Are you an introvert or extrovert?


Eek, there's a clown's head on the ground behind him? :O
lmao Seattle!

They look nefarious, the worst kind. I'm wondering though, what prompted the posting of the clown to begin with? Halloween is approaching, so there's that.
lmao Seattle!

They look nefarious, the worst kind. I'm wondering though, what prompted the posting of the clown to begin with? Halloween is approaching, so there's that.
Yes, there's that. :) Clowns are number 2 on the nefarious scale just behind demented babies like Chuckie.

It could be an innocent clown that is simply buried in the ground up to the neck, just waiting for a lawnmower to come by.
iow - "fertiliser"
Clowns are number 2 on the nefarious scale just behind demented babies
I always put politicians at #2 behind demented babies
... but then again, they tend to be synonymous with clown
I consider myself an introvert but a lot of my mates and people I've met think of me as extroverted. Generally I like to recharge my batteries with some alone time but around certain people I get a power boost by being around them. My best mate is one of the most extro people I've known and I can hang around him for hours and his energy runs off on me. He is great in both one on one and group interactions.

One reason many think of me as outgoing is I have no fears approaching and starting conversations with people or speaking in front of large crowds. My podcast team did a panel at a convention, in April; ours, was by far, the most popular gathering the biggest crowd, well over a hundred people.





Both my co-panelists were nervous, speaking in front of so many people, but because I was so casual and relaxed it, made them feel more comfortable. One of them said I had a very calming energy when I spoke and I've been told I have a soothing and comforting voice.

It depends on the people interacting really. There's been times I've meet someone and within minutes we come across as lifelong buddies who hung out thousands of times and there are folks I've known for years and can't think of a single thing to engage them with conversationally?
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I consider myself an introvert but a lot of my mates and people I've met think of me as extroverted. Generally I like to recharge my batteries with some alone time but around certain people I get a power boost by being around them. My best mate is one of the most extro people I've known and I can hang around him for hours and his energy runs off on me. He is great in both one on one and group interactions.

One reason many think of me as outgoing is I have no fears approaching and starting conversations with people or speaking in front of large crowds. My podcast team did a panel at a convention, in April; ours, was by far, the most popular gathering the biggest crowd, well over a hundred people.





Both my co-panelists were nervous, speaking in front of so many people, but because I was so casual and relaxed it, made them feel more comfortable. One of them said I had a very calming energy when I spoke and I've been told I have a soothing and comforting voice.

It depends on the people interacting really. There's been times I've meet someone and within minutes we come across as lifelong buddies who hung out thousands of times and there are folks I've known for years and can't think of a single thing to engage them with conversationally?

I’ve learned that being an introvert isn’t contingent upon how well we interact with others or how social we are. I’m a pretty social, gregarious person in general but it rather is based on how do you choose to “recharge” or unwind, when given the choice?

Do you draw energy and find that you’re most at peace around others or do you tend to find your energy and creativity through alone time? I’m the latter, and that is why I now label myself as an introvert. Food for thought :)
I’ve learned that being an introvert isn’t contingent upon how well we interact with others or how social we are. I’m a pretty social, gregarious person in general but it rather is based on how do you choose to “recharge” or unwind, when given the choice?
it's more likely that you're a mixture of both. most people are when you break it all down

of course, a lot of people identify more with one than the other as well. But this can be situational. see below
(I don't know why this was deleted before I posted... meh)

I have an "extrovert" tactic that I learned as an Army brat that allows me to deal with people as well as collect information. But even though I am more introverted than extroverted, I'm a mixture like most people.
Online I am a completely different person than irl. most people don't bother me irl, with or without the bike
it's more likely that you're a mixture of both. most people are when you break it all down
Again, there's nothing that says introverts don't enjoy socializing, so everybody is a mix of socialable and private.

The introvert/extrovert label is intended to define how you restore yourself - its sort of a binary thing, in the sense of on which side of the fence do you fall.

