Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

I am really not destined for anything, I choose my own destiny on all accounts.

... But the thrust of my point is that "believers" think they can get away with all kinds of crap in his name and still go to "heaven" because they're truly repentant ...

What is the basis of your "point"? Is there a point to your "point"? What is the implication of this "point" for your eternal destiny?
Do you follow your religion to a tee? Is there anything you've done in your life that would justify your god tossing you into his hell? Can you honestly admit to yourself that you do everything your religion prescribes for you to get into your heaven?

Or, do you think your god has already decided you will burn for eternity in his hell?
given that we are already in material existence (we occupy material bodies that have a very predictable future ahead of them) which predominantly operates on the principle of forgetfulness of god and attachment to matter, I wasn't aware that we had left .....
Do you follow your religion to a tee? Is there anything you've done in your life that would justify your god tossing you into his hell? Can you honestly admit to yourself that you do everything your religion prescribes for you to get into your heaven?

Or, do you think your god has already decided you will burn for eternity in his hell?

Woah..there..calm down,'ll quicken the process at this rate.

No-one in their right mind believes in the reality of doubtful whether Dante would even suggest such an idea.

You lot are difficult you not recognise the symbolic?...would it not be possible for THIS World to be percieved as a form of Purgatory or even Hell.

It certainly wouldnt surprise many if they arose from thee Dead...lots of them in Iraq and Afghanistan...and they discovered by some Godlike voice..that they'd just visited Hell itself!
Well, since jesus was apparently just some dude with charisma 2000 years ago, who passed into oblivion when he died, just like the rest of us, I'd say that "fooling" him would be a pointless exercise.

But the thrust of my point is that "believers" think they can get away with all kinds of crap in his name and still go to "heaven" because they're truly repentant.

What a fucking cop out. On the one hand, you can be Truly Repentant[sup]TM[/sup] on your death bed and be SAFE, but if you get to judgment one millisecond before you finish your repenting, you're doomed to burn in hell, not just for a while, but ETERNITY!!!

What a crock of mythological bullshit.

<< jesus was apparently just some dude with charisma >>

How do you define charisma?

Its essence is not measurable by science, yet it exists.

Science therefore isn't needed to explain the existant is it?
It might comfort those that believe in the hell fire to know that it is not a litteral understanding but represents everlasting destruction.
What is the basis of your "point"? Is there a point to your "point"? What is the implication of this "point" for your eternal destiny?
My eternal destiny? We all have but one destiny. To rejoin the elementary dust from which we came. No eternal consciousness or existence. Just simple oblivion.
It might comfort those that believe in the hell fire to know that it is not a litteral understanding but represents everlasting destruction.

I believe in the eternal Lake of Fire and i need no comforting over it. Especially by sweet-talking people who tell me sweet sounding lies.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I believe in the eternal Lake of Fire and i need no comforting over it. Especially by sweet-talking people who tell me sweet sounding lies.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."


Yes. Good teachings. Jesus is right. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It might comfort those that believe in the hell fire to know that it is not a litteral understanding but represents everlasting destruction.

It would seem many conservative Christians believe in an eternall hell but many other christians would disagree.
There seems to be a disagreement even between bible scholars to it coming down to a "translation " issue.

Hell from another perspective of non conservative christians.
What I've done (past, present, and future) already sent Someone to hell 2000 yrs ago...

Despite the fact I anticipate nothing but a cynical response I will tell it to you straight and what you do with this information is up to you...but, you did ask me how I know...well, I know, because first of all, I Trust the Author of Scripture who advised/exhorted me to repent and trust Christ--which I did...subsequently, I was indwelt by the Holy Spirit, i.e. God Himself Who--among other things--reveals/guarantees to me the truthfullness of His Word (e.g. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16). In His Word, He states the following concerning those who have trusted Christ: Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ...that "good work" which God has begun (and WILL perform) within me amounts to this: For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son...essentially, I'm on a different path, a path leading to conformity with Christ Himself, and this actually is what the Christian life--Eternal Life--is all about...a process by which the events of ones life are now understood to be part and parcel of a Divine Master Plan which is guaranteed not to fail: Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

As is evident, past, present, and future are all included in that statement...while on the one hand time is of the essence with each generation, on the other it is of no threat or consequence concerning those whose lives are hidden with Christ IN salvation, glorification, i.e. conformity to Christ is, as the saying goes, a done deal. Interestingly, the Bible nowhere speaks of anyone being "predestined for an eternity in hell"...when mentioning predestination it only speaks of those predestined to conformity with Christ.

What I have done, am doing, or will do, has already been taken care of by God...what HE has done, is doing, and will do--concerning me--is all that matters.

So, there you have it...God is infinitely gracious and kind.

So you say Jesus is burning in hell for eternity ? How about your path leading to conformity with Christ Himself, will you be in hell together ?
Also, aren't Jesus and God the same ? If so, did he condemn himself to hell ?

This is all so very confusing.. :rolleyes:
Yes. Good teachings. Jesus is right. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Glad we agree on something!

You do realize that this means that salvation depends on what you do, Right?

It basically says:

Do not do something, and you will not be judged. Do not do something, and you will not be condemned. Do something, and you will be forgiven. And it very clearly implies that if you do not comply, and do not do these things as described, you will be judged, and you will be condemned, and you will not be forgiven.

Am I wrong?
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Do you follow your religion to a tee? Is there anything you've done in your life that would justify your god tossing you into his hell? Can you honestly admit to yourself that you do everything your religion prescribes for you to get into your heaven?

Or, do you think your god has already decided you will burn for eternity in his hell?

I like how you are assuming that every religion has a hell and that "god" would toss you there.
In other words, oblivion?

That's the only meaning that the Lake of Fire and Sulfer has. Revelation immediately tells us that everything thrown into the Lake of Fire meets oblivion by designating the the Lake as "The second Death"

Thus it is quite clear once DEATH it's self is also thrown into the Lake of Fire and Sulfer that the lake it's self is quite metaphorical, if there was any doubt before.

The bible doesn't assign personification of Death in such a way. Death is not a person. Death could also not refer to Satan as that symbol is the "Great Dragon", who is also thrown into the Lake of Fire and Sulfer.

What do you think? If some says to you " I threw Geometry or Religion or Fun over a cliff how litterally would you take such a statement?

I believe in the eternal Lake of Fire and i need no comforting over it. Especially by sweet-talking people who tell me sweet sounding lies.

That's wonderfull I'll try more salt and pepper next time. ("Name's Friday...Just the Facts Ma'am")

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

It would seem many conservative Christians believe in an eternall hell but many other christians would disagree.
There seems to be a disagreement even between bible scholars to it coming down to a "translation " issue.

Hell from another perspective of non conservative christians.

I personlly would not leave it up to historians alone to the decipher biblical prophecies. As a matter of scripture they are incapable of drawing accurate conclussion of God's purpose simply because he doesn't impart that understanding to them. Certain revelations can only be given by him. No wonder they've missed the point of the Bible which is to declare his coming Kingdom. With out understanding that is the common thread any discovery is going to be stictly hit and miss.
What do you think? If some says to you " I threw Geometry or Religion or Fun over a cliff how litterally would you take such a statement?
Interesting. I've always wondered how the arbitrary assignment of fact vs allegory and metaphor is made in the bible and other religious books. Do you use dice? Or is it more of a reading-of-the-entrails kind of thing?