Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?

Okay, I am still lost! #1. Would I know if the power then came back on?
#2. So, universe can only be simulated once?
#3. Really lost me on the "there would be one for everyone" part. What "kind" of joke was it.
#4. If only simulated once - How could everyone have their own?
Maybe I should just go back to trying to figure out : Why do people Park in Driveways, but Drive on Parkways?
I've heard rap songs say "Pimpin' ain't Easy!" I don't know about that, but this thinking stuff sure ain't no walk in the park!

You should think of Earth like a holiday. You are on holiday. The program can run at a speeded up rate. So I would say that 1 hour = 1 year. Most people who live till 72 are only in the program for 3 days. :eek:

I based that logic on how long you would be lying down for safely.
You should think of Earth like a holiday. You are on holiday. The program can run at a speeded up rate. So I would say that 1 hour = 1 year. Most people who live till 72 are only in the program for 3 days. :eek:

I based that logic on how long you would be lying down for safely.

Okay, P.P., you obviously have all this figured out and also, obviously, I never will. I do not understand why i "should think of Earth like a holiday", or the last statement, "I based that logic on how long you would be lying down for safely".

I have no idea what "lying down for safely" even means!!
I am not entirely sure that you are not poking fun or just having a laugh at my admittedly low intellect. I prefer NOT TO ACCUSE you of that because a truly intelligent person would not just take advantage of the feeble minded. I am truly sorry that my ignorance has let me entertain the smallest thought that you may be just "pulling my leg" in some way - but I must also be honest and say that it has. If I have offended you, PLEASE accept my apologies!
I hope to continue to read the posts on this subject but I probably will not post any more because it seems my quest for clarification or further knowledge is for the most part a failed quest.
I can tell you for sure that it is not so easy a life being Dumb as I am - so I can only imagine it must be hundreds of thousands of times harder being truly intelligent like you. For that reason, I am sorry if I have added to your labor!
If this truly is just a simulation - and if you ever get control of it - could you possibly ever arrange the programming so that Jessica Biehl might possibly look my way , smile and say "Hello" ?
“ Originally Posted by river
computers are based on logic

what happens when the logic is flawed ? what is the result ?

The logic is unable to flaw it is in fact the reason why the Universe self builds.

your going to have to explain this , otherwise it makes no sense

It builds because there is a flaw in nothingness.


You can program the same rules. There are not many.

again explain
your going to have to explain this , otherwise it makes no sense


again explain

When we use the word 'Paradox' we use it to calculate things.. "Did the chicken come before the egg?"

But how are we using a word to calculate things?
Why does the universe reset to zero all of the time?
Why can't we walk through a wall?

Paradox isn't just a word, it's a system. The universe uses this system. The actual physics of the system are zero, and infinity combined. The zero/infinity paradox is the only paradox with no solution. zero is infinite, yet how can it be if it is nothing?

The zero/infinity paradox builds the universe in an attempt to destroy it. Because the paradox just loops around forever, you get the universe looping around forever.
When we use the word 'Paradox' we use it to calculate things.

But how are we using a word to calculate things?
We don't.
We can't.

Paradox isn't just a word, it's a system.

The universe uses this system. The actual physics of the system are zero, and infinity combined. The zero/infinity paradox is the only paradox with no solution. zero is infinite, yet how can it be if it is nothing?

The zero/infinity paradox builds the universe in an attempt to destroy it. Because the paradox just loops around forever, you get the universe looping around forever.
Word salad.
Please stop posting.

We don't.
We can't.


Word salad.
Please stop posting.

Wow the nutcase is back big style. Why don't you see a therapist?
Same words... 1000 posts.. how do you stay on the forum? Even MPC55 whatever his name was didn't repeat as much as you. There should be a rule on the forum that you can't just post 'wrong' in all of your posts, and that you have to actually reply with an alternative viewpoint, because you act as a mental God, and I have proved you wrong every time when you have actually used words.
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Same words... 1000 posts.. how do you stay on the forum? Even MPC55 whatever his name was didn't repeat as much as you.
Then you obviously don't read many of my posts.

There should be a rule on the forum that you can't just post 'wrong' in all of your posts, and that you have to actually reply with an alternative viewpoint
Yeah, how about the rule stating that you should support your claims?
Which you don't.
I'm simply paying you the same (lack of courtesy) that you show the rest of us.

