Are you an introvert or extrovert?

After reading a few articles on MB tests, and some of our views here, it would seem the best method to really get to know someone, is by spending time with him/her, talking things out, and having heartfelt discussions. While the MB test could provide a glimpse into someone's core personality, it's not enough to in my opinion, to hinge a job offer upon it.
Agreed. At best it is but one part of an overall whole that any employer has to consider.
I'd like to see the tables turned on employers, honestly. Why is it that the employment ''courtship'' only seems to run one way_the employee having to do all the woo'ing?
It does run the other way sometimes. Get a skill in a field where there's a huge demand (say, petrochemical geologists) and you'll be interviewing companies rather than the other way around.
Agreed. At best it is but one part of an overall whole that any employer has to consider.

It does run the other way sometimes. Get a skill in a field where there's a huge demand (say, petrochemical geologists) and you'll be interviewing companies rather than the other way around.
Or be referred by someone who has clout in the company, which happened to me with this current job. But, I still needed to go through the interview process. That said, being referred/recruited over, is much different than sending resumes and hoping to be selected for an interview. Agree.

Wish I had stuck with my childhood dream of becoming an archaeologist.
True to a degree, no pun. There needs to be some semblance of a paper trail though per candidate, to show his/her credentials thereby creating a sense of credibility. But maybe there is too much emphasis on the paper trail and not enough on simply communicating with said candidates. What do you think?

completely agree with you
though the big issue is employers finding a recruitment specialist.
i have been lucky enough to work for one as a boss for a few years and i became the sponge and sucked up as much as i could from them.
i rate them as one of if not my best boss ever.
it was interesting in that they could have been promoted if they wanted to and were offered various other promotions with 50% more pay, but turned it down because they were doing what they loved.
they had the ear of one of the top people so would get what ever they needed to do their job.
if someone got annoying with bullshit they would just have a friendly chat with the ceo or one of the next people down and they would politely steer them away from them.
no cloak n dagger nasty stuff. just a polite word in their ear.
.. in return they gave the company the best performing team that was beating international standards.
count myself lucky to have worked for them and been able to sustain a healthy close professional relationship with them.
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Agreed. At best it is but one part of an overall whole that any employer has to consider.
I’ve always gone for the David Brent approach: split the applications in half and put one lot straight in the bin. That way you can be sure to hire someone who’s lucky. ;)
Gave another presentation today, and it was kick ass! Kinda liking the high I get from pretending to be an extrovert. :oops:

"Hey everyone, is everyone having a good day?" "So, let's have fun with this presentation, what do you say!" "An egg, a piece of bacon and a piece of toast walked into a bar. The bartender said, We don't serve breakfast." But seriously folks, are we having a good time yet?

Did it go something like that? :)
"Hey everyone, is everyone having a good day?" "So, let's have fun with this presentation, what do you say!" "An egg, a piece of bacon and a piece of toast walked into a bar. The bartender said, We don't serve breakfast." But seriously folks, are we having a good time yet?

Did it go something like that? :)
haha :tongue:

You're so silly. It must be all that transporting between universes that has made you this way. :wink:
Gave another presentation today, and it was kick ass! Kinda liking the high I get from pretending to be an extrovert. :oops:
its a rush !
keep in mind it is also linked to sex addiction

no one talks about that and the evangelicals deny it while they pour their sexual addiction into materialism for money & new expensive opulent materialist things instead.

thats why sales and marketing people are always talking about sex & why evangelical pretend church preachers are soo lustful greedy and envy material wealth and expensive material things(& why there is soo many sexual predators parading as evangelical preachers/pastors.)

