Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

If someone had completely appreciated and received the Law, and then all of a sudden gave up in fulfilling the Law, then he/she is judged by what he/she understood and did.

Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

It would appear that your scriptures contradicts other scriptures already presented. Or, is it merely the interpretation of those scriptures? :shrug:
Scriptures interpret itself...

It would appear that your scriptures contradicts other scriptures already presented. Or, is it merely the interpretation of those scriptures? :shrug:

No, the Holy Ghost who is teaching the christians divulges the interpretation of the Scriptures for ...

2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Seeming contradictions are found in the Bible, but the Bible is written for the sake of instruction, recall and warning.
No, the Holy Ghost who is teaching the christians divulges the interpretation of the Scriptures for ...

2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Yet, Christians, the thousands of different sects, are continuously squabbling over those interpretations. How are they expected to 'spread the word' when they can't even get it right themselves?

Seeming contradictions are found in the Bible, but the Bible is written for the sake of instruction, recall and warning.

That's a new one. I wonder if your brethren agrees?
Yet, Christians, the thousands of different sects, are continuously squabbling over those interpretations. How are they expected to 'spread the word' when they can't even get it right themselves?

Yes Indeed! Very often the one who is the most arrogant and the most capable of instilling fear in the others wins the day! The usual method is to just condemn anyone who disagrees with you to hell. That tends to silence opposition rather quickly. The really sad thing is that all too often this actually works.

Option number two might involve the declaration that the other person clearly is not being led by the Holy Spirit, like you are of course (Strange, they are thinking the same thing about you). This might shut them up, at least for a while, or better yet, even cause them to just leave the church altogether, the more desired solution. Problem solved!

The most arrogant, prideful, and deceptive are usually the leaders themselves. And yet they are still often revered the most highly.
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So. Did the Israelites attack an enemy? No they did not attack their enemy, They attacked people who had done evil in the eyes of God. The Israelis where just tools that God chose to use to bring His judgement upon the tribes of the area. If you look at the OT you will find that the Jews always failed when they decided to take independent action against a target of their own choice. But when they attacked someone after receiving the Order from God to attack the end result was very different.

Think of the Jews as a Judge appointed executioner. As long as the executioner has the court Order to carry out a sentence he is just a cog in the wheels of the Law. Now if an executioner decides to carry out a vigilante killing because he thinks it is right without proper Judicial backing he will also come under judgement from the same Judge.

Why is it that God cannot do his own executing? He has been known to do this before. In the Old Testament you see God giving His own authority to kill another into the hands of flawed men who make mistakes all of the time. Why is this good? How many innocents were destroyed because of this plan?

Everyone had done evil in the eyes of God including the Israelites so why where they commanded to destroy these particular people who where just as evil as them? There are none righteous, remember? How is a newborn baby, born of no fault of their own into one of these other people, more evil than any adult who lives in the nation of Israel?

Why were they commanded to kill even all of the women and children in some cases and in other cases commanded to spare only the female virgins for their own use as sex slaves? Was this the will of God? You have heard of the word "rape" before, right? Do you think that rape is blessed by God? I am sorry, but you are looking at only the things that you can explain away.

He did not declare that way to be Wrong.

When God says, Do not execute someone, I no longer require you to be my executioner, I will carry out any future executions myself at the appointed time. Is He saying that executing someone is wrong?

No. He is saying that. Those that offend will still be executed but i am now changing the date of execution and who the executioner is. The destination is the same but I have added a bypass in the route to that destination.

And once again After God established His Will and then revealed the price of rebellion against His will. He then revealed the Way to forgiveness, step by step.

According to Jesus, the Law is still in force to this day! The Law has the death penalty throughout. Where does it ever say in the Bible that these death penalties have been removed for the unbeliever?

There are explanations for all of them. But the problem was lack of trust in God.

The only way I can do this is through self-deception and I am no longer willing to do that to myself.

Maybe you had faith in your parents and your pretending was an effort to show loyalty to them. Of course as we grow up faith in our parents quickly falls away when we realise they are just human beings, the more little kids treat their parents as gods when they are young the more they will look upon them as devils when they finally discover that their parents are human. It is like they want to compensate for their former overestimation by underestimating them in later years.

If ones faith is based on ones relationship with those who hold the faith, then ones faith is built on sand, not the ROCK.

One must have a personal relationship with God and come to Him by themselves.

You are not asking me to trust God. I can do that with or without the Bible. You are asking me to place my trust in a book that was written by flawed men. I have tested it and I have found it to be at least partially false. How much? I do not know.

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Yet, Christians, the thousands of different sects, are continuously squabbling over those interpretations. How are they expected to 'spread the word' when they can't even get it right themselves?

That's a new one. I wonder if your brethren agrees?

What's new? There are words of satan in the Bible-- do you want a sample?

Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

which contradicted with the following:

Gen 2:16 -17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Don't forget, there are pretenders and the first pretenders were the fallen angels, they took human forms and married the daughters of men.

Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

So, no wonder there would become false christians (people who claim they alone do the will of God, and therefore be the only ones to be saved from condemnation).

