Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?


No. Once again you are resorting to an argument you cannot support.

We do not know now. Please show that we will never know (as you have contended).

You please show that science will be able to explain everything, what's the point with theories, if they are just theories and you can't actually irrefutably prove any one of them?

No. Once again you are resorting to an argument you cannot support.

We do not know now. Please show that we will never know (as you have contended).

The idea of the universe as simulation is totally impossible because it's not practical in any way.
You please show that science will be able to explain everything
One more time: the claim was YOURS. It's up to you to support it. (And I haven't, anywhere, claimed that "science will be able to explain everything").

what's the point with theories, if they are just theories and you can't actually irrefutably prove any one of them?
Because at any given moment they provide the best explanation we have.
Gravage said:
It doesn't help either, since according to you think science is all-knowing and can explain everything.
Strawman. Not what I've claimed.

The idea of the universe as simulation is totally impossible because it's not practical in any way.
Yep. Another argument from incredulity.
You're really doing well.
One more time: the claim was YOURS. It's up to you to support it. (And I haven't, anywhere, claimed that "science will be able to explain everything").

Because at any given moment they provide the best explanation we have.

Sure, but if they haven't get close to explain and detect consciousness, much like they couldn't 20 years ago, than they are at pretty much steady state-no progress at all.
Science is lost here.
Strawman. Not what I've claimed.

Yep. Another argument from incredulity.
You're really doing well.

Than I should shoot you, actually we should shoot all the people on Earth since everything is a computer simulation and they would re-programmed, but the problem is all the people who died have never returned.

Whoever is behind that computer would really have to have computer opened all the time-to maintain existence of the universe, the computer should never be shut down for another 100 billion years-how exactly?
How much programming Programmer would need to put from the primordial forces, smallest sub-atomic particles, to the macro-world, you would need billions of years of universal evolution, than special programming of plants, animals and than humans?
How much much energy and programming you would really have to spend?
Not to mention universe is considered basically infinite, how do you program infinite universe with all the hyper-complexity?
If human brain is an simulation, than programmer would need put new hardware every single time brain decides something different?
Again, that's impossible.
Sure, but if they haven't get close to explain and detect consciousness, much like they couldn't 20 years ago, than they are at pretty much steady state-no progress at all.
So you think we've made no progress in the last 20 years? You think we're never going to progress?

Science is lost here.
Hardly a reliable assessment, coming from you.

Than I should shoot you, actually we should shoot all the people on Earth since everything is a computer simulation and they would re-programmed, but the problem is all the people who died have never returned.
So what?
Why should they return?

Whoever is behind that computer would really have to have computer opened all the time-to maintain existence of the universe, the computer should never be shut down for another 100 billion years-how exactly?
How much programming Programmer would need to put from the primordial forces, smallest sub-atomic particles, to the macro-world, you would need billions of years of universal evolution, than special programming of plants, animals and than humans?
How much much energy and programming you would really have to spend?
Not to mention universe is considered basically infinite, how do you program infinite universe with all the hyper-complexity?
If human brain is an simulation, than programmer would need put new hardware every single time brain decides something different?
Again, that's impossible.
Um, fail again.
All the programmer needs do is give us the perception that the universe is infinite and all of those forces and complexity exist.
So you think we've made no progress in the last 20 years? You think we're never going to progress?

Hardly a reliable assessment, coming from you.

So what?
Why should they return?

Um, fail again.
All the programmer needs do is give us the perception that the universe is infinite and all of those forces and complexity exist.

People should return because according to you they are computer simulations.
But you can't simulate entire universe and evrything in it all the processes that come and go-it's simply too hyper-complex, your theory doesn't work.
So you think we've made no progress in the last 20 years? You think we're never going to progress?

Hardly a reliable assessment, coming from you.

So what?
Why should they return?

Um, fail again.
All the programmer needs do is give us the perception that the universe is infinite and all of those forces and complexity exist.

Science is lost with consciousness, because they did not find anything what describes consciousness.
You're the only one who doesn't see it.
Science is lost with consciousness, because they did not find anything what describes consciousness.
You're the only one who doesn't see it.
And again you're creating a false argument.
I have already agreed that science doesn't know what consciousness is now.
You, however, have declared that we will never know.

People should return because according to you they are computer simulations.
Wrong on two points.
I haven't said that we are simulations (but I AM pointing out that your "refutation" doesn't hold up).
Why should they return?
What if they're not programmed to return?

But you can't simulate entire universe and evrything in it all the processes that come and go-it's simply too hyper-complex, your theory doesn't work.
And you're STILL making claims with no support.
And again you're creating a false argument.
I have already agreed that science doesn't know what consciousness is now.
You, however, have declared that we will never know.

Wrong on two points.
I haven't said that we are simulations (but I AM pointing out that your "refutation" doesn't hold up).
Why should they return?
What if they're not programmed to return?

And you're STILL making claims with no support.

What if people can't be programmed to return?
I don't understand you first you say we're simulations, than you say we are not? So, what is your decision?
If we don't understand now with all that high-tech present, we wouldn't be able to understand it at all.
The best we can do is only speculate.
One more thing: If the Programmer simulated the universe, than this computer should never be shut down, it has lasted the last 14 billion years, and it would have to last another 100 billion years and should never be switched off in that period of time-how much energy do you need for that kind of period?
It's totally impractical, and doesn't give space to any possibility for such waste of time.
One more thing: If the Programmer simulated the universe, than this computer should never be shut down, it has lasted the last 14 billion years, and it would have to last another 100 billion years and should never be switched off in that period of time-how much energy do you need for that kind of period?
It's totally impractical, and doesn't give space to any possibility for such waste of time.
More nonsense.
It may have been running for only 10 minutes with us (the programme) at an accelerated rate.
All we know about time is what we perceive of it.
Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?

No. I'm not. But the rest of you are.
You only appear when I look on this website.
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look physics and quantum mechanics is about consistency of movements between things

not anomalies
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More nonsense.
It may have been running for only 10 minutes with us (the programme) at an accelerated rate.
All we know about time is what we perceive of it.

Not quite, because you see the Programmer needs to first see if everything went like he designed, not to mention the Programmer would need to put all the data and knowledge of all the physics, chemistry, biology, quantum mechanics and etc and all the physics that we have not discovered yet, which means he would be infinitely smarter than us, which again means with infinite brain, and with infinite amounts of energy and the infinite software/hardware capacity., and also the Programmer should know what would happen in any given moment-this is why it's impossible-but this is not religion sub-forum. So it does not belong here.
Not quite, because you see the Programmer needs to first see if everything went like he designed, not to mention the Programmer would need to put all the data and knowledge of all the physics, chemistry, biology, quantum mechanics and etc and all the physics that we have not discovered yet, which means he would be infinitely smarter than us, which again means with infinite brain, and with infinite amounts of energy and the infinite software/hardware capacity.
And again you're assuming.
Infinitely smarter?
Infinite energy?

and also the Programmer should know what would happen in any given moment

this is why it's impossible
Back to supposition again, I see.

but this is not religion sub-forum. So it does not belong here.
Only in your mind.