Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Social distancing ain't no thang for us introverts. Amirite? :wink:
Amen sister! Stircrazy still applies though. I'm not big of watching sports but I could use some NBA highlights every now and then so there is some personal suffering going on. :) I also don't enjoy watching the news or the stock market figures so things could be better. Social distancing ain't one of them as you so eloquently put it.
Amen sister! Stircrazy still applies though. I'm not big of watching sports but I could use some NBA highlights every now and then so there is some personal suffering going on. :) I also don't enjoy watching the news or the stock market figures so things could be better. Social distancing ain't one of them as you so eloquently put it.
Aw, yea...there are things I miss, too. I love being social but as we’ve discussed, it’s not how we recharge. I wonder how extroverts are coping. (Being serious) I’ve read that many people struggle with being isolated for too long - we are meant for one another, to bear one another’s burdens, and friendships are part of the human experience. :smile:
Aw, yea...there are things I miss, too. I love being social but as we’ve discussed, it’s not how we recharge. I wonder how extroverts are coping. (Being serious) I’ve read that many people struggle with being isolated for too long - we are meant for one another, to bear one another’s burdens, and friendships are part of the human experience. :smile:
There's still email. I sometimes chat with a neighbor who is outside working in the yard as I walk by on my way to the grocery store.
There's still email. I sometimes chat with a neighbor who is outside working in the yard as I walk by on my way to the grocery store.
My gym is closed, are you able to go climbing? I'd imagine those gyms are closed, too? Not all gyms around here are closed, but I think it's a smart choice on the part of the owners.
My gym is closed, are you able to go climbing? I'd imagine those gyms are closed, too? Not all gyms around here are closed, but I think it's a smart choice on the part of the owners.
No, the gyms are closed. I cancelled my membership a few weeks before they decided to close. I wasn't climbing much (not enough climbing partners). When they reopen and I want to go back I'll probably just go with a punch card rather than an annual membership unless things change dramatically.

I think it would be very irresponsible for a climbing gym not to temporarily close (even more so than a regular gym) given all the holds that everyone has to touch and how hard it would be to keep them clean.

They tried with a policy to use hand sanitizer when you enter the gym and again when you leave (it was at the front desk).
Social experiment :smile:

Hypothesis: Introvert/Extrovert theories show part of psychosis of a person unable to adapt to a new environment... blah, blah,.. and those adversely affected would fair less in a zombie apocalypse. And we can wonder if this was the virus instead of small pox -how would it have changed history. :leaf:
Depends on my mood! Mainly an Introvert though
Intro/extroversion is not a "mood" thing. One doesn't change whether one is introverted or extroverted.

Introverts like a good social gathering as much as the next guy - it's not about that.

It's a question of where you go to recharge.

Here's an example: in a brainstorming meeting at work, there are some people that get chuffed by the hustle and bustle of interaction and idea sharing. They get energized from this and do their best work in an active, social environment. These are extroverts.

I can certainly be creative, but when I need to collect my thoughts before I can get productive, I need to return to my desk and have some alone time to recharge. I'm an introvert.

I still go out and have a good time with friends. But I recharge alone.
Same here ^^

Same here ^^

Once I tried to fit in but finally I decided I will not be ruled by others expectations...I don't like weddings so I will not go, christenings, no way, funerals I don't go with the exception of parents and offspring...maybe to my best friends but only because he is going.
Not here..but my approach is to listen I know what I know and there is no point repeating it to folk who probably do not understand but listening I learn stuff which is what it's all about for me.
Ironically I can be the life of the party if I wish but I will do that to make folk happy rather than big note myself.
And no problem making friends as I listen in a none judgmental way and folk like that...inject some positives for their problems.
But your post hit a mark with me.
Once I tried to fit in but finally I decided I will not be ruled by others expectations...I don't like weddings so I will not go, christenings, no way, funerals I don't go with the exception of parents and offspring...maybe to my best friends but only because he is going.
Not here..but my approach is to listen I know what I know and there is no point repeating it to folk who probably do not understand but listening I learn stuff which is what it's all about for me.
Ironically I can be the life of the party if I wish but I will do that to make folk happy rather than big note myself.
And no problem making friends as I listen in a none judgmental way and folk like that...inject some positives for their problems.
But your post hit a mark with me.
Your post resonates with me, too. Dave's post illustrates it well - for me, ''recharging'' is all about quiet, reflective time...where I can tune in to what I'm thinking and feeling, without distractions. But, do I enjoy socializing? Yes. Do I have a gregarious side? Yes. Can I be the life of the party? Sure. But, when it comes to focusing on a work project, or unwinding after a busy day, I prefer reading a book, or even posting on this site for a bit of virtual company. :smile: I can simply log out when it gets to be too much. lol
Once I tried to fit in but finally I decided I will not be ruled by others expectations...I don't like weddings so I will not go, christenings, no way, funerals I don't go with the exception of parents and offspring...maybe to my best friends but only because he is going.
Hm. I think you're letting your introversion rule you.

One doesn't go to weddings for the wedding - or christenings for the christening. One goes to share these times with the people you care about. These things can't hurt you - you are comfortable with who you are enough that it takes nothing away from you to attend them. Churches can't hurt atheists any more than Harry Potter movies can hurt scientists.