Are YOU Destined To Burn For Eternity?

You see, that is exactly what I'm referring, you make an authoritative claim with no supporting evidence or argument.

Your god would have in fact have already given you the green light for heaven, yet it isn't possible for you to know that, unless you've observed gods and they specifically told you weren't destined to burn for eternity.

Those are more takes these myths about the bible from religious tradition not from biblical facts.

It is important to note that the bible doesn't say that all bad people burn for eternity and that all good people go to heaven.

So how people completely miss the scriptures which specificly state that some will remain on earth...."The meek will inherit the earth and will reside forever upon it."

Sitting down and studing the bible is the only way to know what it's saying. Hearsay is just hearsay and good for nothing. Thus if you require me to inform you rather than inform yourself then you aren't going to learn anything more than more hearsay. It still must be confirmed by you. You are the Judge.
Those are more takes these myths about the bible from religious tradition not from biblical facts.

I'm afraid I'll have to bow out of this discussion, considering you are still making accusation towards a concept you don't understand. So, I'll once again repeat myself in hopes you one day understand; science is a method.

Sitting down and studing the bible is the only way to know what it's saying. Hearsay is just hearsay and good for nothing. Thus if you require me to inform you rather than inform yourself then you aren't going to learn anything more than more hearsay. It still must be confirmed by you. You are the Judge.

Yes, I've read the bible and found it to be without credibility. Thanks.
Page 12
Post 226

Is a good start.

All I see is a guy giving his opinion to your original question, and the thread going off topic as is the case with most good threads.

And from the same page, you should read post #228. It's a simple refutation of post #226.
And from the same page, you should read post #228. It's a simple refutation of post #226.

If we're reading from the same hymn sheet I don't see any refutation.

The basic answer to your original question is no. If the old testament is studied in it's original language then lake of fire is symbolic, full stop.
I'm afraid I'll have to bow out of this discussion, considering you are still making accusation towards a concept you don't understand. So, I'll once again repeat myself in hopes you one day understand; science is a method.

I understand.

Yes, I've read the bible and found it to be without credibility. Thanks.

Yes, I know.
If we're reading from the same hymn sheet I don't see any refutation.

The basic answer to your original question is no. If the old testament is studied in it's original language then lake of fire is symbolic, full stop.

Exactly. Surface reading of the bible can bring a certain amount of knoweldge but it doesn't bring any understanding with many versions because there are substitute phrases placed where meanings were understood.

If I recall correctly that "burning eternity" was a litteral place sometimes refered to as a symbolic place where nothing of value was disgarded. It burned night and day.

I could give you details but there is no substiute for breaking out your own bible and reading, then studying and asking questions. That reveals more than just what the bible is speaking of. It reveals your own motivations because it's not easy it takes persistence to learn things like how Genesis is supposed to be viewed. What to take litterally and what not. Only experinece in searching for this information will glean anything of value.

As we know anything of value is worth searching for.
If we're reading from the same hymn sheet I don't see any refutation.

In other words, if you move the goalposts, you don't see any refutation.

The basic answer to your original question is no. If the old testament is studied in it's original language then lake of fire is symbolic, full stop.

With so many versions of gods words, how does one know where the ocean of antiquated testaments meet the horizon of perception?
In other words, if you move the goalposts, you don't see any refutation.

I just meant if we were reading the same post :)

With so many versions of gods words, how does one know where the ocean of antiquated testaments meet the horizon of perception?

Good point, but this isn't about bible versions, it's about what the Jews accepted as literal and symbolic word usages/places.
Exactly. Surface reading of the bible can bring a certain amount of knoweldge but it doesn't bring any understanding with many versions because there are substitute phrases placed where meanings were understood.


If I recall correctly that "burning eternity" was a litteral place sometimes refered to as a symbolic place where nothing of value was disgarded. It burned night and day.

All civilisations had their flavour of this place, or at least all great civilisations. It is my belief that God (Jehovah) interacted with other people as well as the Jews, in fact it's actually written in the Old Testament.

I could give you details but there is no substiute for breaking out your own bible and reading, then studying and asking questions. That reveals more than just what the bible is speaking of. It reveals your own motivations because it's not easy it takes persistence to learn things like how Genesis is supposed to be viewed. What to take litterally and what not. Only experinece in searching for this information will glean anything of value.

As we know anything of value is worth searching for.

Agreed :)
What do you mean, familiarity?

Familiarity: With practice one can isolate trends. But Primarily to do so you must break down the original Hebrew and Greek. The english may be correct like in the quote Snakelord out lined...but if you don't know what the "lake of "Fire and Sulfer" is, "The second Death", That Harmaggeddon is a place "Mountain," that Revelation comes from the Greek word Apocalypse which literally means , a "revealing." and the many other who is the lamb, the dragon, the wild beast (all of them), who the woman is....(I could go on and on) Then of course you got absolutely nothing out of the bible by maybe a good story..
Familiarity: With practice one can isolate trends. But Primarily to do so you must break down the original Hebrew and Greek. The english may be correct like in the quote Snakelord out lined...but if you don't know what the "lake of "Fire and Sulfer" is, "The second Death", That Harmaggeddon is a place "Mountain," that Revelation comes from the Greek word Apocalypse which literally means , a "revealing." and the many other who is the lamb, the dragon, the wild beast (all of them), who the woman is....(I could go on and on) Then of course you got absolutely nothing out of the bible by maybe a good story..

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.