Are you riding Jesus or are you elevating him?

This is a bit dramatic but ok. For what it's worth, while you're feeling depressed; you're really just a home and meal for bacteria.

i don't think it's dramatic; i think it's spot on. it's just contrary to the widespread denial.

are you saying here that being depressed makes you physically sick?

or are you lying and saying that it really doesn't matter that we're enslaved?

the following being evidence of the lie...

As far as the poem goes, they can't be because it is precisely those stats that make it relevant.

what i meant to say was, i think you're jaded by religion and i wish you weren't. i wish you would get over it, and rise above it.

Unlike theists, I don't see the universe in such black and white terms. It's not "only good and evil" but a vast rainbow of points in-between two human defined poles. There are things that are 'good', things that are great, amazing, not so good, pretty bad, bloody awful, downright evil and so on and so forth. And why you have hinged specifically on this and said it's all there is is somewhat beyond me. There are things that do not fit into a moral classification.

i don't think that's a theistic trait. i've always seen things that way, even before i knew god. i just tend to see everything like it's a giant math problem. when you factor in a cumulative effect over time, like a ripple effect, even the littlest thing makes a huge impact.

I don't see how having a thought that isn't factual can be regarded as a "bad thought" as opposed to a thought that isn't factual. I am further unsure what you even mean by 'inappropriate'. Inappropriate to what?

well, consider all of the detriment caused by not embracing a holistic perception.

There is no valid reason to take your statement regarding accuracy or inaccuracy as valid - unless you make claim to knowing something about the reality, (or otherwise), of an 'afterlife'. The poem addresses those who view such thing in a certain way.

the reason is that i think it's an inaccurate view, based on what i see in this life.

I don't even know what your 'spiritual' word means to be able to discern whether it could possibly be tangible or influence anything which does not apply to 'gravity' which is well explained, pretty well understood and a necessary component to understanding the universe.

ok, it means an incorporeal entity or force. you know, like gravity.

Sound inductive reasoning; I have found reason to trust them through continual and consistent observation.

me too. trust is a synonym for faith.

Yes well pretty much all theists make claims to 'having relationships' but never manage to explain that term in any coherent, meaningful way.

i've explained it plenty and i'm not lacking in communication skills. i wouldn't say i'm an eloquent speaker, and i'm not as proficient as lightgigantic, but i'm straight forward, and there's no language barrier between us. i think the incoherence is a product of your own desire to dismiss anything i say that's contrary to your belief.