Where do you go when you're frazzled and need to recharge? A bar with people? Or a comfy chair with a book? When pressed, people will generally go to their happy place.

I love socializing as much as the next person, but I do need to recharge in a place where I can collect my thoughts.

In your example, as you say, you've learned a "tactic". So you're an introvert - who has well-developed coping/socializing skills.
Lol This topic reminds me of a good friend of mine who “recharges” by going to noisy bars or parties. She’ll say “I just need to destress - wanna go with me to (fill in blank with noisy bar name)?”

I’m like um no, I’m good. :oops:
In your example, as you say, you've learned a "tactic". So you're an introvert - who has well-developed coping/socializing skills.
I'm sure there are people who would disagree with the "well-developed" part... LMFAO

Again, there's nothing that says introverts don't enjoy socializing, so everybody is a mix of socialable and private.
Don't get me wrong... I didn't mean introverts don't like socialising.

This topic reminds me of a good friend of mine who “recharges” by going to noisy bars or parties. She’ll say “I just need to destress - wanna go with me to (fill in blank with noisy bar name)?”

I’m like um no, I’m good
I'm with you on that one.
Don’t get me wrong, I love socializing etc but not for “recharging.” It’s only a party of one when it comes to recharging for me ;)
I would go so far as a suggest (not based on research admittedly) that those who need to recharge in a loud, party-like environment probably lack "normal" stimulus, are more prone to attention deficit disorders and need extreme stimulus just to get a "normal" amount of stimulation.
I would go so far as a suggest (not based on research admittedly) that those who need to recharge in a loud, party-like environment probably lack "normal" stimulus, are more prone to attention deficit disorders and need extreme stimulus just to get a "normal" amount of stimulation.
You've met my friend. :)

I also think that people who like to recharge by being the center of commotion/attention, is that they need validation. They literally crave the attention of others in order to feel better about themselves, their accomplishments, etc. I have quite a few friends like this, and I love them...but, they are banned from my bubble when I need to recharge.
You've met my friend. :)

I also think that people who like to recharge by being the center of commotion/attention, is that they need validation. They literally crave the attention of others in order to feel better about themselves, their accomplishments, etc. I have quite a few friends like this, and I love them...but, they are banned from my bubble when I need to recharge.
Yes, I have those friends as well.

I'm not a big drinker. I do it occasionally but that's about it. If you go to a party, have a drink or two and then you are done with the drinking and maybe are having water (have to drive home)...there is always the "friend" trying to get you to drink more. It's usually the friend with a drinking problem who feels better about themselves as long as everyone else continues to drink.

Both of those scenarios seem to have a lot in common.
Yes, I have those friends as well.

I'm not a big drinker. I do it occasionally but that's about it. If you go to a party, have a drink or two and then you are done with the drinking and maybe are having water (have to drive home)...there is always the "friend" trying to get you to drink more. It's usually the friend with a drinking problem who feels better about themselves as long as everyone else continues to drink.

Both of those scenarios seem to have a lot in common.

Yesssss, this.

Why are these people so fun, though? lol I'm fun, but I know when to call it a night.
I’ve learned that being an introvert isn’t contingent upon how well we interact with others or how social we are. I’m a pretty social, gregarious person in general but it rather is based on how do you choose to “recharge” or unwind, when given the choice?

Do you draw energy and find that you’re most at peace around others or do you tend to find your energy and creativity through alone time? I’m the latter, and that is why I now label myself as an introvert. Food for thought :)

how much do you polarize yourself to find some sense of group acceptance ?
cutting a line through the middle of things to be able to find group acceptance is a false positive
it undermines your ability to define yourself as dynamic.

the american cultural disease of us-or-them polarization is not only an American culture thing
the current globalization of ultra-nationalisation of Geo-political self ideological moral obedience is.

are you looking for a place among the sheep at the meat-works or are you trying to become a sheep to hide amongst the herd ?(locked into dualism as a conditioned state of self esteem)

can you self actualise without dualist obedience ?