I have proved you wrong every time when you have actually used words.
No. You've claimed I've been wrong. Not the same as proving it...
(Much like your "theory" - you claim it's correct, but you haven't shown it to be so).
Sure, but why do drink and eat? If you're an simulation, you don't need to eat and drink.

The main point about an Emulated universe is the assumption that the rules of the universe that define on how to run an emulator are actually taken from observing the universe that has been known up until this point (This point of course being a fuzzy term, since it doesn't literally mean this particular instance, but potentially a period of time over which people come to understand more).

If a human body is built up of cells following a DNA pattern, then it's likely that the emulator would be made to have human bodies built up of cells following DNA patterns.

It can therefore be said if you view people eating, drinking, sleeping and breathing and class that as the norm for homoeostasis then the likelihood is that it too would be integrated into any emulation.
Yes, sure tell that for those who are dying from hunger in Ethiopia and Ruanda, why don't you try it, just to see how simulated hunger truly is?
If your organism was a simulation, there would not be any need to eat and drink at all.

Further to my previous point people only die or suffer due to a Causality reasoning if emulation is taken as true.

Quite simply there are people that are selfish in this world, that have various things purely because of death and suffrage, to remove those things would undermine what they have gotten over the years, where they have gotten or what they would eventually get. After all no deaths means no burials, that means nobody would go to a church on the basis that their religion is pardoning them for an afterlife in there is none to be had, also life insurance policies would no longer be needed causing a large part of the financial sector to be forced into ruin or get them to undermine any attempt to undermine death.

It's all about Cause and Effect.
Okay, I am still lost! #1. Would I know if the power then came back on?

Any properly designed network has a Redundancy Schema policy. This means if a node is to be shut down for any reason, that another node has to take it's place. So where as some people might assume the universe could be turned off as an emulator, the truth is that as an emulation you would continue to run constantly while the systems hidden in the background running the emulation are constantly switched, load-balanced and upgraded seamlessly behind the scenes.

#2. So, universe can only be simulated once?

This is dependent on where you draw the perimeter of "a universe". You might assume that "a Universe" refers to all of space, with all the astronomical bodies existent within it, right up to the very boundary of expansion. However this assumption is based upon the initial terminology of Universe and isn't technically the same to those postulating it's usage.

As far I am concerned, the "Universe" is actually a mis-terminology since my theory implies a "universe" that is made up of small composite volumes of space that are emulated by different parallel universes. In essence it makes the Universe, a "Multiverse".

#3. Really lost me on the "there would be one for everyone" part. What "kind" of joke was it.
#4. If only simulated once - How could everyone have their own?
Maybe I should just go back to trying to figure out : Why do people Park in Driveways, but Drive on Parkways?
I've heard rap songs say "Pimpin' ain't Easy!" I don't know about that, but this thinking stuff sure ain't no walk in the park!
I couldn't imply any reasoning on Pincho's part since his observations are unique to him.

Back in the Stone Age, I wore a uniform for my uncle. We were workin' on these newfangled things called 'pooters and tryin' to apply what was called troubleshootin' to 'em.
Sometimes, after much troubleshootin' by many different uniforms, the only conclusion that could be reached was; P.roblem E.xists B.etween A.nd K.eyboard !!