The Extrovert Ego becomes the Dragon chaser to appease the broken self image that cant see its self in reality without greed for the ID.

it is entirely natural as a part of the human intellect biological framework of human existence.
how you manage it is what defines you.

evangelicals deify their sexual addiction
sales & marketing people tend not to that is why there is so much sexual perversion in evangelicals
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I give a great presentation ...this means I'm addicted to sex?? lol #rainbowlogic :=}
I give a great presentation ...this means I'm addicted to sex?? lol #rainbowlogic :=}


you said you liked the last minute rush to create the presentation. you enjoyed the pressure and felt you performed better that way(thats not un-normal)
keep in mind i am referring specifically to the "rush" feeling you felt afterward.
its all a little bit involved.
philosophically speaking we could say that because we are biological creatures, we are addicted to sex.
addictions per say are normal
the old world puritan American invader/settler concept of puritanical minimalization defines want and lust as being negative and undesirable.
however, humans desire as a natural part of what they are and what drives them.
...and what makes them happy

comparing my personal opinion of highly complex psychological prose to laymans comprehensible content to the "all addictions/drugs/sex is bad mmm-kay"
is a miss understanding.

... endorphin/sense/perception reward systems of personal emotional disposition etc...
what drives people etc etc...
im not going to get technically explicit as there is always at-least 1 troll or manipulator reading such things looking for new ideas.

thus why i made the note about you being cautious about how you discuss your personal motivations around drivers of happiness and such like on an open board.


We love other things too, but I thought this was kinda cool.

We love other things too, but I thought this was kinda cool.
The thing I find the most interesting (and it's just personal observation of course) is that introverts get a bad rap for not liking people, being a loner, etc but in most cases where you are alone with an extrovert they seem to be the one who isn't particularly comfortable with themselves and with other people.

When you can only be with large groups of people, you don't share much and conversation is necessarily "shallow". When extroverts are one on one with an introvert, the introvert generally seems like that better adjusted, more comfortable person. :)
The thing I find the most interesting (and it's just personal observation of course) is that introverts get a bad rap for not liking people, being a loner, etc but in most cases where you are alone with an extrovert they seem to be the one who isn't particularly comfortable with themselves and with other people.

When you can only be with large groups of people, you don't share much and conversation is necessarily "shallow". When extroverts are one on one with an introvert, the introvert generally seems like that better adjusted, more comfortable person. :)

ha Agree. Thing is, we like people, we just don't recharge through being around them. I enjoy socializing, but if I need to ''recharge,'' then I find people a bit draining to be around. But, parties, and the like are super fun, just not events I'd turn to in order to feel refreshed.

I've observed with friends of mine who are extroverts, they are also social media obsessed - in other words, they spend an inordinate amount of time seeking validation from others in order to find energy and motivation. Of course not all, but it's a pattern I've noticed with some extroverts.
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The other thing that I personally come across is that extroverts that I like hanging out with in smaller groups are much less fun to hang out with in larger groups.

I have a friend that can be a bit annoying but it's manageable when it's just a few of us (climbing for example). When he invites a large group of people I generally pass but it's because in that setting he changes, has to be the center of attention and try to control everyone.

Sometimes "they" think you just don't like people but what you may not like is the group dynamic of having to follow the leader.

I have a female friend that I mainly hang out with one on one on diving trips. In a large group you will never get to really hang out together so I only agree to hang out when we go on day long diving trips with just the two of us.
The other thing that I personally come across is that extroverts that I like hanging out with in smaller groups are much less fun to hang out with in larger groups.

I have a friend that can be a bit annoying but it's manageable when it's just a few of us (climbing for example). When he invites a large group of people I generally pass but it's because in that setting he changes, has to be the center of attention and try to control everyone.

Sometimes "they" think you just don't like people but what you may not like is the group dynamic of having to follow the leader.

I have a female friend that I mainly hang out with one on one on diving trips. In large group you will never get to really hang out together so I only agree to hang out when we go on day long diving trips with just the two of us.

Yessss, I have extroverted friends who ''behave'' like this, as well. In large groups...super annoying. One on one, they are different people. In dating situations, I tend to be attracted to extroverts, and they are attracted to me. Opposites attract, I suppose. But, even then, I need my space when it comes to recharging. Sometimes, I've been called aloof, or cold in these scenarios, because ''wanting space,'' can be seen as a negative. *shrug*
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