Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?

Sorry, my friend, but you can't simulate consciousness and complex emotion and thoughts-that's beyond any computation.

The mistake that happens in the imagination is that people use time for past. present, and future. When you get words wrong you give them a magical quality. Then consciousness becomes magical, because you start to think before time happens. If time was a pressure through a hole, then the hose pipe is your consciousness, and that's not very magical at all, in fact it's almost insultingly simple.

So this isn't an assumption?
Please provide the evidence.

Pardon? :eek:


You want the evidence: If you can't measure and detect thoughts-than they are outside of science reach.
How do you know what energy really is? Sure we all know what is the definition of energy in physics, but what exactly is it? You simply cannot compute energy, only its effects on the environment.
How can the human brain be more complex than the entire universe when it is a component of the universe. You are engaging in some form of special pleading. Firstly there's no reason to think the human brain is special over and above it being part of us where our minds reside. Secondly why can't there be aliens somewhere with even greater brains than ours? We see people with autism who have incredible memories or mathematical abilities or musical skills, so the average human brain isn't the best at everything it does. Its not hard to imagine a brain with all the pluses of autistic minds with none of the negatives.

To think we are somehow representative of some pinnacle is very egotistical, its pike all the creationist just thinking their god made us in its image. The reality is much more amazing but less ego supporting.

Yes, I admit that that's far fetched, but I read this in an magazine (science magazine several years ago). Most likely they meant to say the most complex of all living organisms, the peak of evolution-that would be more accurate.
You want the evidence: If you can't measure and detect thoughts-than they are outside of science reach.
Apples and oranges.
Support your (supposed) non-assumption: Consciousness and thoughts are beyond computation and science and always will be.
By your "logic" X-rays, for example are outside of science's reach since, up until recently, they were unmeasurable and undetectable.

You simply cannot compute energy, only its effects on the environment.
One more time: bullshit.
Apples and oranges.
Support your (supposed) non-assumption: Consciousness and thoughts are beyond computation and science and always will be.
By your "logic" X-rays, for example are outside of science's reach since, up until recently, they were unmeasurable and undetectable.

One more time: bullshit.

You're the one who is saying apples and oranges. If all the high-tech and science with all the possibility within and outside EM spectrum could not find anything regarding thoughts, consciousness and emotions, this is the end. If they can't see it/detect it on sub-atomic level /and they can't detect anything below quantum level (they say this is the smallest part) than were is it-it's obviously out of range of science. And this is maximum how much scientists can detect, they can't go any deeper. If you can't observe something, it is beyond science reach, because you need to observe to detect and measure something and to see what are its effects. The same can be said for particles (or anything else) that are not, cannot be detected (if there are any these form of particles), the same can be said for computation-you can't compute thoughts, emotions, consciousness/sub-consciousness.
Apples and oranges.
Support your (supposed) non-assumption: Consciousness and thoughts are beyond computation and science and always will be.
By your "logic" X-rays, for example are outside of science's reach since, up until recently, they were unmeasurable and undetectable.

One more time: bullshit.

Prove it is BS.
You're the one who is saying apples and oranges. If all the high-tech and science with all the possibility within and outside EM spectrum could not find anything regarding thoughts, consciousness and emotions, this is the end. If they can't see it/detect it on sub-atomic level /and they can't detect anything below quantum level (they say this is the smallest part) than were is it-it's obviously out of range of science. And this is maximum how much scientists can detect, they can't go any deeper. If you can't observe something, it is beyond science reach, because you need to observe to detect and measure something and to see what are its effects. The same can be said for particles (or anything else) that are not, cannot be detected (if there are any these form of particles), the same can be said for computation-you can't compute thoughts, emotions, consciousness/sub-consciousness.

You should start all sentences with "I don't think.... you can compute thoughts, emotions, consciousness/sub-consciousness." You can, you can compute smaller than the quantum scale as well, into a negative scale.
You're the one who is saying apples and oranges. If all the high-tech and science with all the possibility within and outside EM spectrum could not find anything regarding thoughts, consciousness and emotions, this is the end. If they can't see it/detect it on sub-atomic level /and they can't detect anything below quantum level (they say this is the smallest part) than were is it-it's obviously out of range of science. And this is maximum how much scientists can detect, they can't go any deeper. If you can't observe something, it is beyond science reach, because you need to observe to detect and measure something and to see what are its effects. The same can be said for particles (or anything else) that are not, cannot be detected (if there are any these form of particles), the same can be said for computation-you can't compute thoughts, emotions, consciousness/sub-consciousness.
Oh, fail.
We can detect thoughts.,cf.osb&fp=440660d03c957758&biw=1280&bih=894

Prove it is BS.
Ever heard of physics?
It concerns itself quite a bit calculations on energy.
reason gathers knowledge , reason , comes to a conclusion , logic proves or disproves the reasoning

logic doesn't gather knowledge , thats not the nature of logic
Oh, fail.
We can detect thoughts.,cf.osb&fp=440660d03c957758&biw=1280&bih=894

Ever heard of physics?
It concerns itself quite a bit calculations on energy.

How do they know they detected thoughts? They don't. However, my main focus is on consciousness/sub-consciousness, nobody detected it, and none ever will, if they haven't by now. This is as far as science has gone, this is the upper limit of science. They send missions to moon and Mars, and they can't figure it out what is consciousness and they can't detect it.
Yes, I heard of physics, but physics can't explain it all can it, but what exactly energy is, it's not just work, you know even the simulation needs to have some energy source, so how do you know something is simulation if it still needs energy to support it?
You should start all sentences with "I don't think.... you can compute thoughts, emotions, consciousness/sub-consciousness." You can, you can compute smaller than the quantum scale as well, into a negative scale.

