Are we approaching a "golden age of atheism" in America?

Hitler was probably an atheist. As was Stalin, Kim Jong, Mao and the Khmer Rouge.

Hitler was not an atheist. Their motivation for killing people was not because they refused to embrace atheism. You should know that.
There has been a systematic endeavour, ongoing for centuries, to destroy the concept of faith, and to alienate God from His creation. The perpetrators have used various tools to achieve this malevolent goal, such as Communism, Darwinism, Nazism, etc. [goes on to point out various ways religion is being eradicated, see post 9]

that seems to me like religion saying 'oh we're under attack, we have to defend our ideals, god wants you to go and convert people, its really important that everyone comes to church and puts money on the plate and does everything our way.'

what's it all matter anyway? surely god understands that in a society where religion is reclining, you can't expect people to be as devout? doesn't allah reward people for their good thoughts and actions, rather than their knowledge of the scriptures? what does he care what you do in a lifetime, when you've got the rest of eternity anyway? i mean should i die and actually see god, i'd be more than happy to learn about him. or is that too late for him to care about me? why does he choose the time i die as the time to judge me when my soul is eternal?
i'm surprised that there are still people who believe in religion and god. but you know, those stupid americans... they don't seem to realize that we're living in year 2000, and we no longer believe in fairytales. at least the rest of the world doesn't.

i hear that there are lots of christians in america, and i would like to think it's just a myth, but i've always been surprised by the amount of religious people there seem to be on sciforums. so maybe there's some truth in that myth. this is a science forum, there should be zero religious people. in my country, even if you go to a religious site, you find mostly atheists there.
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It is more acceptable to reject theism these days. Religion won't die out, they thrive on being the perceived victim of hostile forces, existing or not.
Hitler was probably an atheist. As was Stalin, Kim Jong, Mao and the Khmer Rouge.

Kadark said:
There has been a systematic endeavour, ongoing for centuries, to destroy the concept of faith, and to alienate God from His creation. The perpetrators have used various tools to achieve this malevolent goal, such as Communism, Darwinism, Nazism, etc.

Norsefire said:
You can explain anything with religion. Intelligent design is also an actual scientific theory.

Have you ever read such idiocy? The Muslims here are surely an ignorant lot, to the point of utter stupidity. It is an affront to mankind that the cult of Islam has removed through indoctrination any reason and rationale these poor humans may have had the potential of exhibiting.

What's worse, is that they will pass their deranged cults doctrines and beliefs on to their children.
Have you ever read such idiocy? The Muslims here are surely an ignorant lot, to the point of utter stupidity. It is an affront to mankind that the cult of Islam has removed through indoctrination any reason and rationale these poor humans may have had the potential of exhibiting.

What's worse, is that they will pass their deranged cults doctrines and beliefs on to their children.

Sometimes I wonder if some of our Muslim friends know it's idiotic but have to pretend in order to stay alive or prevent being ostracized by their own community. It might not be the religion that keeps them together. I can't believe all of them are as devout as they claim. Of all the religions I sense more fear from the Muslims then any other group. I think they have more to fear than God, Salmon Rushdie and Danish cartoonists.
hehe, thats priceless

Do you even know any Muslims, the two of you?
Do you even know any Muslims, the two of you?

Muslims are here, Sam, and we can see what they believe and what they think. We know you only too well, Sam. And, if you and your brethren here are indicative of Muslims, the world is in huge trouble.
Guessed as much. You have no Muslim friends. Because you don't hate Muslims.
Hitler was not an atheist. Their motivation for killing people was not because they refused to embrace atheism. You should know that.

SAM:Guessed as much. You have no Muslim friends. Because you don't hate Muslims.

Theists and Atheists alike whipping out that 'logic'.

(and yes, I got the irony in the second quote)
hehe, thats priceless

Do you even know any Muslims, the two of you?

Do you? I know plenty. I've been to a lot of places and I have friends all over the world.

You have no Muslim friends. Because you don't hate Muslims.
WTF? You've got some serious issues there. Wake up and take a look around. Either that's an off the cuff racist comment or you are displaying exactly the attitude I described earlier. No one would say that if they weren't afraid. How do you know I'm not from an Islamic background? There is a presumed safety on the internet as you just exhibited with that comment.
What comment? I can always tell when people know real Muslims. Like hypewaders. The ones who don't have weird unrealistic notions about them.
It is more acceptable to reject theism these days. Religion won't die out, they thrive on being the perceived victim of hostile forces, existing or not.

Spot on ! Look at what happened when the early CHristians were percecuted !

The only sensible course of action us to deny the hardliners the oxygen of publicity. The rest of them are lapsing into a state of indifference. Long may it continue !
What comment? I can always tell when people know real Muslims. Like hypewaders. The ones who don't have weird unrealistic notions about them.

Not sure if you're referring to Muslim haters or Muslims but if you like I can have weird unrealistic notions about anybody. It could be Muslims one day and Sun worshippers the next. No favorites. In fact if you are astute you would have noticed over time that I comment on Islam very little. Hmmmm?

I am an atheist and all god fearing religions are fair game. How unrealistic does that sound?
hehe, thats priceless

Do you even know any Muslims, the two of you?

Tell us what is decreed for muslim apostates ! Never mind how many are known to us.And don't forget to remind us of all the states which are Muslim in name only. That's your party piece.
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Not sure if you're referring to Muslim haters or Muslims but if you like I can have weird unrealistic notions about anybody. It could be Muslims one day and Sun worshippers the next. No favorites. In fact if you are astute you would have noticed over time that I comment on Islam very little. Hmmmm?

I am an atheist and all god fearing religions are fair game. How unrealistic does that sound?

Not god fearing religions, but the people who follow them. Like Jews, Muslims, Buddhists etc.