Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

You need a definition? (I'm just checking)

which do you want? The definition of a bible prophecy or just prophecy in general?
(P.S. I'm a drafter, litterally speaking we should be able to understand each other)
I can tell you that a biblical prophecy always involves symbolism, and always predicts the future. The entirety of Relevelation, parts of Daniel, Issiah, as well as some of parts of the Gospels are prophecies. All often use symbolism. Thus it's far from arbitrary.

What I believe you're refering to is other areas which also use symbolism but are not prophecies, such as some of Jesus teachings- many of Jesus' teachings use metaphors to teach.
All often use symbolism. Thus it's far from arbitrary.
Allright. That combination of of sentences above there? The latin phrase non sequitur comes to mind. Symbolism almost exclusively denotes interpretation and thus a strong degree of arbitrarieness.

This is the fundamental problem with all prophecies that I've ever seen. They can be interpreted in any number of ways and essentially made to fit almost any circumstance you choose.

Even in Genesis the first Prophecy was uttered by God himself to both Eve and Satan. In it, it addresses Satan's eventual death and the person who would destroy him, Jesus Christ.

Here Jesus is first described as the "seed". Genesis 3:15.
Allright. That combination of of sentences above there? The latin phrase non sequitur comes to mind. Symbolism almost exclusively denotes interpretation and thus a strong degree of arbitrarieness.

This is the fundamental problem with all prophecies that I've ever seen. They can be interpreted in any number of ways and essentially made to fit almost any circumstance you choose.

That's true. However the purpose was to determine what was a prophecy and what is not. That's fairly simply.

The only way to know for sure what a prophecy is fortelling is to wait untill the prophecy is fullfilled.

Here Jesus is first described as the "seed". Genesis 3:15.
Per my previous post, whithout interpretation, how do you even remotely know that this "seed" means jesus?

Why does all of this need to be couched in riddles? Why not just say "jesus" and be done with it?
That's true. However the purpose was to determine what was a prophecy and what is not. That's fairly simply.

The only way to know for sure is to wait untill the prophecy is fullfilled.
Then what's the use of a prophecy? I can say thus and such vague thing will happen at some unspecified time in the misty future, and it may or may not ever happen! How is this valuable in any way? Even for xians?

If you admit that you don't know until your vague interpretation of a vague concept happens, why would you give it one shred of credence?
It's predescribe in the many other scriptures. It's not left up to interpretation, nor does does is left up to interpretation when that same prophecy refers to the one who will recieve a blow to the head as the "serpent." We know. Again. Many scriptures describe Satan as the "original serpent.

Why does all of this need to be couched in riddles? Why not just say "jesus" and be done with it?

That's a very good question. Why do we create riddles at all? Why do metaphors exist, why bother with symbolism. There are many reasons but perhaps the most obvious is to withhold usefull information from those without the insight to understand. Perhaps I could use the word "filter" to describe a typical biblical prophesy. Simply put not all people were meant to know.
Then what's the use of a prophecy? I can say thus and such vague thing will happen at some unspecified time in the misty future, and it may or may not ever happen! How is this valuable in any way? Even for xians?

Well if you uttered a prophecy what assurances do I have of it coming to past?

If you admit that you don't know until your vague interpretation of a vague concept happens, why would you give it one shred of credence?

Exemplified by my question above. You see it's about who creates the prophecy. Credence is the exact word I would use. If someone was not trustworty or incapable of insuring that such a utterance would be sure to come true...then what real trust could we put in it?
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Exemplified by my question above. You see it's about who creates the prophecy. Credence is the exact word I would use. If someone was not trustworty or incapable of insuring that such a utterance would be sure to come true...then what really trust could we put in it?
Ah yes. This is the root of the thing, huh? Since the biblical prophecies are directly or indirectly from god, then we trust them, yes? Of course, on who's authority to we take it that god actually exists and delivered these prophecies?

Theists, such as yourself, have the worst case of circular reasoning in recorded history! Don't you guys get dizzy?
Ah yes. This is the root of the thing, huh? Since the biblical prophecies are directly or indirectly from god, then we trust them, yes? Of course, on who's authority to we take it that god actually exists and delivered these prophecies?

I can't answer that question for you. That is entirely your decision. I can only tell you there is an answer.

Theists, such as yourself, have the worst case of circular reasoning in recorded history! Don't you guys get dizzy?

Ah...I'm not a theist. Curious...though, I'm often confused for one. If I've upset or offended you I appologize.
Ah...I'm not a theist. Curious...though, I'm often confused for one. If I've upset or offended you I appologize.

So if you are not a theist, what, might I ask, are you?

Just trying to understand what perspective you are coming from. Do you think that there is a God or not, Saquist?
Glad we agree on something!

You do realize that this means that salvation depends on what you do, Right?

It basically says:

Do not do something, and you will not be judged. Do not do something, and you will not be condemned. Do something, and you will be forgiven. And it very clearly implies that if you do not comply, and do not do these things as described, you will be judged, and you will be condemned, and you will not be forgiven.

Am I wrong?

Saying that someone has lied is not condemning them telling someone that something they think is ok is not condemning them. Revealing sin to another person is not condemning them.

Grabbing a chain and locking someone up for their lies is condemning them. Passing judgement is condemning them. carrying out punishment is condemning them.

I am called to reveal sin and warn of the eternal condemnation that comes from it. In doing that i myself am not condemning but passing on a warning of condemnation. I am a messenger of the one who Condemns those who reject His will. God will do the actual condemning.

The great error of most athiests is they see the messenger as the one condemning without realising the messenger is only delivering the condemnation of God.

You do realize that this means that salvation depends on what you do, Right?

Wrong. Totally wrong, If that where the case then i would be doomed and all people on earth would also be doomed.

Salvation can only ever come from belief in the truth not in conforming to the truth. We can believe in what is right but how to preform what is right is not in out ability.

Glad we agree on something!

You where mistaken.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ah...I'm not a theist. Curious...though, I'm often confused for one. If I've upset or offended you I appologize.

LOL A non Theists comes forward to expalin the secrets of prophecy and to declare The Lake of Fire to not exist.

You never fooled me. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
As it happens, I'd take non-existence over heaven any day of the week. I was non-existent for billions of years and I have to say, it wasn't that bad. Better than floating around for eternity getting bored of bliss.

Yes. That's my exact outlook on death. I'm ok with dying. I won't know whats going on.