Are we approaching a "golden age of atheism" in America?

Doesn't it ever get old for you? All the bickering?

What get's old Sam, is the lying and the deceit, the hatred and the bigotry, the hypocrisy and the contradiction of your cults doctrines, and the way in which you support them.
I think atheism is the result of a lack of faith. Even in my agnostic days, I never suffered from it [the agnostcism, I mean].

People have way too much free time nowadays and not enough to do.
I learned a lot. I had no idea about atheism when I first started posting. They just were there. People who did not believe in God. full stop. No idea they had so many psychological issues or spent so much time thinking about God and religion.

You haven't learned a thing. Full stop.
What get's old Sam, is the lying and the deceit, the hatred and the bigotry, the hypocrisy and the contradiction of your cults doctrines, and the way in which you support them.

You haven't learned a thing. Full stop.

I've learned a lot. You on the other hand just seem to be as bitter as you were in the beginning, maybe more so. I think atheism is fine for those people who are satisfied by its conclusions, I am not one of them.
Yeah and its required every single day of your life. If you lived your life as an empiricist, you'd be one very lonely, unhappy person.
I think atheism is the result of a lack of faith. Even in my agnostic days, I never suffered from it [the agnostcism, I mean].

Everyone has a form of faith, it's just people choose where to place their portion of faith.

As for thinking results in atheism, I think thinking can result in either of the three possibilities(spidergoat).
Everyone has a form of faith, it's just people choose where to place their portion of faith.

As for thinking results in atheism, I think thinking can result in either of the three possibilities(spidergoat).

I'll agree to that :cheers:
I think atheism is the result of a lack of faith.

Or, it is the conscious decision not to accept claims of the supernatural on faith. You have faith for only one religion, hence you lack faith in the others yourself. In other words, you don't accept their claims, either.

It is once again, the sanctimonious hypocrisy of your contradicting beliefs.
According to both Gallup and Barna polls, fully 95% of humankind prays to a Higher Power. - Jesse.

P.S. I'd post several links to substantiate the foregoing, but I don't have a high enough post count yet. However, a Google search will verify what I've said.
M*W: Well, then, you should have waited until you could have posted those links!

I addressed your earlier comments on "prayer." The percentage you reported herein is bullshit. You need to provide a link.
Or, it is the conscious decision not to accept claims of the supernatural on faith. You have faith for only one religion, hence you lack faith in the others yourself. In other words, you don't accept their claims, either.

It is once again, the sanctimonious hypocrisy of your contradicting beliefs.

On the contrary, I now have interesting discussions on faith with my atheist and theist friends. You on the other hand probably have no theist friends at all.
Yeah and its required every single day of your life. If you lived your life as an empiricist, you'd be one very lonely, unhappy person.

To empiricists everywhere, take no notice of the parasites of the world who would use the products of empiricism to spread their hypocritical propaganda as they squander their lives in self-absorbing condescension, a requirement every single day of their lives.
Yeah and its required every single day of your life. If you lived your life as an empiricist, you'd be one very lonely, unhappy person.
M*W: S.A.M., why do you think atheists are bitter, lonely and unhappy? That is just wishful thinking on your part to reinforce your own religious beliefs, but it is not the reality of it.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quotes(FAQ) of the Day:

"I feel no need of any faith than my faith in human beings. I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven or angels." ~ Pearl S. Buck

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"You can do or be whatever you want in your own life. Nothing can stop you, except your own fears." ~ Nola Diamantopoulos, Greek-Australian Creative Workshop Tutor
To empiricists everywhere, take no notice of the parasites of the world who would use the products of empiricism to spread their hypocritical propaganda as they squander their lives in self-absorbing condescension, a requirement every single day of their lives.

Parasites of the world? Theists created the society where you could have these empirical wonders. Its teh man of faith who makes things happen, not the cynic who does not believe.
On the contrary, I now have interesting discussions on faith with my atheist and theist friends. You on the other hand probably have no theist friends at all.

Theists are forced, by their religions, to detest me. Theists are forbidden to have friends who are non believers. Therefore, you are lying if you claim to have atheist friends or theist friends not of your faith.

Any more hypocrisy you wish to bleat?