Are we gods?

Stryder said:
Actually I thought the definition of hell was repetition, and currently since theology is always debated and never answered, thats where Hell would be in the repetition of those debates.
who said 'the definition of hell is repetition'?---yes it can INCLUDE that. imagine the coneyor belt hell of industrialization....but hell can include other shit that is novel too. for example would you not class monastary living as repaetative, yet thats considered so religious and pure isn't it. or Buddhist meditation, aint that repetative. sitting endless hours in one spot..???

the 'repetative' dialogues you refer to here at sciforums is usually people not gettin it. so one has to -keep hammering it in. but one could also see going on abot someting, i consider, fruitful, as being poetical----a labyrinthian way of finding ones way out of the mire of materialistic hell, if u were. of a mechanical world with people who imagine themselves robots and do not understand feeling
Dear friends,

I would like to recommend the following book “My Happiness – from God” to anyone who is interested in learning about the mysteries of human feelings and psyche.

This book does not include any knowledge of the past, neither from the occult studies, nor can it be associated with any religious or esoteric treatises. It is a remarkable book, which contains knowledge for the future spiritual development of the entire Mankind.

The author of this book, Galina Dymkova, is a healer with over 17 years of experience. Her healing methods include energy-psychology as well as curing with energy from various illnesses of both physical and emotional nature. She also teaches a course “The Mystery of Human Feelings” at the University of Phoenix, Arizona using her own textbook. Hundreds of people learn to improve their inner world by applying knowledge that Galina kindly provides in her books and articles. “My Happiness – from God!” is the third book written by Galina in the last few years.

I also would like to invite you to visit Galina’s web site at where she publishes her articles, actively participates in forum discussions, answers questions and shares her knowledge with anyone who wishes to learn. From my own experience I can say that the atmosphere of the forum is very peaceful and filled with love and understanding. You can feel free to ask any questions whether they are personal or global and be sure to find your answers and support. Hope to see you there.

Best wishes,

Hey Galina, stop advertising your book here. This is not an online store dumbass.
duendy said:
ohhh, we knowww (rolls everythin)

i have a limitless imagination, i have the power to take away life as i choose, i have the power to create life as i choose,

i have the power to overcome any emotion, i not only live by nature, i have the power to go against nature and confront it in battle,

i have the power to harness the elements, i have the power to see into the cosmos and universe with my far seeing eyes, and i can see even further in my mind,

i am the bringer of death,
i am the creator of life,
i have the power to do good,
i have the power to do evil,
i control the world,

i am godlike,

i am human,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i have a limitless imagination, i have the power to take away life as i choose, i have the power to create life as i choose,

i have the power to overcome any emotion, i not only live by nature, i have the power to go against nature and confront it in battle,

i have the power to harness the elements, i have the power to see into the cosmos and universe with my far seeing eyes, and i can see even further in my mind,

i am the bringer of death,
i am the creator of life,
i have the power to do good,
i have the power to do evil,
i control the world,

i am godlike,

i am human,


(rolls everything)
what definition, alot of cultures have different meanings for different gods,

how is the greek messenger god omnipotent, or omni anything.

but answer me this, my post above where is anything that i said not true?

if i want to think im a god then so be it, just because your a mortal,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
what definition, alot of cultures have different meanings for different gods,

how is the greek messenger god omnipotent, or omni anything.

but answer me this, my post above where is anything that i said not true?

if i want to think im a god then so be it, just because your a mortal,

well err what you mean YOu create, and YOU control the world?
tis whole idea of 'we are gods' is an extrmely dangerous one when it becomes a static understanding.....for example, if you care to explore Luciferian philosophy, which the Illuminati are supposed to fllow. THEy believe in the Garden myth in Genesis literally. they believe 'Stan' is saying that they--the elite, mind--are 'gods'. and some say that tis attitude now is wanting to very MUC control Nature, the world. global domination. so a myth not understood is a vert dangerous ting

now when you compare tat shit with te pagan understanding. and by 'pagan' i mean earth-CENTRED paganism. for example te pre-Orphic Dionysians would take a psychedelic sacrament which they believed WAS Dionysos, the god of Nature. and tat when they ingested hir they beCAME hir--ie gos. but this was much different tthan tepatriarhcal notion, because the pgan insight was CELEBRATION of organism, and Nature and an openesss, not a control. and te experience was accepted as prt of a continuum, where yes, you can experience a sense of god-like ecstatic expansion, but other states one 'comes down' to are ALSO sacred. see what i mean??
duendy said:
well err what you mean YOu create, and YOU control the world?
tis whole idea of 'we are gods' is an extrmely dangerous one when it becomes a static understanding.....for example, if you care to explore Luciferian philosophy, which the Illuminati are supposed to fllow. THEy believe in the Garden myth in Genesis literally. they believe 'Stan' is saying that they--the elite, mind--are 'gods'. and some say that tis attitude now is wanting to very MUC control Nature, the world. global domination. so a myth not understood is a vert dangerous ting

now when you compare tat shit with te pagan understanding. and by 'pagan' i mean earth-CENTRED paganism. for example te pre-Orphic Dionysians would take a psychedelic sacrament which they believed WAS Dionysos, the god of Nature. and tat when they ingested hir they beCAME hir--ie gos. but this was much different tthan tepatriarhcal notion, because the pgan insight was CELEBRATION of organism, and Nature and an openesss, not a control. and te experience was accepted as prt of a continuum, where yes, you can experience a sense of god-like ecstatic expansion, but other states one 'comes down' to are ALSO sacred. see what i mean??

i didnt say i control the world alone, i said humans do,

not all gods control the world, why does everybody jump tot he christian definition of god when it is spoken?

there are more gods than the christian god you know :), lesser gods in mythology, egyption religion and eastern. what about native american gods?

i have the power to create life, (this is true)
i have the power to bring death (this is true)
i can harness the elements (this is true)
i can create anything in my mind (this is true)
i can call the animals and communicate with them, (this is true)
i can bring peace (this is true)
i can bring war (this is true)

that to me is quite godly.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
what definition, alot of cultures have different meanings for different gods,

how is the greek messenger god omnipotent, or omni anything.

but answer me this, my post above where is anything that i said not true?

if i want to think im a god then so be it, just because your a mortal,