By the way, "seeming" denotes "adj : appearing as such but not necessarily so;"

So, the words in the Bible might appear as such to contradict themselves to people like you, but not necessarily so to the christian brethren.
What's new? There are words of satan in the Bible-- do you want a sample?

Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

which contradicted with the following:

Gen 2:16 -17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Don't forget, there are pretenders and the first pretenders were the fallen angels, they took human forms and married the daughters of men.

Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

So, no wonder there would become false christians (people who claim they alone do the will of God, and therefore be the only ones to be saved from condemnation).

By the way, "seeming" denotes "adj : appearing as such but not necessarily so;"

So, the words in the Bible might appear as such to contradict themselves to people like you, but not necessarily so to the christian brethren.

If everyone begins their journey as an unbeliever and without the Holy Spirit, as surely they must, and God really does want to save as many as possible, then why is the Bible written specifically so that only believers and those who already have the Holy Spirit can understand it?

Is not this intentionally preventing the very ones who need it the most from ever understanding it? Is not that the reason why Jesus even spoke to the people in parables; to prevent them from understanding and to prevent them from being saved? That is what the Bible teaches is it not?

Of course in addition to this, the problem still remains that even Holy Spirit led and filled believers cannot agree on very basic and critical doctrines of the faith or even how to interpret the Bible.

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Do you follow your religion to a tee? Is there anything you've done in your life that would justify your god tossing you into his hell? Can you honestly admit to yourself that you do everything your religion prescribes for you to get into your heaven?

Or, do you think your god has already decided you will burn for eternity in his hell?

I follow His Word, my Bible--the New Testament. We* don't go to hell for doing anything excepting rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Yes I do everything He tells me to whether it's give a stranger $20 or witnessing to an atheist. God doesn't "destine" who goes to hell. People CHOOSE.

* Christian belief. Does not pertain to Jews. And I'm leaving Muslims alone too.

Welcome back Christy! ( I mean Sandy);)

Thanks nova. Hope you are doing well. :)
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So, the words in the Bible might appear as such to contradict themselves to people like you, but not necessarily so to the christian brethren.

The divisions in the faith actually occurred very early on and not due to the examples you mention.Rather various groups interpreting what was said,what was the intent, and what was the "real" truth.

After Jesus death, Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, became a strong leader in the Jewish Christian movement. Later James, These followers of Christ viewed themselves as a reform movement within Judaism yet they continued to follow many of the Jewish laws.

A little later on...

In addition to Gnostic, Jewish, and Pauline Christianity, there were already many other versions of Christianity being taught. After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Jewish Christian movement was scattered. Pauline and Gnostic Christianity were left as the two main dominant groups.

The Roman Empire recognized Pauline Christianity as a valid religion in 313 AD. Later in that century, it became the official religion of the Empire, and during the following 1000 years, Catholics were the only people recognized as real Christians.
Naturally the Orthodox elements won out as these were people who were, so to speak,"in bed with their Roman Masters" and it was the better choice for control of the masses as opposed to Gnosticism which stressed becoming more "Christ-like" without needing the authority of the church (I can just see the old bible fathers wincing;)

In 1054 AD, a formal split occurred between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. This division remains in effect today. The 1054 split, also known as the Great East-West Schism marks an important date in the history of all Christian denominations because it designates the very first major division in Christianity.

On religious matters the two branches disagreed over issues pertaining to the nature of the Holy Spirit, the use of icons in worship and the correct date for celebrating Easter among other reasons.

The next major division occurred in the 16th century with the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was ignited in 1517 when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses, but the Protestant movement did not officially begin until 1529. They called for individual interpretation of Scripture and religious freedom.

So it would seem all the various denominations are more due to people's personal interpretion of scripture and belief systems emphasizing one doctrine over another --example: personal interpration of scripture(Protestant) as opposed to having the church leadership do it for you (Catholic) .
The contradictions themselves in the bible are also a main source for the formation of so many sects.

I follow His Word, my Bible--the New Testament. We* don't go to hell for doing anything excepting rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Yes I do everything He tells me to whether it's give a stranger $20 or witnessing to an atheist. God doesn't "destine" who goes to hell. People CHOOSE.

* Christian belief. Does not pertain to Jews. And I'm leaving Muslims alone too.

Welcome back Christy! ( I mean Sandy);)

If everyone begins their journey as an unbeliever and without the Holy Spirit, as surely they must, and God really does want to save as many as possible, then why is the Bible written specifically so that only believers and those who already have the Holy Spirit can understand it?

Is not this intentionally preventing the very ones who need it the most from ever understanding it? Is not that the reason why Jesus even spoke to the people in parables; to prevent them from understanding and to prevent them from being saved? That is what the Bible teaches is it not?


When Jesus sat amongst the family and friends of Mathew the tax collector (after his first encounter with Mathew) did the apostles not plead with Jesus "not to sit and dine with the evil unrighteous pagans?
Nevertheless ,he did and proceeded to tell the parable of the man who had two sons.
Being surrounded by all those "non believers" did not seem to prevent Jesus from sending them a message(lesson) by means of a parable.
Now,initially Mathew was a non believer and presumably not filled with the Holy Spirit,but he must have been impressed enough with Jesus and his teachings to change his ways.
This directly contradicts this line of thought that you have to be a believing person already filled with the Holy Spirit to understand the teachings.

