Are soldiers murderers?

Why is your life more important than that of the attacker? If everyone is equal, shouldn't you kill each other instead - if you can't both manage to walk away in peace?

It isn't a matter of importance.
Really? Give me an example of a current war where soldiers are fighting on behalf of their citizens and not as murderous oppressors who are making the future more unsafe for their own citizens.

Ummmm, US and Afghanistan, presuming the government was significantly responsible for 9/11. If you don't believe Afghanistan was complicit, then we have a whole different kettle of fish, better suited for a different thread.

Now contrast that with Iraq, I believe this was a wrong move, out of line and more in tune with what you believe. I do still support the troops (as in "individual" soldiers) there, but I wish the politicians would escalate the planning for an exit strategy in bringing them home...
Soldiers do not work on behalf of the citizens because they work for their own pockets and they take orders from their bosses the politicians .
Just like dogs in an iron leash .

I suppose, Mikey, that it didn't occur to you that the "politicians" get the money to pay the troops from the citizens, right?

And the orders come from bosses elected by the citizens right?

So how do you reconcile these facts with your allegations? Tell me again how the "Soldiers do not work on behalf of the citizens".
This is just plain wrong...

I'm now going to give you some very careful and precise instructions:
1) Find the sharpest knife you can.
2) Undress.
3) Locate your genitalia.
4) Use the knife to slice or saw off said genitalia.
5) Use authorised biohazard bag to safely dispose of genitalia.
6) Get a mirror, two pieces of paper, and a marker.
7) Write the word 'moron' on one of those pieces of paper.
8) Reflect the writing in the mirror, and copy the mirrored word it exactly as it appears onto the other sheet of paper.
9) Hold the mirror up so that you can view your own forehead.
10) Using the knife, carve into your forehead the mirrored word just as it appears on the second sheet of paper.
11) Find your voter registration card, if you have one.
12) Set it on fire, and use the flame to cauterise the wounds.

While you may get a B- for creativity here, you are way out of line. Although this forum seems pretty free-wheeling, there are certain lines you do not cross. You just crossed one of them. So, for the third time (I think) in my stay here at SF, I am going to hit the report button on this one.

I mean, give us a break, what did you expect to achieve with this part of your post? :shrug: