Are we approaching a "golden age of atheism" in America?

Theists and Atheists alike whipping out that 'logic'.

(and yes, I got the irony in the second quote)

Why don't you write an essay on the logic of religious belief, if you have not done so already ?

Don't forget to mention any sources from which you quote !
Not god fearing religions, but the people who follow them. Like Jews, Muslims, Buddhists etc.

It's an all inclusive religion free for all. The people are merely slaves of them. I get along with nearly everyone I meet. Buddhists I leave alone for personal reasons.
It's an all inclusive religion free for all. The people are merely slaves of them. I get along with nearly everyone I meet. Buddhists I leave alone for personal reasons.

Again, not the religion, but the people who practise them. Do you then agree that the religious have the right to treat atheists as their personal beliefs decree? If your atheism emboldens you to mock the religious, would you agree to the religious using their delusional beliefs to behead atheists?
Do you then agree that the religious have the right to treat atheists as their personal beliefs decree? If your atheism emboldens you to mock the religious, would you agree to the religious using their delusional beliefs to behead atheists?

Not a chance. This is crazy chatter, lunatic lingo, definitely on the fringe of freakiness. Schizo's kill when a little voice in their head tells them to. How is this any different? Let's let all the Napoleon's currently holed up in insane asylums around the world out and give them carte blanche to conquer Europe again.
Not a chance. This is crazy chatter, lunatic lingo, definitely on the fringe of freakiness. Schizo's kill when a little voice in their head tells them to. How is this any different? Let's let all the Napoleon's currently holed up in insane asylums around the world out and give them carte blanche to conquer Europe again.

So you are saying only your beliefs are important even when they target others? That other beliefs are not? That when faced with a delusional Muslim with a knife, you would put your right to mock him above his right to behead you?
They should be beheaded in public, preferably in front of their children.

Thanks for an honest answer. It's obviously not a religion for those who wish to think for themselves.It shares the rule-by-fear aspect of Christianity; Do this or you will end up in hell for all eternity.

About forty years ago I saw a documentary about a religious school in Cairo. Children were learning to recite the Koran by heart and those who made mistakes were beaten on the soles of their feet.

Now, if Muslims treat their own kind that way, what hope is there for them living alongside non-Muslims. None !
Thanks for an honest answer. It's obviously not a religion for those who wish to think for themselves.It shares the rule-by-fear aspect of Christianity; Do this or you will end up in hell for all eternity.

About forty years ago I saw a documentary about a religious school in Cairo. Children were learning to recite the Koran by heart and those who made mistakes were beaten on the soles of their feet.

Now, if Muslims treat their own kind that way, what hope is there for them living alongside non-Muslims. None !

So what next? Whats the golden age of atheism going to do about this? Besides their current movement of spreading democracy?
So what next? Whats the golden age of atheism going to do about this? Besides their current movement of spreading democracy?

The problem was identified, the solution is an easy one and has nothing to do with atheism or democracy.

"Children were learning to recite the Koran by heart and those who made mistakes were beaten on the soles of their feet."

Childhood abuse is the problem, being indoctrinated into a cult.

Of course, your own indoctrination into the cult of Islam may have not been as violent, but most certainly was successful as you willfully display it again and again and ...
The problem was identified, the solution is an easy one and has nothing to do with atheism or democracy.

"Children were learning to recite the Koran by heart and those who made mistakes were beaten on the soles of their feet."

Childhood abuse is the problem, being indoctrinated into a cult.

Of course, your own indoctrination into the cult of Islam may have not been as violent, but most certainly was successful as you willfully display it again and again and ...

Teachers using corporal punishment is not uncommon in the barbaric east. I went to a secular school and corporal punishment was common there as well. Teahers twisted our ears, whacked us on the palm or legs with rulers. Even PT was not exempt, our PT instructor used a sharp cane. I learned the Quran while watching I love Lucy and my instructor was a woman who still comes to meet me, she was so fond of me.

By your definiton, I was indoctrinated into school and PT. For most of us, its just how it was.
So you are saying only your beliefs are important even when they target others? That other beliefs are not? That when faced with a delusional Muslim with a knife, you would put your right to mock him above his right to behead you?

