Are we approaching a "golden age of atheism" in America?

It doesn't really matter how you interpret the scriptures Q, the fact of the matter is billions of Christians both past and present believe that Jesus was speaking to the whole world.

Matthew 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

This passage shows exactly the audience Jesus wanted to reach, and it seems to be going according to plan.

Ask a Jew or Rabbi about this part.

Billions of people believed the earth is flat/

Of course the end will come. Let's hope the preaching stops before it does.
I wouldn't say that everyone's becoming atheist, but there does seem to be a move away from organized religion.
Yes; this is what I agree with.
It's not so much we're moving into a golden age of atheism as we are moving into a golden age of post-Christianity. Atheism is not the only rapidly growing census denomination. Paganism, Eastern religions, and others are growing at a similar or even faster rate.
Yes; this is what I agree with.
It's not so much we're moving into a golden age of atheism as we are moving into a golden age of post-Christianity. Atheism is not the only rapidly growing census denomination. Paganism, Eastern religions, and others are growing at a similar or even faster rate.

I agree. The majority seem to need superstition, so they drop one and pick up another.
Different concepts of belief ? Define Eastern as opposed to Western belief.

Well for one thing, we don't consider it necessary for everyone to believe as we do. In fact, we expect people remain true to their culture, while appreciating any steps they take to understand ours. I think that is possibly why sectarianism has not been a problem in the East even among Christians. If the Parsis and Iranians want to consider themselves separate because they came to India at different times in history, thats perfectly reasonable to us. If the Jews who came at 5 differnt time points want to live separately, thats fine too. If Shias and Sunnis want to do their own thing, thats okay as well. If you want to belong to a cult that wears no clothes and meets once in several years in Kumbh, have at it. Whats teh problem with being different? Believe whatever makes you happy. :shrug:
Whats teh problem with being different? Believe whatever makes you happy.

I believe churches and temples should start paying taxes. I believe suicide bombers should stop killing innocent people.

That's the problem with being different, you fuck everyone else in the process.
I believe churches and temples should start paying taxes. I believe suicide bombers should stop killing innocent people.

That's the problem with being different, you fuck everyone else in the process.

Thats not a belief about yourself, is it? Thats where you western thinkers go awry. You can't figure out that a belief is about yourself, not for others.
How so? On the contrary, agnosticism is the result of thinking, whereas atheism is the result of foolishness, and theism is the result of fear and wonder.

That is not true. It is just as possible to come to conclusions about the idea of God as the idea of light and gravity. We don't need faith in anything to have a fufilling life. It's much more rewarding to use our brains and question the situation we are in.
Well for one thing, we don't consider it necessary for everyone to believe as we do. In fact, we expect people remain true to their culture, while appreciating any steps they take to understand ours. I think that is possibly why sectarianism has not been a problem in the East even among Christians. If the Parsis and Iranians want to consider themselves separate because they came to India at different times in history, thats perfectly reasonable to us. If the Jews who came at 5 differnt time points want to live separately, thats fine too. If Shias and Sunnis want to do their own thing, thats okay as well. If you want to belong to a cult that wears no clothes and meets once in several years in Kumbh, have at it. Whats teh problem with being different? Believe whatever makes you happy. :shrug:

Is that why there aren't any Jewish communities left in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran...?
Thats not a belief about yourself, is it? Thats where you western thinkers go awry. You can't figure out that a belief is about yourself, not for others.

I believe you are a liar and a troll.

Oops, wait, many others hold the same beliefs.
That is not true. It is just as possible to come to conclusions about the idea of God as the idea of light and gravity. We don't need faith in anything to have a fufilling life. It's much more rewarding to use our brains and question the situation we are in.

Faith in your senses is quite useful.
That is not true. It is just as possible to come to conclusions about the idea of God as the idea of light and gravity. We don't need faith in anything to have a fufilling life. It's much more rewarding to use our brains and question the situation we are in.

And that is precisely what I am saying: if I use my rationality and logic, I cannot come to the conclusion that there is no God; nor can I come to the conclusion that there is a God.

If I were placed somewhere with no idea where or about the world, and using rationality, I'd come to the conclusion that I am in a place. If I questioned where it came from, I could come to the conclusion it's always been there, or it was created.

By using rationality, we support the idea of God, rather than detract from it. Of course, I am speaking on the concept, not scripture.
By using rationality, we support the idea of God, rather than detract from it. Of course, I am speaking on the concept, not scripture.

The concept of gods is entirely rational, as are the concepts of leprechauns and unicorns.
The concept of gods is entirely rational, as are the concepts of leprechauns and unicorns.

Why do you compare the two? The concept of an intelligent entity is not that irrational; we are intelligent entities.
Why do you compare the two? The concept of an intelligent entity is not that irrational; we are intelligent entities.

It is entirely irrational unless you can explain who created the creator. The fact that some of us are intelligent has nothing to do with an intelligent creator.
It is entirely irrational unless you can explain who created the creator. The fact that some of us are intelligent has nothing to do with an intelligent creator.

It has everything to do with it: it proves that intelligent entities can exist.

What created the creator? By that logic, nature is irrational; what created or began nature? How did it come to be?

Existence itself seems to be irrational