Are soldiers murderers?

While their killing may be sanctioned by worldly authorities and thus legal in this world their actions are not sanctioned by God.

So they are murderers in regard to the will of God as delivered by the Messiah Jesus.

Were the crusades will of god? The Spanish Inquisition too perhaps.
Perhaps by definition, yes, but in terms of morals, I would not call a soldier a murderer. Especially considering that EVERY side in a war thinks they are 'right' (iraq thought they were right, america also did, and its always like that) so no soldiers are murderers in my eyes, unless they kill innocent civilians
If there were no wars the human population would over run the world, murder
can not be the same in peace and war, war is natural population control.
Calm down, you are female and logically more protective of the young. We live in reality though.

As a man living in reality you need to know that you are seriously disconnected from reality. If you were sodomized against you will by a much larger man you would begin to understand why she was pissed off. Being ignorant can be exusable, but generally not when someone is condescending about it. Also by this time in human history anyone deciding to go on line and share their 'ideas' should have been exposed to effects of PTSD and specifically traumatic experiences like rape on children.
Soldiers commit homicide, not murder. This is why the Israeli-coined phrase "homicide bomber" is so repugnant. In addition to Palestinian suicide bombers and other terrorists, the term--by definition--includes American service personnel, even if we judge the combat justified.
Murder is a legal term, therefore killing in military operation is not murder.

Murder is killing + murderous intent. Soldiers don't have murderous intent unless they kill outside the line of duty. Then they are just fulfilling their duty, and therefore are not murderers.

More profoundly, soldiers are more often very brave people who serve their fellow countrymen at the risk of their life. They deserve nothing but admiration.
While their killing may be sanctioned by worldly authorities and thus legal in this world their actions are not sanctioned by God.

So they are murderers in regard to the will of God as delivered by the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: Same with all executioners in nations that have the death penalty. Same with the legal systems that take part in the process of execution.

Hey, Adstar

These statements, coming from you, just make no sense to me. How can you ever hope to hold this view (which I agree with) and still also hold that the Bible is true and good at the same time?

In the Bible soldiers killed thousands and even bragged about it (the more people they killed the more glory they received), and the executioners in the nation of Israel were virtually every single man, woman, and child that lived in that nation. They were all taught to kill even their own family members if they failed to keep the Law. The nation of Israel also had the death penalty and a legal system that very actively took part in the process of execution.

The Bible teaches that all of these things are good and ordained by God Himself, yet you say that they are all wrong.

I am puzzled!

I hope you are doing well!
Of course soldiers are murderes. Who ever wrote "no because they have permission" is wrong!!!permission from who? No one has the right to kill anyone and no one has the power to say you can!!! The term murder wether it be a legal term or not it is still killing.
There is no excuse for it. I know a few active and ex militarys and most of them do admit they were trigger happy and thats why they joined. I've know of at least 2 that even tried killing their peers. Those are the ones that should stay over there and not comeback. They are a danger to society. A lady once told me " my husband is a hero because he is in the military" i looked at her and replied " hero? Heroe's are hard to find lady? Anyone can be a hero if they wanted to, not just your (soldier) husband" she got mad and said" well cowards don't go to war" i replied " your right, cowards stay here at home and take care of our country while your husband is out there fighting and killing god knows why" but he is a hero???
Of course soldiers are murderes. Who ever wrote "no because they have permission" is wrong!!!permission from who? No one has the right to kill anyone and no one has the power to say you can!!! The term murder wether it be a legal term or not it is still killing.
There is no excuse for it. I know a few active and ex militarys and most of them do admit they were trigger happy and thats why they joined. I've know of at least 2 that even tried killing their peers. Those are the ones that should stay over there and not comeback. They are a danger to society. A lady once told me " my husband is a hero because he is in the military" i looked at her and replied " hero? Heroe's are hard to find lady? Anyone can be a hero if they wanted to, not just your (soldier) husband" she got mad and said" well cowards don't go to war" i replied " your right, cowards stay here at home and take care of our country while your husband is out there fighting and killing god knows why" but he is a hero???

Anti, soldiers dont choose to shoot, they dont choose to kill. They are ordered by superiors to go to war.

Now people like you disgust me. A story from an ex soldier I heard was that after his tour in vietnam, he saw his two best friends get shoot, and grenaded, nearly saw his company destroyed, got shot, and is returned home. And the first thing he sees when he comes off the airplane are people holding up signs saying "rapist!" "baby killer!" "murderer!" I weep for the feelings those soldiers must have felt at that moment.
Of course soldiers are murderes. Who ever wrote "no because they have permission" is wrong!!!permission from who? No one has the right to kill anyone and no one has the power to say you can!!! The term murder wether it be a legal term or not it is still killing.
There is no excuse for it. I know a few active and ex militarys and most of them do admit they were trigger happy and thats why they joined. I've know of at least 2 that even tried killing their peers. Those are the ones that should stay over there and not comeback. They are a danger to society. A lady once told me " my husband is a hero because he is in the military" i looked at her and replied " hero? Heroe's are hard to find lady? Anyone can be a hero if they wanted to, not just your (soldier) husband" she got mad and said" well cowards don't go to war" i replied " your right, cowards stay here at home and take care of our country while your husband is out there fighting and killing god knows why" but he is a hero???

I completelly agree. No ideal should justify killing, it is amazing how moral standards can be bent and twisted to fit any specific agenda in this world. Killing is wrong, either if it is done by an american soldier or a muslim terrorist.
Soldiers commit homicide, not murder. This is why the Israeli-coined phrase "homicide bomber" is so repugnant. In addition to Palestinian suicide bombers and other terrorists, the term--by definition--includes American service personnel, even if we judge the combat justified.

Doesn't that depend which side you are on? If foreign soldiers kill your own, is it homicide or murder?
Anti, soldiers dont choose to shoot, they dont choose to kill. They are ordered by superiors to go to war.

This is going to sound very cliche, but there is always a choice. Everytime you pull the trigger there is a choice. I think this mentality will be lost on alot of people though.

Orders are only followed when the soldier chooses to follow them. Given the choice of "kill" or "be killed", I would probably choose "be killed", its not my place to deny another human being of their right to live just as its not their place to deny me of my life. But given the choice, I would rather my life be cut short then theirs.
This is going to sound very cliche, but there is always a choice. Everytime you pull the trigger there is a choice. I think this mentality will be lost on alot of people though.

Orders are only followed when the soldier chooses to follow them. Given the choice of "kill" or "be killed", I would probably choose "be killed", its not my place to deny another human being of their right to live just as its not their place to deny me of my life. But given the choice, I would rather my life be cut short then theirs.

Soldiers dont shoot people to save their own lives, they shoot people to save their teammate's lives, in the words of a soldier, "It's not about me, It's about the guy next to me"

Anyways, failure to follow an order depending on the consequences would put you in military jail.
I completelly agree. No ideal should justify killing, it is amazing how moral standards can be bent and twisted to fit any specific agenda in this world. Killing is wrong, either if it is done by an american soldier or a muslim terrorist.
You are right ......:D:D
If killing is wrong, then are soldiers murderers?

Murder is illegal homicide.

As long as he stays within the accepted boundaries a soldier or policeman who kills some one is a homicide but not a murderer.

If a soldier or policeman illegally kills a person they can be charged with murder.
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
Of course, but its state sanctioned murder.

No, it is state sanctioned homicide. Assassination would be state sanctioned murder.
Sometimes the are and it depends on you definition of "murder".

Most certainly they are the garbage men of Civilization's waste. They take it away and put it where people cannot see it.