Are we gods?


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Are we like gods or are actually gods or not even close?

Yes, no, not yet, never or maybe and why. Are we just "like" gods as the bible says?
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What's a God? I think the meaning of Jesus' statement is that systems of ranking that place the Godhead on top and people on the bottom are outdated, but his true teachings never really caught on.
there is no "god". there is only life. some life may be very advanced, but still just life.
Maybe pointless, maybe not:

DOG: Humans! They feed me, keep water in my dish, give me a warm place to sleep, pet me, take care of me, they must be gods!

CAT: Humans! They feed me, keep water in my dish, give me a warm place to sleep, pet me, take care of me, I must be a god!

I suppose it's all in perspective.
A god is any lifeform that faces suffering and death. I guess theres a god hierachy ranking system? Ner i'm a higher god than you in these areas ner. Just to be life is to be a god. There is only life. Man the universe is big, anyone notice that? Damn so when you die you die. Whats the friggin point of living? Anyone got the answer? I'm going to try and not die. Thats one point of living. Damn i'm going to die. We're so primitive that we die. Oi your primitive. Death and suffering are wrong things. It should be taught that death and suffering won't be around forever. The nature of them promotes this belief to me. God damn things move so slowly. Why the hell is everybody taking it up the ass with death and suffering. Who the hells going to stand against it. Noone is. Wheres the concentrated effort of the entire planet. Everyones just kicking back. Lazy asses. Why is everyone so distracted by other stuff when this is so damn important to solve right now. People are so damn accepting of death and suffering. Why is everyone so accepting of them. Wheres all the bitching and moaning about them. There should be concentrated long term never ending bitching and moaning in front of everyone about death and suffering.
if noone died do you see that ther'd be no space, no food, no water, and life would BEsuffering for ALL, including all species etc?
pfft the universe is infinite what you mean run out of space. By the time there is eternal life food and water will not be a problem technology would of taken care of that a long time ago. So if theres no god then heaven is where you get brought back to life by the people of the future. Everyone always wants to fight against eternal life go figure.
LeeDa said:
pfft the universe is infinite what you mean run out of space.

me))on Earth...? what, so you include instant space exploration craft?

By the time there is eternal life food and water will not be a problem technology would of taken care of that a long time ago. So if theres no god then heaven is where you get brought back to life by the people of the future. Everyone always wants to fight against eternal life go figure.

wouldn't you err, get BORED?
Yeah me mum, she says "wouldn't you err get bored". Being bored wouldn't hurt because theres no more pain. Errr sometimes I amuse myself by being bored? Errr no you won't get bored. Maybe if you got really bored you'd consider suicide but then you'd remember that you can't die which would then make you remember that your bored so you'd feel even more bored then you'd consider suicide again only to remember that you can't die. You could carry on like this for a while. Shhesssee no you won't get bored Duendy.
Boredom could be said to be part of deaths sting, no death no boredom.
LeeDa said:
Boredom could be said to be part of deaths sting, no death no boredom.
'no death no err boredom err'?? that dont make sense to me
as i sees it, teenagers is always saying 'ohhhh, i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored'---now. imagine if they stuck at that phase. wpouldn't the bordeom desTROY them?? whereas, life changes. C H A N G E

LeeDa said:
A god is any lifeform that faces suffering and death. I guess theres a god hierachy ranking system? Ner i'm a higher god than you in these areas ner. Just to be life is to be a god. There is only life. Man the universe is big, anyone notice that? Damn so when you die you die. Whats the friggin point of living? Anyone got the answer? I'm going to try and not die. Thats one point of living. Damn i'm going to die. We're so primitive that we die. Oi your primitive. Death and suffering are wrong things. It should be taught that death and suffering won't be around forever. The nature of them promotes this belief to me. God damn things move so slowly. Why the hell is everybody taking it up the ass with death and suffering. Who the hells going to stand against it. Noone is. Wheres the concentrated effort of the entire planet. Everyones just kicking back. Lazy asses. Why is everyone so distracted by other stuff when this is so damn important to solve right now. People are so damn accepting of death and suffering. Why is everyone so accepting of them. Wheres all the bitching and moaning about them. There should be concentrated long term never ending bitching and moaning in front of everyone about death and suffering.

i wouldent say it would be wise to suddenly have the whole nation bitching about death,

your lucky to be alive in the first place, if you bitch about life so much how can you enjoy any of its wonders, think how fucking miraculous it is for any of us to be here right now. the chances of it? many changes int he past would have caused all of us never to have existed, even down to someone not choosing to be friends with anouther person, or a bus you missed,
what if you didnt reach the egg. we are damn lucky to be here, so suck it up and try to be happy and make others around you happy,

bitching is for bitches, so dont be a bitch, everyone who posts her eon the forum is damn lucky :), so just consider that when you next think life is meaningless, it has meaning if it means something to someone, thats the meaning of meaning, that life means something to you, its the meaning of life.

Duendy i'd rather be bored and not able to die than happy and still be able to die.

Mr Emptyforce your saying we should all shut up about death and take it?

The meaning of life is to not die and not suffer. I'm saying that I believe suffering and death won't be around forever, but i'm also saying that they can be gone a hell of a lot sooner than the current schedule. More proactiveness. When i say bitching and moaning im saying f***ing hurry the process up by whatever and all means that will achieve that goal.

"Bitching is for bitchs, so don't be a bitch". Yep. I'm gunna sit back and say death will always be and I welcome it and not fight it even a little. When I say bitching I mean stand the fuck up and fight.

People who are suffering kinda can't enjoy the wonders or the subtletlys of life. It's all about the suffering. Suffering is wrong. Death is wrong. I'm against things that are wrong.

To be alive is the meaning of life. When your suffering your not really alive anymore I mean you are but your not. Oi your primitive.
hHaha...what if i wus to say that the whole signIFicance of your rounded little life is due to D E A T H...?

that you canny have one without the oter. tis is what you are doing:
you are thinking 'life'---'oh i LOVE it 'grrrrr, nazsty 'death', i HATE it!'

witOUT realizing that you have abstracted out extremes from a continuous PROCESS. it's like saying 'ohhh, i LOVE down, i dont want up'
So your saying duendy that I should shut up about death and take it as well?
LeeDa said:
So your saying duendy that I should shut up about death and take it as well?
no, i'm not telling you to shut up about anything....its grreat to explore, ask questions. if you don explore you dont find and continue etc. theres no end to it

but see that you canny have life without death nor death without life. it jest doesn't make sense. its like to try having 'dry' witout 'wet'. how would u KNOWdry lessen you knew wet. see what i mean?
I'm saying just cause theres death and suffering at the moment doesn't mean that it's always going to be. We've known death for long enough now. Death is not indestructable. Saying that you canny have life without death is argueing for the case of death and that it should always be. Everyone needs to play a part. Rise the fuck up.
LeeDa said:
I'm saying just cause theres death and suffering at the moment doesn't mean that it's always going to be. We've known death for long enough now. Death is not indestructable. Saying that you canny have life without death is argueing for the case of death and that it should always be. Everyone needs to play a part. Rise the fuck up.
ye just not gettin what i mean.
look, play with tis mind experiemnt. try and imagine ONLY light. or only dark. just try andimagine one or the other. imagine a void or whatever that is ONLY LIGHT. or ONLY DARK

now in either which ever one you've chosen)--how could you KNOW the other, dark orlight, WITHOUT knowing its orher extreme which let's you KNOWwhat teother is? do you get me. you HEED to know its complimentary to even KNOW what it is!!!!!!!!!!