Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

Wrong. Totally wrong, If that where the case then i would be doomed and all people on earth would also be doomed.

Salvation can only ever come from belief in the truth not in conforming to the truth. We can believe in what is right but how to preform what is right is not in out ability.

Well, not according to hundreds of people who have had near death experiences. Gods main rule is to love unconditionally.
I do believe people can be capable of that ;)
Well, not according to hundreds of people who have had near death experiences. Gods main rule is to love unconditionally.
I do believe people can be capable of that ;)

Eventually you will find out that you are wrong.

Up till now you have not demonstrated that kind of love towards me, have you? The fact that you have failed makes your idealistic fallacy a lie from the very start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Eventually you will find out that you are wrong.

Up till now you have not demonstrated that kind of love towards me, have you? The fact that you have failed makes your idealistic fallacy a lie from the very start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Incorrect Adstar.

It is you who will find you are wrong. Now all you have to do is convince all those people that have had NDEs' that they are wrong and had delusions,dreams ,whatever and they should instead strictly believe in ancient texts written by yes,guess who... "sinfull man".

I have no ill will towards you. I strongly disagree with much of what you say but I harbor no hate against you or others (despite what you may believe).
I did not say practicing unconditional love is easy,it's tough to do but that is the challenge that we all have to meet at some point before we fully reallign with God.
So if you are not a theist, what, might I ask, are you?

Just trying to understand what perspective you are coming from. Do you think that there is a God or not, Saquist?

I don't know, "what" I am but I'm not theist as to believe in theism as I understand it. I do believe in God. But how God exist is important to that definition as I've seen it, therefore I do not classify myself as theist nor do I have a "belief system." I do relate my perspective as a system of belief so as not to offend others but there is area of simply belief. It's about knowledge and having enough of it to make and informed decision. That's something theist typically exluded from. While I don't know everything I know enough and my commitment to increasing my knowledge base will asure that I remain well informed.

Which is one of the reasons I'm here.

LOL A non Theists comes forward to expalin the secrets of prophecy and to declare The Lake of Fire to not exist.

You never fooled me. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I don't think I had to.
I do relate my perspective as a system of belief so as not to offend others but there is area of simply belief. It's about knowledge and having enough of it to make and informed decision.

Myths and superstitions are not considered knowledge, hence you couldn't possibly make an informed decision.
Incorrect Adstar.

It is you who will find you are wrong. Now all you have to do is convince all those people that have had NDEs' that they are wrong and had delusions,dreams ,whatever and they should instead strictly believe in ancient texts written by yes,guess who... "sinfull man".

I have no ill will towards you. I strongly disagree with much of what you say but I harbor no hate against you or others (despite what you may believe).

I have read your posts liar. Why try to hide the fact that you hate my guts. Stop trying to put on an act just to try and fool others in here. You’re not fooling me.

I did not say practicing unconditional love is easy,it's tough to do but that is the challenge that we all have to meet at some point before we fully reallign with God.

LOL If we did love unconditionally it would come naturally we would not need to try, it would not be tough at all. It would not matter if someone spat in our faces everyday or where the nicest and most caring person we have ever met. We would still love both persons without effort. The fact that it is tough shows that you do not really unconditionally love.

You must be talking about putting on the act of loving someone is tough when they are an SOB... Hey? Putting on the act of love is not love at all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I have read your posts liar. Why try to hide the fact that you hate my guts. Stop trying to put on an act just to try and fool others in here. You’re not fooling me.

Well, I am glad you know the contents of my mind better than I do!

My God man!! Paronoia does seem to be a way of life for you doesn't it?
Wrong. Totally wrong, If that where the case then i would be doomed and all people on earth would also be doomed.

Salvation can only ever come from belief in the truth not in conforming to the truth. We can believe in what is right but how to preform what is right is not in out ability.

Well, according to Paul you are mostly correct, but not entirely. And according to Jesus and even James you are clearly not correct. There are many examples.

For my own part, you seem to be placing the teachings of Paul over the teachings of Jesus and James and perhaps even Peter. Again, in my opinion only, you seem to be reinterpreting the teachings of Jesus to fit the teachings of Paul not the other way around like I would, perhaps, expect that you should be doing.

Is it possible that you might just be interpreting scripture to justify yourself in your own sin?

You already know that my own personal conclusion of all of this is that the Bible is the word of men not the word of God. That solves almost the entire problem instantly. Even still, I do believe in God. But you must reach your own conclusion, of course.

Best Wishes in that Regard!
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Theism = belief in the existence of a god or gods.

Saquist is a theist ;)

that would be a simple definition. Based on this definition, Yes. However I really don' what you call me. I know who and what I am. Labels are intrinsicly insulting. If I'm going to insult anyone I'd rather insult myself and thus I define myself.
that would be a simple definition. Based on this definition, Yes. However I really don' what you call me. I know who and what I am. Labels are intrinsicly insulting. If I'm going to insult anyone I'd rather insult myself and thus I define myself.

Whatever you want, according to accepted definition you are a theist. But you are free to choose to not call yourself a theist, thats up to you.
Theism = belief in the existence of a god or gods.

Saquist is a theist ;)

You see...according to this definition "belief"
"I know he exist." There is quite a difference. But it's not the only one.

Evolutionist "believe" in evolution but do they "know"? In any case they all express it in terms of belief, which merely trust without the substance facts or the proven. The difference is so profound to slight even yourself with the word "belief" in anything when you're absolutely sure, betrays your own doubt.
the·ism (thē'ĭz'əm)
Belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world.

theist the'ist n.
theistic the·is'tic or the·is'ti·cal adj.
theistically the·is'ti·cal·ly adv.