Are we gods?

LeeDa said:
I don't have much of a conscious so it wouldn't hurt to much to have people die around me. When it came down to it i'd be really scared about dieing but im not so afraid of it under normal circumstances. I'd prolly say that losing someone else would be more scary. I fear suffering and pain more than death. Damn I suffer alot.
what, with psychological pain, physical, both?
When we look down upon the earth, ourselves and materials there is mostly concord about what exists.

When we look up towards god(s), spirits and parapsycology there seems to be as many opinions as there are observers.

If you want to know a lot about the other person, ask them if there are gods or ask if we are gods.
LeeDa said:
well. in some other threads at tese forums i have tried to expose that scam

what scam?

the scam where the doc & mental health movement pretend that -backed up by science-people have biological illneses like 'depression'- etc. it is bogus

this isn't to say you DONT feel unhappy. just that what you feel is not a disease
LeeDa said:
Yes, no, not yet, never or maybe and why. Are we just "like" gods as the bible says?

As the great Arthur C. Clarke wrote....

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

-- Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
There is no doubt that with the aid of our technology we would appear as gods to people from Biblical times, just as the technology of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would appear as magic to us.<P>
Oh, and by the way LeeDa, please don’t listen to a single word from duendy. She is an anti-medical establishment conspiracy theorist nutball. Her wacko beliefs are dangerous. Listen to your doctor. If you don’t like what you hear, get a second opinion. <P>
What the hell is a god? Information we do not yet possess or able to understand. Probly.
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Hercules Rockefeller said:
Oh, and by the way LeeDa, please don’t listen to a single word from duendy. She is an anti-medical establishment conspiracy theorist nutball. Her wacko beliefs are dangerous. Listen to your doctor. If you don’t like what you hear, get a second opinion. <P>

I would think ALL information, including that from Duendy, is helpfull to give a picture of a Situation.
one should always check all sides before a dession's made, Even If they are "off" theories For other people.
Quite frankly no-one can be a God (in reality) without breaking a whole lot of rules against everyone "Equal Rights". I pondered the whole theological question for a while about if a diety could of existed, I built methods in my mind for sculpturing the universe, and creating an afterlife, created answers for all oddities that are unexplained, however my overall outcome was in my mind I control the rules, in the world however I am bound by rules and such rules have a detrimental effect on what can be achieved.

Afterall some of the things that could be built in my mind required people to realise the overall goal for them to be achieved, however for people to realise a goal in reality it means not just being interested but commiting themselves to it and even in that sense it undermines certain "Equal Rights" by asking people to do what you ask.

For instance the creation of an Afterlife would cause problems in the sense that people might start suiciding just to get into a "better way of life". This means banning those that suicided, and those that have done horrific acts in life, but then what do you do with those that aren't in your "Eden"? People would be upset if even those Murders, Rapists and suiciders were left out, although they wouldn't want them being in their Heaven. Which would obviously mean you would have to create some other place for them, perhaps to make them realise the nature of their crimes.

Of course the problem then was what gives you the right to choose who comes into your little system and who stays out to be lost into oblivion, which then causes potential monopoly concerns like large conglomorates generating different variants of Afterlife. Which in turn causes other concerns, for instance such conglomorates obviously run with the use of money, and should their project fail it would potentially mean bankruptcy and even the closure of their project, which in turn means all those people would be robbed of their "Souls".

Another point is inside such an "Artificial Reality" who owns your Intellectual property, because afterall you could still be inventive far past your bodies years. Would friends and family be granted rights to the Intellectual property, or some Money hungry conglomorate eat it up, turning the Dead into a slave trade.

Admittedly these thoughts I pondered to eventually write a work of fiction, but I just haven't got around to it, Perhaps I should E-mail Dan Brown.

P. K . Dick I'm sure once said something that when a little like this, writers build Utopian universes to make stories. However it's not the Utopia that makes the story, it's the Utopian universes slowly decaying by Nihilism that make the stories.

However this said, we can all be gods of our own illusions.
heh, that's a good one. 'we can all be gods of our own illusions'
;oads of us are i'm sure
from what i have dug, those who claim to be gods or follow bliefs that say same, are guilty about their naturalness, and want out of Nature, an/or wanna control people and Nature


if you qere to do some research about te Illuminati and thier Luciferian philosophy, you see they take the Geneis tale and interpret it to mean he 'Serpent' defied 'God' and sad humans could be 'gods'----so see. ths elite--if you believe tey exist--with thier vast power and fortunes believe they are gods or can become them. and hey presto, te rest of us becomes teiii 'creatures'. convenient. this....behaviour, rminds me of the Mdonna syndrome, ie., the singer. she is from a gang of stars that choose rligious beliefs that affirm their money and power. makes em feel at ease wit it. for M its her version of Kabbla. for Cruise its Scientology. of course the RULES will be different for tem

ten we got the Eastern version of being 'god'--like te gurus, etc. here it is same. ashamed of bodily needs, appetites, and desire o join 'eternal bliss'

also in Christian religion we have te idea of getting close to te 'son of God' and eternal heaven and so on

in secualr world we have the mscientist acting like 'God'. takin over food--GM, tryin to prlong life, manipulate Nature, make tings more 'perfect'...etcv etc etc

so i am really weary of this desire to be a god. i can appreciate rather a continum were you an ecstasize and feel ever deeper and expansive, ad like possessed by a greaeter power/god or what have you....but also we are oter shit too. we HAVE to keep earthed
Whats the word for when scientists come up with complete evidence that god doesn't exsist.
LeeDa said:
Whats the word for when scientists come up with complete evidence that god doesn't exsist.
depends what you mean by 'god'
if you man literalist god, then it is knowledge
if it is the actual ddeeper part of us in interelationship with Nature, it is complete-ignoreance
Actually I thought the definition of hell was repetition, and currently since theology is always debated and never answered, thats where Hell would be in the repetition of those debates.