Are you riding Jesus or are you elevating him?

If Jesus knew what his religion would cause, then he's an asshole, and if he didn't, he wasn't a god. Personally, I think he wasn't a god, or even a prophet. He was some form of radical theist and sometimes said things that resemble the profound thought of eastern philosophies. He was quite possibly mentally ill.
If Jesus knew what his religion would cause, then he's an asshole,

i don't agree with this. why single out religion among the atrocities when he knows he's the cure?

and if he didn't, he wasn't a god.

i don't agree with this either. jesus was a human, just like you, only he was perfect, and in communion with the father, and the father is not a crystal ball. i'd say he used his knowledge best by living his own life with the weight of the world on his shoulders. the weight of the world of course being all ways we find to fuck our lives up.
i don't agree with this. why single out religion among the atrocities when he knows he's the cure?
Because he's the cause.
i don't agree with this either. jesus was a human, just like you, only he was perfect, and in communion with the father, and the father is not a crystal ball. i'd say he used his knowledge best by living his own life with the weight of the world on his shoulders. the weight of the world of course being all ways we find to fuck our lives up.
If he created a religion that caused human suffering, then he wasn't perfect. He didn't even live his own life perfectly, because he could have written things down rather than left them to interpretation by others.
Because he's the cause. If he created a religion that caused human suffering, then he wasn't perfect. He didn't even live his own life perfectly, because he could have written things down rather than left them to interpretation by others.

he is not! nothing he did or does to this day contributes to the evil in the hearts of men! i had a pretty intense spiritual experience myself several years ago, and god asked me to do something (and i did), the consequences of which were very painful. now i did write a lot of things down while i was going through it. i communicated about what was going on with me in a lot of ways, to a lot of people. there were a lot of witnesses. you were one on this forum. now if someone someday after i go, wants to take what i've communicated and use it as an excuse to abuse people and to kill people, are you saying that my life and what i experienced and communicated was the cause of that? did i create a religion, or was i just living my life? jesus didn't create the religion. he was a jew remember?
But you can't see the future, he allegedly could.

where does it say that he could see the future any better than you or i can? imo it's pretty clear btw. i mean, what do you need to know really? that we're greedy and a lot of us hate each other and fear each other for damn good reasons? that we're in the business of destroying the world and each other? jesus isn't the reason we are, he's the cure for it. and if he knew he was the cure, then he lived his life perfectly.
he apparently saved you $ on your car insurance. that's nice.
You mean like a belligerent superstitious egotistical jackass? All the time.

no. i mean like a loving, forgiving person who sacrificed his life because he knew it would save a cursed humanity. the curse being evident.

and the day i do see people around me acting like jesus is the day i will be living in as perfect a world as humanly possible, and you know i've got that day marked on my fucking calendar as someday real soon. maybe you'll show a little respect then?
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no. i mean like a loving, forgiving person who sacrificed his life because he knew it would save a cursed humanity. the curse being evident.

and the day i do see people around me acting like jesus is the day i will be living in as perfect a world as humanly possible, and you know i've got that day marked on my fucking calendar as someday real soon. maybe you'll show a little respect then?

If Jesus is God then he is the one who cursed us in the first place then tries to become our hero with 3 days of R & R by sacrificing himself to himself.

What a sweet deal he created for himself.

You are right, no one is acting like Jesus. The world is not gullible enough today to believe such an obviously phony story.

If Jesus is God then he is the one who cursed us in the first place then tries to become our hero with 3 days of R & R by sacrificing himself to himself.

What a sweet deal he created for himself.

You are right, no one is acting like Jesus. The world is not gullible enough today to believe such an obviously phony story.


by doing what? by creating us? by creating the law that governs our lives? oh, how gullible i am to believe in creation and it's laws, of which i'm a part of, and i live and die by.

there is a duality in creation. in order to have something, you must also have the possibility of having nothing. in order to have law, you then create the possibility of transgression. you know we live and were created according to law. we call it science most of the time. doesn't the existence of truth create the possibility for lies? and with love comes the possibility of hate? with generosity, the possibility of greed?

why wouldn't humanity take it's so painstakingly acquired knowledge of good and evil and do the right thing for a change?
Did Jesus do the immoral thing and try to offer himself as a scapegoat?

i do agree with lori on the one point..

...wants to take what i've communicated and use it as an excuse to abuse people and to kill people, are you saying that my life and what i experienced and communicated was the cause of that?

what jesus was intending to teach and what ppl learned can be misaligned..
jesus is not an excuse..
by doing what? by creating us? by creating the law that governs our lives? oh, how gullible i am to believe in creation and it's laws, of which i'm a part of, and i live and die by.

there is a duality in creation. in order to have something, you must also have the possibility of having nothing. in order to have law, you then create the possibility of transgression. you know we live and were created according to law. we call it science most of the time. doesn't the existence of truth create the possibility for lies? and with love comes the possibility of hate? with generosity, the possibility of greed?

why wouldn't humanity take it's so painstakingly acquired knowledge of good and evil and do the right thing for a change?

The same knowledge that God supposedly curse us and the earth for acquiring you wish for us to use?

Are you sure you want to put yourself in Eve's shoes?
You mean that you too would ignore God's command to remain as dumb as a cow?

The same knowledge that God supposedly curse us and the earth for acquiring you wish for us to use?

use for what?

Are you sure you want to put yourself in Eve's shoes?
You mean that you too would ignore God's command to remain as dumb as a cow?


i've got my own shoes to fill and i'm not dumb. thanks to her we're all fucking dead.

in order to have life, you have to have the possibility of death. that doesn't mean you have to choose it.