Well, you can't compute something if you can't detect it and observe it and measure it.
How do they know they detected thoughts? They don't.
How do you know they don't?

However, my main focus is on consciousness/sub-consciousness, nobody detected it, and none ever will, if they haven't by now.

This is as far as science has gone, this is the upper limit of science.

Yes, I heard of physics, but physics can't explain it all can it, but what exactly energy is, it's not just work, you know even the simulation needs to have some energy source, so how do you know something is simulation if it still needs energy to support it?
How do they know they detected thoughts? They don't. However, my main focus is on consciousness/sub-consciousness, nobody detected it, and none ever will, if they haven't by now. This is as far as science has gone, this is the upper limit of science. They send missions to moon and Mars, and they can't figure it out what is consciousness and they can't detect it.
Yes, I heard of physics, but physics can't explain it all can it, but what exactly energy is, it's not just work, you know even the simulation needs to have some energy source, so how do you know something is simulation if it still needs energy to support it?

They really didn't detect emotions there is no mention of it.
Oh, fail.
We can detect thoughts.,cf.osb&fp=440660d03c957758&biw=1280&bih=894

Ever heard of physics?
It concerns itself quite a bit calculations on energy.

If you send a link, be more precise:
The research, which began in July 2005, has been of limited scope: only 21 people have been tested so far. And the team's 71 per cent accuracy rate is only about 20 per cent more successful than woud be expected by random chance.
So, they didn't detected it, not in the way you think they did.
“ Originally Posted by river
your going to have to explain this , otherwise it makes no sense


again explain

When we use the word 'Paradox' we use it to calculate things.. "Did the chicken come before the egg?" [/quote ]


But how are we using a word to calculate things?
Why does the universe reset to zero all of the time?
Why can't we walk through a wall?

because its mathematics , based imagination of mathematics

Paradox isn't just a word, it's a system. The universe uses this system. The actual physics of the system are zero, and infinity combined. The zero/infinity paradox is the only paradox with no solution. zero is infinite, yet how can it be if it is nothing?

Zero has become more than it was intended to be

zero was orginally an accounting numerical figure

representing , the lack of goods , assets etc , money etc , to do with money

The zero/infinity paradox builds the universe in an attempt to destroy it. Because the paradox just loops around forever, you get the universe looping around forever.

because of the infinity of energy and matter existence

in form and dimension

energy and matter are infinite because the opposite has no chance of becoming

because it has neither qualities of the above
When we use the word 'Paradox' we use it to calculate things.. "Did the chicken come before the egg?" [/quote ]


because its mathematics , based imagination of mathematics

Zero has become more than it was intended to be

zero was orginally an accounting numerical figure

representing , the lack of goods , assets etc , money etc , to do with money

because of the infinity of energy and matter existence

in form and dimension

energy and matter are infinite because the opposite has no chance of becoming

because it has neither qualities of the above

Sorry, my friend , but you can't really know what exactly I'm thinking at any given moment, IBM's attempt of mind-reading is not the same as knowing, what is my image and sentences inside my thoughts at any given moment, no machine know this or discover this. It's simply impossible, the same way you can't know why any human being is self-aware of his/her consciousness. It's far more than just mere electrical activity of the brain.
Beyond scientific explanation in any way.
no machine know this or discover this. It's simply impossible, the same way you can't know why any human being is self-aware of his/her consciousness. It's far more than just mere electrical activity of the brain.
Beyond scientific explanation in any way.
Yeah. Blah blah blah...
Repeated empty claims.
Let's try and get this subject back on track.

The "notion" of a simulated or Emulated reality is based on the assumption that the future exploits of technological development will be able to go beyond the bounds of what we define as "Nature".

Nature is the assumption that things just magically come into being because of some absolute fluke within an infinite entropic structure, which means any magical creation has no reason to exist, no design to follow and no actual plan. In essence nature in this representation would incline to suggest the whole universe to be un-natural considering it's filled of various "systems" like planetary bodies, atomic subsystems and the rules existent within vacuum space.

There is of course counter foil in regards to the suggestion that the planet defined by "nature" can be responsible for generating organised systems that can appear mathematical and/or designed but are actually a biproduct of chaos. Such observations might be causeways that consist of hexagonal pillars of stone caused by lava flows, however there is still mathematics and physics behind their development suggesting the basis of "programming" in how such formations are following a design.

There are therefore two subsequent schools or positions in regards to emulator theory.

One being the development of a simulation independent of the universe in which it is housed, this basically means duplicating observations made in the world you currently view and not arguing the finer points of what defines nature, entropy or systems of order.

The other is anticipating the universe is part of an overall recurrence of building an "emulation", where attempted repeat builds (by parallel universes) are interconnected to generate a higher capacity to process raw data as well as manipulate the very foundations that would make our very existence, while utilising a finite volume of resources to achieve an infinite composition named "The Universe" (But accurately being a Multiworld)

This latter is obviously extravagant, it doesn't see "Nature" through entropy but anticipates "Design" through the conclusion that continuing trends in technology if set with such a lofty goal, can indeed inspire to reach that goal and beyond.

Due to extending beyond the evidence existent from the current experiments that currently exist as the boundary to our reality, it's Fringe nature often limits the very serious nature of what our actual existence is really about and/or capable of.