So, it would seem many Christians would rather follow the example of the apostles rather than Christ himself? :confused:
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When Jesus sat amongst the family and friends of Mathew the tax collector (after his first encounter with Mathew) did the apostles not plead with Jesus "not to sit and dine with the evil unrighteous pagans?
Nevertheless ,he did and proceeded to tell the parable of the man who had two sons.
Being surrounded by all those "non believers" did not seem to prevent Jesus from sending them a message(lesson) by means of a parable.

A message that they could not understand because they did not have the Holy Spirit to interpret the parable for them? Even the disciples could not understand these stories of Jesus. Even His own followers were blinded to their meaning without Him taking them aside and expressly explaining them almost word for word.

This appears to be very cruel to me. Come one, come all, and hear the message that you cannot hear because I have prevented you from hearing it. And, oh by the way, burn in hell because you cannot hear and understand! What chance do these people even have? None! And it is all supposed to be their fault right?

Now,initially Mathew was a non believer and presumably not filled with the Holy Spirit,but he must have been impressed enough with Jesus and his teachings to change his ways.
This directly contradicts this line of thought that you have to be a believing person already filled with the Holy Spirit to understand the teachings.

The Bible contradicts itself.

So, it would seem many Christians would rather follow the example of the apostles rather than Christ himself? :confused:

Well what are they supposed to do?

If they follow the model that Jesus left to them they should only talk to unbelievers in riddles to achieve maximum confusion and to prevent others from being saved. In this way both their's and His objective can be achieved at the same time. Good thing that God is not the author of confusion!

Perhaps the world would be better off if doctors talked to their patients in parables and riddles. That way their patients would die if they could not understand them and make the appropriate decisions for their health. Wouldn't that be great? That way you could weed out all of those people who do not deserve to live. Or perhaps all of the corporations of the earth should adopt this as their new marketing strategy. Surely it would work for them, right? The more you hide something the more people will find it? It only makes sense? NOT!

End of Rant...
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The truth is people contradict the bible. It's actually a well circulated myth among atheist that the bible contradicts it'self. I would not go to an atheist to inquire as to the correct understanding of bible scriptures. At the same time generally a catholic is also not a good refrence either. Once you jump into the two original languages the bible was translated from the understanding becomes much more clear and most of the unclear is washed away.

I've personally copied the entire list of contradiction and proceed to investiage them according to a propperly translated bible. These contradictions are mostly due to mistranslation in grammar. They're technicly true but they don't convey the correct thought at all. I got to the 9th so called contradiction and realized i was wasting my time because some of-- many of the contradictions were just plain stupid. The person who complied the list had no bible insight of scriptures at all. The rest had legitiment concern that was easily explained without any word twisting.

This athesitic myth isn't entirely unfounded. Many of the catholic, baptist and other religions do not actually teach there congregations from the bible, they teach from their own understanding and unfortunantly they were "taught" the same way and it's frankly a horrible way to conduct any learning excercise.

So it's really not atheist's fault it is the religious ignorance that has fueled this myth and as long as it continues atheist will continue to look down on what can only be preceived from a distance as an unresolvable tangle of stories and myths.
Once you jump into the two original languages the bible was translated from the understanding becomes much more clear and most of the unclear is washed away.

What perfect translation then can be used? None? Or does God require that you read the Bible in the original languages to understand and be saved?

That is not a very good global marketing plan.
I follow His Word, my Bible--the New Testament. We* don't go to hell for doing anything excepting rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Yes I do everything He tells me to whether it's give a stranger $20 or witnessing to an atheist. God doesn't "destine" who goes to hell. People CHOOSE.

I have it on good authority your destiny, sandy.

Better bring a BIG fan. It's really hot.
So, the words in the Bible might appear as such to contradict themselves to people like you, but not necessarily so to the christian brethren.

Christians MUST believe the bible as the truth, regardless of the multitude of contradictions contained within.
So it's really not atheist's fault it is the religious ignorance that has fueled this myth and as long as it continues atheist will continue to look down on what can only be preceived from a distance as an unresolvable tangle of stories and myths.

You'll find a much larger group of people will consider the bible a book of contradictions and myths, not just atheists. In fact, you'll find very few, if any, individuals who will agree with your interpretation, as well.
You'll find a much larger group of people will consider the bible a book of contradictions and myths, not just atheists. In fact, you'll find very few, if any, individuals who will agree with your interpretation, as well.

I'm sure that's comforting to you, you know, safety in numbers and all that...

Enter by the narrow gate...the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many...the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
I'm sure that's comforting to you, you know, safety in numbers and all that...

Enter by the narrow gate...the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many...the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
That's what I say to all of my theist friends.
I'm sure that's comforting to you

Actually, it's hilarious and disturbing at the same time that so many people are so easily lead on by a book of myths.

In the end, it's just a very sad tragedy of humanity.
Oh, I forgot: How do you know these writings you go by are the word of god?

Revelation... God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.