Boy, Howdy - evolution has no limits - 'twould seem... least with some life forms.
But heck, even as dumb as I am - I understand ; It's all my fault!!
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I want to get back to the word Paradox. Our brain is a sort of calculator, it uses energy, but whenever the brain is functioning, and working things out it is using the same properties as the universe. Sometime those properties are hidden beneath a structure that humans can follow more easily. I personally believe that paradox is something like binary maths. Humans could not cope with binary maths, so humans invented something called mathematics. To us the word paradox is vague, but mathematics is sharply in focus. However I can write a computer program based simply on paradox, and it will have physics that resemble nature. I am not the only person who uses paradox as an actual physics system. Stephen Hawking has also used paradox in some of his work. He says that you cannot go back in time because the paradox would create an infinite energy loop that would block you from going there. It is not my problem if people want to ignore paradox as a physical energy. Paradox may just be a really bad English word, Maybe for example time is a really bad English word, so time could be a flow of pressure, it is then simpler to allow for atomic clocks slowing down. So you can see that English might not always be as useful as we think it is. Newton says that every force has an equal, and opposite force, and that does seem to be the case. Any two forces that are equal, and opposite add up to zero. When I say that the universe keeps resetting to zero it is found in Newtons example. Maybe maths is an artificial version of paradox?
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I want to get back to the word Paradox. Our brain is a sort of calculator, it uses energy, but whenever the brain is functioning, and working things out it is using the same properties as the universe. Sometime those properties are hidden beneath a structure that humans can follow more easily. I personally believe that paradox is something like binary maths. Humans could not cope with binary maths, so humans invented something called mathematics. To us the word paradox is vague, but mathematics is sharply in focus. However I can write a computer program based simply on paradox, and it will have physics that resemble nature. I am not the only person who uses paradox as an actual physics system. Stephen Hawking has also used paradox in some of his work. He says that you cannot go back in time because the paradox would create an infinite energy loop that would block you from going there. It is not my problem if people want to ignore paradox as a physical energy. Paradox may just be a really bad English word, Maybe for example time is a really bad English word, so time could be a flow of pressure, it is then simpler to allow for atomic clocks slowing down. So you can see that English might not always be as useful as we think it is. Newton says that every force has an equal, and opposite force, and that does seem to be the case. Any two forces that are equal, and opposite add up to zero. When I say that the universe keeps resetting to zero it is found in Newtons example. Maybe maths is an artificial version of paradox?

Sorry, my friend, but you can't simulate consciousness and complex emotion and thoughts-that's beyond any computation.
Sorry, my friend, but you can't simulate consciousness and complex emotion and thoughts-that's beyond any computation.
If you add the word "now" to the end you're correct.
If you meant "ever" then you're assuming.
Your program told you to say that. :D

No, it hasn't, it has to do with experience-simulated beings don't have instinct for survival, if a brain who is a living organism wants to live, it will do anything possible to survive. If brain has to have to eat and drink to survive, than you need energy. Energy is not an illusion, otherwise you would fall dead. Now you can pogram person eating apple and supposedly gaining energy (in video-games)-but that's the difference between the real life and simulation. You die in simulation and you start over-in the real life there is no fresh start over-you're dead, your energy has been added to bacteries, viruses and worms. They eat you, so they can survive. And like I said before consciousness and thoughts are not computable-none actually knows how they are created. here are things and processes outside any computation power.
Also, why would laws of physics emerge after all, because if laws of physics were slightly different there wouldn't be life in the universe at all-according to scientists.
Further to my previous point people only die or suffer due to a Causality reasoning if emulation is taken as true.

Quite simply there are people that are selfish in this world, that have various things purely because of death and suffrage, to remove those things would undermine what they have gotten over the years, where they have gotten or what they would eventually get. After all no deaths means no burials, that means nobody would go to a church on the basis that their religion is pardoning them for an afterlife in there is none to be had, also life insurance policies would no longer be needed causing a large part of the financial sector to be forced into ruin or get them to undermine any attempt to undermine death.

It's all about Cause and Effect.

Well, if this all is true about emulation-how can you emulate human consciousness and human thoughts?
You can't.
If you add the word "now" to the end you're correct.
If you meant "ever" then you're assuming.

I'm not assuming anything. Consciousness and thoughts are beyond computation and science and always will be (this is the limit of science and computers technology), just because we have more and more computing power, it doesn't mean we understand how is created consciousness and thoughts inside human brain? Now, human brain is faaar more complex than even the entire universe (known universe). Also, energy is not computable either-you can simulate the effects of 4 fundamental forces of the universe and the effects of the energy-but you can't really simulate energy itself as well as 4 fundamentals forces-we don't even know what energy (I don't mean on the definition) and these 4 forces are.
How can the human brain be more complex than the entire universe when it is a component of the universe. You are engaging in some form of special pleading. Firstly there's no reason to think the human brain is special over and above it being part of us where our minds reside. Secondly why can't there be aliens somewhere with even greater brains than ours? We see people with autism who have incredible memories or mathematical abilities or musical skills, so the average human brain isn't the best at everything it does. Its not hard to imagine a brain with all the pluses of autistic minds with none of the negatives.

To think we are somehow representative of some pinnacle is very egotistical, its pike all the creationist just thinking their god made us in its image. The reality is much more amazing but less ego supporting.