assertive ardent Muslims, Hindus, pagans, etc, as well as Jews and Christians. The strength of a believers conviction has no bearing on the truth of their convictions. Playing the "You'll be sorry when you're dead!" card is pointless. Do you worry about the Muslim or Hindu god (or gods) punishing you when you die? No. Well an atheist feels precisely as you do, but we also feel the same lack of fear when it comes to your god. Threatening someone with "Santa will be angry!" is a laughably pathetic attempt at emotional manipulation. It's a sign you have nothing rational to justify your position, only pathetic mind games.

When presented with 100 people with conflicting opinions, no evidence and all denouncing the 99 others the logical, rational thing is to disbelieve them all until evidence can be presented. Until you can present evidence the book you believe in is more accurate a description of reality and the views and opinions of a universe creating deity than any other religions the only rational conclusion is not to believe you or any other religious person's claims.

OMG, that has to be the best comeback I've read in weeks. Everything you said I was just shaking my head at. I couldn't have put it better!
Speak for yourself. You don't speak for all atheists.

The evidence they provide is there teachings. Their scriptures. And that is evidence through a message.

Ha Ha Ha you keep on telling yourself that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

That is in fact the meaning of the word atheist. No fear in a God or Gods. Therefore he speaks for all atheists. That's like saying to a lumberjack that he speaks only for himself when he says, "I cut wood."

EXACTLY, so you might as well believe in all religions at once (even though that is impossible), because they all have evidence through a message!

Just because you say something is true, it doesn't mean it is!

Press Alt + F4 now and you will get free cookies for life! I said it, so it must be true! I'm typing it out here as a message, so people 1000 years from now will believe you really got free cookies by pressing Alt + F4 by your logic!

(Only an idiot would believe that, because I'm sure, if no global disaster has happened, there will be archival evidence that Alt + F4 closed your window in Windows OS in the year 2011, and even if there is no evidence it doesn't mean it's true!)

Guys, I think this guy is just a troll. (All Praise The Ancient of Days?) No one can be this stupid.
That is in fact the meaning of the word atheist. No fear in a God or Gods. Therefore he speaks for all atheists. That's like saying to a lumberjack that he speaks only for himself when he says, "I cut wood."

EXACTLY, so you might as well believe in all religions at once (even though that is impossible), because they all have evidence through a message!

Just because you say something is true, it doesn't mean it is!

Press Alt + F4 now and you will get free cookies for life! I said it, so it must be true! I'm typing it out here as a message, so people 1000 years from now will believe you really got free cookies by pressing Alt + F4 by your logic!

(Only an idiot would believe that, because I'm sure, if no global disaster has happened, there will be archival evidence that Alt + F4 closed your window in Windows OS in the year 2011, and even if there is no evidence it doesn't mean it's true!)

Guys, I think this guy is just a troll. (All Praise The Ancient of Days?) No one can be this stupid.

They are not lumber Jacks . Lumber Jacks are from a time gone by . Why is it some of you get to insult and others don't . Is that Mod Flaw ? Or maybe you got to be reported first . I don't quite get it ?
OK, I'll try Phlogistian with a couple of questions.

Question One.
Let's say you had two people who say they are doctors. Dr A and Dr B.
You check into the backgrounds of both.

Dr A revolutionised medical treatment, and his medical theories were accepted all over the world.

Dr B was a pervert, with no qualifications, who caused the death of most of his patients.

Which was the real doctor? Choose one.
1. A
2. B
3. A & B
4. Neither

Question Two.
You say, I think that Jesus was a made up person.
Are First Century Jews well known for their fictional works?
Can you name any other people they invented and made biographies for?

Err, are you an Atheist, or a Christian?

I guess you were directing your questions to Adstar, but I'll answer the first one and say that the real answer is 3, because they both have the salutation. They are both real doctors, but one is more qualified than the other. B should have his license taken away, however, so he won't be a real doctor for long. :p
Christian. Yes.
My mother and Father were Irish, so I was sort of born one.
I sometimes feel jealous of people who don't need to question so much.
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Press Alt + F4 now and you will get free cookies for life!

I just pressed them and nothing happened.:(
Could someone else try it.
Maybe my computer's faulty.

@Phlog. Re Mithras = Jesus. Can you find a reputable site that puts forward this hypothesis?
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Wow do i have to point out the very basics of Christian teaching to you? Or are you just willingly being difficult?

Christians have eternity with God because they are FORGIVEN their sins. Not because they stop sinning. Got it??

We try to be good because it is good to try to be good. We do not try to be good to have eternity with God. We already have eternity with God because we believe Jesus.

Once again basic Christianity 101.

No, that is not Christianity 101. You don't just have to believe to be a Christian, you have to imitate Jesus, you have to prove you are a Christian by action not by words. And don't tell me "Why are you telling me about this when you don't even believe." I'm telling you this because you are a hypocrite, you say you are a Christian, but then you say all you have to do to be saved is believe. That's not what the Bible says, so if you are going to believe in a God that doesn't exist, you have to do what "He" says, not just believe. That's idiotic.

Is believing in Jesus Christ all that is required for salvation?

Acts 16:30-32: “‘Men, what must I do to be saved?’ And they [Paul and Silas] said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.’ And they spoke the word of the Lord [“God,” NAB, also JB and NE footnotes; “God’s message,” AT] to him and to all that were in his house.”

(Was that man’s ‘believing in the Lord Jesus’ just a matter of his saying sincerely that he believed? Paul showed that more was required—namely, knowledge and acceptance of the Word of God, as Paul and Silas now proceeded to preach it to the jailer. Would a person’s belief in Jesus be genuine if he did not worship the God whom Jesus worshiped, if he did not apply what Jesus taught as to the kind of persons his disciples should be, or if he did not do the work that Jesus commanded his followers to perform? We cannot earn salvation; it is possible only on the basis of faith in the value of the sacrifice of Jesus’ human life. But our lives must be consistent with the faith that we profess, even though that may involve hardship. At Matthew 10:22 Jesus said: “He who endures to the end will be saved.”)

Matthew 19:21 says: "Jesus said to him: 'If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower.' "

Are you doing that?

Matthew 24:14 says: "And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

Are you going out and preaching the "good news" as Jesus said?

Galatians 5:19-23 says:

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these. As to these things I am forewarning YOU, the same way as I did forewarn YOU, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.

On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith,*mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Are you not doing the works of the flesh and having the qualities of the fruitage of the spirit?
