Are you an introvert or extrovert?

You know what? There should be a new standard test that determines if a candidate is a sociopath. Honestly, there is at least one sociopath at my workplace and a test like that would be quite helpful. :rolleye:

im sure i could design one

however, how does a corporate business model measure non compliance to models of staff culture ?
if you see my point(sociopath doesn't mean anything to a business, either they make money or cost money and most business practices rely on a certain level of ability to apply sociopathic principals to carry on with business)
You know what? There should be a new standard test that determines if a candidate is a sociopath. Honestly, there is at least one sociopath at my workplace and a test like that would be quite helpful. :rolleye:
You want to take the sociopaths out of the corporate workplace? All that will be left are the psychopaths!
im sure i could design one

however, how does a corporate business model measure non compliance to models of staff culture ?
if you see my point(sociopath doesn't mean anything to a business, either they make money or cost money and most business practices rely on a certain level of ability to apply sociopathic principals to carry on with business)
Not all of corporate America is evil, you know. I work for a company that seems to make a positive difference. It’s the culture within corporate America that often gets poisoned by greed, and self absorption.
Lmao!! Right?

Hey, we’re not psychopaths. o_O

prove it with a test that divides the work place into 2 sides
sociopaths on one side of the room and psychopaths on the other.

is not company policy
when you define company policy as adhering to a set moral compliance of having no moral duty, then the morality of the entity becomes simply a means to facilitate the core profit.

the debate of "not all corporates are evil" is a false debate

corporates cant be evil unless they are run by evil people whom allow evil culture to be pervasive and endemic or created by neglect.
good corporates tend to be ignored from being a leader of moral corporate ideology because it upsets the investor sales teams general portfolio offer.

is it ironic the likes of yahoo have become seen as an evil empire ?
microsoft ?
ebay ?
wallmart ?
amazon ?

wat happened to the idealism model of silicon valley millennial employee being a glide time semi work from home profitable business asset that should be looked after ?
it got sold to the slave wage 3rd world outsourcing market.
now what ?
trade war anyone ?
its no ones fault though right ?
if its no ones fault then there is no one to fix it.
it only gets fixed if it is paid to be fixed.
the ideological failure loop...

all good corporates struggle to compete with bad corporates.
thats unfortunate but a cold reality.
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You know what? There should be a new standard test that determines if a candidate is a sociopath. Honestly, there is at least one sociopath at my workplace and a test like that would be quite helpful. :rolleye:
I'm serious. Suppose that person - without the coercion of needing the job - took the test. Suppose it were an accurate test (this isn't something you can take for granted - some tests are total crap) . Suppose its result unequivocally catergorized this person as a sociaopath.
Then what would happen?
no body wants uniqueness
they want groups they already understand and know how to pigeon hole.

im a star shape in a square hole demanding round edges for squiggly lines :)
excuse me im thinking
cotton candy
I'm serious. Suppose that person - without the coercion of needing the job - took the test. Suppose it were an accurate test (this isn't something you can take for granted - some tests are total crap) . Suppose its result unequivocally catergorized this person as a sociaopath.
Then what would happen?
Then, that would disqualify the person from being hired.
I thought you said they already worked there.
Oh, they do. I'm talking about how to prevent them from working there in the first place. Like having such a test in place as part of the hiring process. The challenge with anti-social personality disordered types though, is that their ''symptoms'' are hard to pin down to one disorder, or reach a conclusion either way. Not easy to ''diagnose.''
Then what would happen?
Most employees are "at will" - they can be let go for any reason or no reason.
It wouldn't be hard to find a reason, with a genuine sociopath. The trouble would come if - as is likely, since they still have a job - they were top performing employees.
I'm serious. Suppose that person - without the coercion of needing the job - took the test. Suppose it were an accurate test (this isn't something you can take for granted - some tests are total crap) . Suppose its result unequivocally catergorized this person as a sociopath.
Then what would happen?

functional vs non functional etc etc...
it is a scale mostly.
and such testing usually doesnt want to deliver a scaled result, only a bottom end to price insurance to.
do such tests allow for evolution(personal development) ? = no

notice what is missing from al those theory tests is

"your boss makes a sexist comment in front of you and your team and half the team laugh"
"what do you do?"