Please volunteer to be executioner for the next one. A clean cut please, no needless suffering. Invite your friends and the neighborhood children. If you were chosen to be the executioner could you or would you do it? I think that's a fair question in light of the vitriol.
Please volunteer to be executioner for the next one. A clean cut please, no needless suffering. Invite your friends and the neighborhood children. If you were chosen to be the executioner could you or would you do it? I think that's a fair question in light of the vitriol.

You're assuming that like you, I believe in enforcing my beliefs on other people. Spreading democracy© as it were
Guessed as much. You have no Muslim friends. Because you don't hate Muslims.

How can you be friends with a muslim when they don't integrate with society? This is part of the problem with muslims and Europe. They come to Europe and instead of adapting to the culture, they demand to have their own culture moved over wholesale. Mark my words, you will have sharia law in Europe some day soon.
So you have no Muslim friends either? Hehe, what a surprise.

Why do Canadians and Americans, Australians and Indians speak English?
Original article is incorrect. There are just as many believers as before in the USA...

End of story...
“ Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
Please volunteer to be executioner for the next one. A clean cut please, no needless suffering. Invite your friends and the neighborhood children. If you were chosen to be the executioner could you or would you do it? I think that's a fair question in light of the vitriol.

You're assuming that like you, I believe in enforcing my beliefs on other people. Spreading democracy© as it were

We're in agreement then, I don't believe in spreading or enforcing your beliefs around either.

As a bonafide Muslim you should be capable of decapitating atheists and stoning adulterous women. If you cannot do it then I think you should wonder what is happening to your religion? Is the Western philosophy, particularly mercy and leniency creeping in to affect Islamic religious activity.
We're in agreement then, I don't believe in spreading or enforcing your beliefs around either.

As a bonafide Muslim you should be capable of decapitating atheists and stoning adulterous women. If you cannot do it then I think you should wonder what is happening to your religion? Is the Western philosophy, particularly mercy and leniency creeping in to affect Islamic religious activity.

Until the 18th century, stoning was unheard of. The most severe punishment for apostasy was a fine. Until the Byzantines, the Arabs had no veils; homophobia was unknown. Creeping western philosophy indeed. William Wallace and Bengal Famines. Gitmo and waterboarding. Occupation and genocide.
Teachers using corporal punishment is not uncommon in the barbaric east. I went to a secular school and corporal punishment was common there as well. Teahers twisted our ears, whacked us on the palm or legs with rulers. Even PT was not exempt, our PT instructor used a sharp cane. I learned the Quran while watching I love Lucy and my instructor was a woman who still comes to meet me, she was so fond of me.

By your definiton, I was indoctrinated into school and PT. For most of us, its just how it was.

So you learned the Koran while watching I love Lucy. That speaks volumes and ties in with my take on Islam. Muslims can recite the Koran, which I undetrstand is written in a form of Arabic no longer used, and they go through their daily ritual. With luck , they will make the Haj and get to throw stones at the devil. Being a Muslim is being a particular sort of robot.
Here in the UK, as I believe I have mentioned before, we have refuges for young ( mostly Muslim) women who are in fear of their lives because they do not wish to marry a man of their father's choice. We have had cases of girls being beaten to death for this and also when it was believed they had a jinn.

Many girls are taken out of the education system and denied the chance to go to univbersity.

So, I cannot see that the claim that Islaam is a religion of peace is borne out in practice. Muslims are today where Christians were in the Middle Ages and, despite all the fine words I hear on the subject, there is no way that they will integrate with citicizens of their host country. The outlook is bleak.
How can you be friends with a muslim when they don't integrate with society? This is part of the problem with muslims and Europe. They come to Europe and instead of adapting to the culture, they demand to have their own culture moved over wholesale. Mark my words, you will have sharia law in Europe some day soon.

There is a pressure group in the UK pressing for the introducyion of Sharia for Muslims here. The government has resisted such pressure up till now. With the best will i the world, it is difficult to see Muslims en mass as other than a horde of ignorant, intolerant illiterates.
So you learned the Koran while watching I love Lucy. That speaks volumes and ties in with my take on Islam.

Yes, it does, I also did my homework while watching Didi comedy show. Considering we did not even have a television until I was 10 or 12, it was a novelty for me, and as I was brought up by fairly doting parents I pretty much did as I liked. If I wanted to watch I love Lucy and read the Quran together, no one was going to stop me. :rolleyes: