Are we gods?

Chi you are not a 'God' and if you were, then we all are and so you'd still be a small fish in a big pond, with a bigger fish out there somewhere, so really immaterial yes?
PHPlatonica said:
f you Don't Die, then Wouldn't you become out dated? Evolution Shows Change through the process of time and renewal. I think the Belief in a "god" is misunderstood. We Believe in it the way we 'beleived' in our Parent for protection when we' were younger... Instead what if God is the 'Process' of Living and Dying and Renewal. both Bad and Good. Both Pain and Pleasure. I think we DO live on Forever, just not in the same form and Body. So God exists Like Motion exists, and Processes Exist. Magnetism Exists.. Like Tesla's Jacobs ladder... the Energy that Rises up. So If god is a process, and our Minds are the Same Process then God is nothing more then an Advanced Process of us, an elder entity. Through "Common Sense" and "instinct" We are Taught by the elder entity like a blueprint of when that entity was here... And tho it is no longer Physically Here in a way we can use our senses to detect it, we still act out on the blue prints of "common sense" and "Instinct" To guide us through the best it can. So Maybe the Question isn't Does God exist rather Where god exists and how we interpret god as well as how we interpret our selves. There are many Dimensions. Dimensions Of Energy, dimensions of mass and matter. Dimensions of thought. Dimensions of Color and light. Some where within those many Dimensions exists an elder or one who came before just like us. Maybe God exists in the Simple dimension of "Belief" and if you don't believe in a god, that Doesn't mean one doesn't exist for another person. So "is there a god" is a Question only one can ask ones self. I think. But there is obviousness' in the things we can not see, like "instinct", that Truly Do Directs us as a species. And It Came From Some where. We also know that things can Break apart and be built into something else. Nothing Ever really "disappears" It just changes... Chances are we could be in More contact with a "God" then we ever thought we were. There are many unexplained things and I think there are many Unexplainable things... Maybe we Don't get to know about "god" the way we want to because we may not Like what we Find out as a Physical body. Think of it like a Child Expected to find fun in just sitting down having a conversation with a peer over coffee. The Caffeine would wire the heck out of them, and chances are they will find some "contact" game with each other that doesn't involve sitting still. Their bodies aren't made to be stagnant at that age. Then we take this child, with it's child like mind set, and tell the child to work. The Child is Still a child. There is No Experience in the child to settle down yet. To not explore. And Of course there's a Height difference, a Chemical difference. So the child is not READY for those responsibilities. So Maybe, in Death we are Birthed into a different kind of entity. A Kind Of Evolution. If we found out about it now, when we aren't "ready" for it, then it wouldn't be appealing at all. oh.. But that's Dying, and not god.. on the other hand many believe we meet god WHEN We die... No Matter who is out there, or what happens, one thing is for sure, though our bodies may decay and the electrodes will have Dispersed we will still "be here" just in a different form. I think theres a lot more to it than what we think we know. All "children" think they know every thing, and they Fear what ever they do not know. But Im thinking that Dying is alright because, every one does it and we havn't stoped it from happening. :) just a thought...
great post :)
I agree with most of what you said, although id add that in this lifetime (as human beings) we can certainly play the god role out to certain extents already. Governments play god with their citizens, parents play god to their children, as a species we practically may as well be gods to the rest of the animal kingdom...
If there is an afterlife in which we achieve a new level of advancement then we might find that life on earth was all about learning responsibility and using power wisely rather than weilding it. We might find that our power games on earth were a stepping stone towards even more bewildering and complex systems that require governing and managing. Ahh i could speculate all day.. :D
heliocentric said:
great post :)
I agree with most of what you said, although id add that in this lifetime (as human beings) we can certainly play the god role out to certain extents already. Governments play god with their citizens, parents play god to their children, as a species we practically may as well be gods to the rest of the animal kingdom...
If there is an afterlife in which we achieve a new level of advancement then we might find that life on earth was all about learning responsibility and using power wisely rather than weilding it. We might find that our power games on earth were a stepping stone towards even more bewildering and complex systems that require governing and managing. Ahh i could speculate all day.. :D

The very fact you are defining every single being as being a 'God' means we are not! Can't you see that?
Theoryofrelativity said:
The very fact you are defining every single being as being a 'God' means we are not! Can't you see that?
Ever heard of Polytheism? ;) my post shouldnt be taken too literally btw, im just working with the term 'gods' and seeing how it can be applied to humans too.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Chi you are not a 'God' and if you were, then we all are and so you'd still be a small fish in a big pond, with a bigger fish out there somewhere, so really immaterial yes?

i agree with this,

while still sticking to what i said previously.

humans have god like quality, because the gods you speak of are made by humans, so they have our image inside of all of them,

there is always a bigger fish, and always a bigger lake. ofcourse but that dosent make me or you less godly.

if i were to be a "real" god i would be the god of war and peace, the yin yang split personality god, i would be there preaching the dao and peacefull ways, then suddenly start inflicting terror to all and causing war, then i would fix everything and bring peace back,

the schitzophranic god.

god is omnipresent.
everyone is gods.
nothing but god exists.
nothing but me (you) exists.

small children often say 'i am the best'. they subconsciously know that they're god. people often tend to think they're more right than everyone else. of course... god is right about everything, but people have fallen into their body, so they've become limited and ignorant.

people have forgotten that they're the invisible and infinite void-mind-life-self-oneness.

we separated from ourselves. god (void) separated itself from its own infinity. nothingness.

consequently, since we think we are a body, we seek unification with our complementary half on material level, with another body, manifesting the opposite pole. this is impossible. infact, trying to unite physically causes more separation, multiplication.

there is only one truth. god.
yes. me.
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