instead they have the question
your in a rail car that is hurtling toward an intersection
you can pull a lever and it will go down a path that will kill 1 person
you can not pull the lever and allow the rail car to plow into a group of people and kill 10 people

what do you do ?

do you call HR and make a complaint against your boss ?
Most employees are "at will" - they can be let go for any reason or no reason.
It wouldn't be hard to find a reason, with a genuine sociopath. The trouble would come if - as is likely, since they still have a job - they were top performing employees.
At will could be let go for no reason but not for an illegal reason. A top performing sociopath being let go for being diagnosed as a sociopath might not cut it.
At will could be let go for no reason but not for an illegal reason. A top performing sociopath being let go for being diagnosed as a sociopath might not cut it.
As noted, it would not be difficult to find a reason given a sociopath. They do damage.

The problem usually is that they also outperform their co-workers in a business setting - if they didn't, they wouldn't have a job in the first place. So the diagnosis would often not provide enough of a motive - any more than their behavior did. They don't get fired because they make money for the business, in the short run. The boss needs to be wise, and alerted by the diagnosis to the long run.
might not cut it
argumentative...(contentious point of debate)
why would a business have to fire a sociopath ?
surely it would be far more profitable if a sociopath made all the financial decisions for the hiring and firing of employees and management ?

surely the only thing that matters is bottom line profit ?

public perception may disrupt market branding where high involvement of young familys are a prime customer, as social compulsory behaviours with young familys is seen as mandatory regardless of left leaning or right leaning economys.

family safe branding doesnt like brands that dont recognise feelings
they also dont like brands that dont adhere to gender norms

the term sociopath has been used directly to slur a sense of opposition to group compulsion to follow social and more so group behaviours in the usa

emotively it is used by both right and left
its real psychological meaning has no real bearing on the real interpretation that the society place on the used meaning.

the far greater issue is borderline personality disorder.
but that is exploited as a process of social compliance by consumer branding and group behaviour norms.

innovator companys want creatives not group followers.
however they want everyone to follow some rules.
currently religion defines a majority of social constructs of sociopothy... the abortion debate is a good example(& prostitution)

why is work place drug testing such a public topic ?
why is drug testing packaged with everything and so widely publicized ?
because they care about the addict ?

because they are selling an image ?
if one is to look for comparative anti-psychopathic social culture and business models...
would the suicide rate be matched with work place accidents as a over arching model of psychological care of the employee ?

surely 99% of all suicide victims are employees ?(i realise things around work place bullying litigation are slowly changing that dynamic only because they are suing for millions).
once we see those surrounding co-workers sue the companys for being traumatized by the suicide which the company has in some way contributed to by allowing work place bullying will we see a more collective approach.

where does care about people(& communities) stop & start ?
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Most employees are "at will" - they can be let go for any reason or no reason.
In the US, maybe. Most employees in Europe have contracts. Worker's rights, and all that stuff. I know it's illegal in the UK to sack someone just so you can employ someone cheaper instead. There has to be a breach of contract (which may be poor performance) or your job has to be made redundant etc.
Coming out as a psycho on a personality test once you're already in your role isn't grounds for dismissal. Maybe grounds for generally steering clear of them and not making them angry, though! ;) Of course, if you want to get rid of someone you can always find a way, even if it's a case of "managing them out" by giving them all the shit assignments, no promotions (for genuine reasons) etc. Eventually they leave. But theres a danger they turn morale toxic for everyone else. Ah, the joys of having to manage people. :(
. The challenge with anti-social personality disordered types though, is that their ''symptoms'' are hard to pin down to one disorder, or reach a conclusion either way. Not easy to ''diagnose.''
So, like, you'd need a competent interviewer to spot them? Maybe more accurately than a written test - which is the easiest thing in the world for a sociaopath to fake, seeing as faking is their metier.
The trouble would come if - as is likely, since they still have a job - they were top performing employees.
Managers. Heads of department. CEO's. Presidents.
The problem usually is that they also outperform their co-workers in a business setting - if they didn't, they wouldn't have a job in the first place.
So, maybe that's what they're looking for? A good fit to corporate culture? The psych test filters out the vertebrate, ethically viable misfits, just like the urine test filters out potheads and poor health insurance risks.