Are you riding Jesus or are you elevating him?

no. i mean like a loving, forgiving person who sacrificed his life because he knew it would save a cursed humanity. the curse being evident.

and the day i do see people around me acting like jesus is the day i will be living in as perfect a world as humanly possible, and you know i've got that day marked on my fucking calendar as someday real soon. maybe you'll show a little respect then?

The day we all act like Jesus is the day we are all sacrificed for a myth, I don't look forward to that at all.
use for what?

i've got my own shoes to fill and i'm not dumb. thanks to her we're all fucking dead.

in order to have life, you have to have the possibility of death. that doesn't mean you have to choose it.

May I remind you that A & E did not chose death. God withheld the tree of life thus breaking his covenant with them when he said they could eat of it.

That is equivalent to you holding back the medicine that would keep your own children alive and letting them die.

Quite the God you follow.

Further, I did not say you were dumb but will say that because you think I did, your reading skills are poor.

Originally Posted by Lori_7
no. i mean like a loving, forgiving person who sacrificed his life because he knew it would save a cursed humanity. the curse being evident.

Yes, the same curse that he himself put on us.

That is like giving your child a desease just so you can feel good about yourself as you cure them.

May I remind you that A & E did not chose death. God withheld the tree of life thus breaking his covenant with them when he said they could eat of it.

That is equivalent to you holding back the medicine that would keep your own children alive and letting them die.

Quite the God you follow.

Further, I did not say you were dumb but will say that because you think I did, your reading skills are poor.


yes they did, according to the scriptures, and according to the state of humanity as it exists today. they may have not believed the consequence that god spoke of but they chose that consequence none the less.

and my reading skills are fine. i didn't say you said i was dumb. i was responding to your attempt to put me in eve's shoes again. that it is incorrect, and irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Lori_7
no. i mean like a loving, forgiving person who sacrificed his life because he knew it would save a cursed humanity. the curse being evident.

Yes, the same curse that he himself put on us.

That is like giving your child a desease just so you can feel good about yourself as you cure them.


it's funny (euphemism) how you waffle between sin being a blessing and a curse, as it suits your rant du jour.
yes they did, according to the scriptures, and according to the state of humanity as it exists today. they may have not believed the consequence that god spoke of but they chose that consequence none the less.

and my reading skills are fine. i didn't say you said i was dumb. i was responding to your attempt to put me in eve's shoes again. that it is incorrect, and irrelevant.

You have a selective way of reading scriptures.

Quote where God showed the benefits and loses of eating of the tree of knowledge please.

Especially where God informs them of all the consequences of eating of it.

You will not find them.

You have a selective way of reading scriptures.

Quote where God showed the benefits and loses of eating of the tree of knowledge please.

Especially where God informs them of all the consequences of eating of it.

You will not find them.


genesis 2:17.
Hmm. Ignored my point and did not speak to it at all.

Gotcha bitch.

I'm done with you here.


as i stated, it is clear that you don't have a point. most of the time you talk about sin like it's the best thing since peanut butter, and today you're calling it a curse. make up your mind, and perhaps you'll have a point but until then, you're just ranting.
Was that the only consequence and or benefit?

I note you thumped but did not think.

As usual.

You do know that they did not die right? What did God mean then?


is that right? adam and eve didn't die? you've been made aware that they're still alive and well, walking the earth right now? please cite your source.
Do not question you poor pathetic thing. Just give another impossible attribute to your imaginary construct.


as a matter of fact i have questioned god's omnipotence, and god has had no problem demonstrating that to me, and that demonstration had nothing to do with any imagination.
how about your view of the world and the state of humanity? you agree with greatest i am that this is something we should be proud of? :confused:
Greatest I Am does not state that we should be proud of the state of the world. He states that most humans are proud of their ability to raise themselves up. And yes, I agree with that.

When someone is downtrodden by circumstance, is frustrated, angry, dismayed and dejected all at once, yet can still pick themselves up, reorganise, revitalise and tackle their problems head on, then that is certainly something to be proud of.
Greatest I Am does not state that we should be proud of the state of the world. He states that most humans are proud of their ability to raise themselves up. And yes, I agree with that.

When someone is downtrodden by circumstance, is frustrated, angry, dismayed and dejected all at once, yet can still pick themselves up, reorganise, revitalise and tackle their problems head on, then that is certainly something to be proud of.

do you think it's anything to be ashamed of if a person seeks help doing this?
it seems to me that the greatest i am does not want anyone elses opinion about god but his own.
i have seen him argue for god and against, when he argues against it is usually in response to someone elses post for god.
when he argues for god it is usually in response to someones post argueing against god..

make up your mind greatest..