Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

Actually, it's hilarious and disturbing at the same time that so many people are so easily lead on by a book of myths.

In the end, it's just a very sad tragedy of humanity.

So many? Not many. What is sad is that there are so few.
Revelation... God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
Uhh... but that's just the same writings I'm asking you about. Are you saying that as proof that the writings are the word of god, you will accept the writings themselves?

So, what you are really worshipping is a book. A series of writings, not any real god.
Uhh... but that's just the same writings I'm asking you about. Are you saying that as proof that the writings are the word of god, you will accept the writings themselves?

Not quite. Read what I states we have recieved the Spirit Who is from God that we might know...we come to know these things by direct communication from God to us.
Not quite. Read what I states we have recieved the Spirit Who is from God that we might know...we come to know these things by direct communication from God to us.
You've had direct communication from god I take it?
And I asked you, "what does the Word of God tell you?"
Oh, I get it. God did not tell me anything regarding your private communications with him.

I'm going to guess that you have and still do have regular direct comms with god.

What is that like?
I'm not asking for details. Just a sense of what it's like. Voices, impressions, visions, etc.

What's it like?

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

Does this mean that you have no communications with god?

No voices, visions or even heartfelt impressions? That's what this seems to be saying.
You simply cannot understand that God is independent of our time. All the Logic that supports your thinking comes from the foundation that God is locked in the confines of our time as we are. But this foundation to your logic is wrong.

2 Peter 3
8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

It's not the case that God experiences time as if 1000 years is one day to Him. This scripture reveals that Both cases are true

1)"one day is as a thousand years,"
2)"and a thousand years as one day."

So this reveals that our time is not really linked to Gods time, there is no constant, no scale, no ratio.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why is it that God cannot do his own executing? He has been known to do this before.

Of course He can. But He can also decide to order His followers to carry out judgement/wrath. For what reason He decided to do it this way i am not sure.

In the Old Testament you see God giving His own authority to kill another into the hands of flawed men who make mistakes all of the time. Why is this good?

Maybe it is a lesson to the flawed men of the consequences of rebellion against God's will?

How many innocents were destroyed because of this plan?

Destroyed? None. For as we believe death is not the end. So if an innocent dies then it goes into eternity with God. Therefore the deaths of the innocents is not really a tragedy at all. They are being given eternity with God and an early mark out of an evil world. Hard to accept for people who love life and have no faith in an eternal existence, i know.

Everyone had done evil in the eyes of God including the Israelites so why where they commanded to destroy these particular people who where just as evil as them? There are none righteous, remember? How is a newborn baby, born of no fault of their own into one of these other people, more evil than any adult who lives in the nation of Israel?

Of course the babies where far better than the Israelis who killed them. I do not dispute that. As for using faulty people to carry out judgements. God can use whomsoever He likes. And as Biblical History shows the Jewish people ended up facing similar destruction because of their own rebellion against the will of God, brought against them by God using Faulty Babylonians and later faulty Romans.

Why were they commanded to kill even all of the women and children in some cases and in other cases commanded to spare only the female virgins for their own use as sex slaves? Was this the will of God? You have heard of the word "rape" before, right? Do you think that rape is blessed by God? I am sorry, but you are looking at only the things that you can explain away.

Now I have already explained to you about this. But you have chosen to disregard the clarification and have stood firm in your false allegation that these girls where used as sex slaves when there is no indication of this in the Bible. They where used a servants. The Jews had already been told that they where not to have sexual relations with the peoples of Canaan before they entered it. And when they did at acacia grove God struck them with a great plague that killed thousands of them. So as i have said before. These girls where not used as sex slaves and if there where cases of them being raped then those doing so where in rebellion against the will of God.

According to Jesus, the Law is still in force to this day! The Law has the death penalty throughout. Where does it ever say in the Bible that these death penalties have been removed for the unbeliever?

Once again you have chosen to disregard my explanation and simply restated your belief. I have stated that the Law is still in force to this day and the price of sin is still death. So all those who have not accessed the Redemption that is offered by God through the Messiah Jesus will still face judgement.

The only way I can do this is through self-deception and I am no longer willing to do that to myself.

And you continue to deceive yourself, But now your self deception is in diametric opposition to your former self deception.

You are not asking me to trust God. I can do that with or without the Bible. You are asking me to place my trust in a book that was written by flawed men. I have tested it and I have found it to be at least partially false. How much? I do not know.


And who are you to declare anything true or false? And how can a faulty human being be perfect enough to test God? Woe to anyone who trusts in themselves.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days