Are soldiers murderers?

A LITTLE BIT OF TRAUMA!!!! Killing you would be justifiable homicide right now. $%^&*$# :splat:

Are you aware that by the law of cause-and effect or Karma, if someone is raped it only means he deserve this suffering because of his/her own actions of past lives? By acting in response to this, is only going to affect your future karma. So if you kill someone because of whatever they did, you are only affecting your own future karma, and you will suffer for the murder you did.

God is the only fair judge, and if a person is raped, it is because he caused the same suffering to others in past times. Your accumulated "bad karma" ´cause of your actions can lead to a sudden manifestation of this karma, like someone raping you, or a slow manifestation of the same Karma, like getting sick repetitive times. Same happens with good Karma: your accumulation of “good karma” ´cause of your actions can lead to a sudden burst of good towards you, like winning the lottery.

If you act because of other people’s actions, then you are accumulating more karma for your future. Like if you kill someone, you cannot blame someone in the future for raping you, you are just paying for what you did.

See it like this: if you are raped, it means your past actions generated the same suffering you are going to live; and if you try to “take justice on your own hands”, you are only accumulating bad karma for the future, and the same will be done to you.

Like if you stab someone, take it as a fact that you will suffer the same amount of suffering you provoked ´cause of that stab.

Just something to think about--
Karma is a great plot line for My Name is Earl, but it otherwise sounds highly unlikely when you argue the "past lives" bit.
We have US soldiers over in Iraq who are being charged with murder. Even in war there are differences in killing.
M*W: Whatever happened to the old saying, "All is fair in love and war."

I hate murder. I hate violence. I hate war. But sometimes I just don't understand how we can give our young men a gun, send them to a war zone, tell them to kill, and then prosecute them for murder.

It happened in Vietnam with Lt. William Calley and the My Lai massacre. I'm sure it has happened in all wars. I'm not justifying it, but the bullet should stop at the commanders in charge and not with our young men who have been trained killers. It is a double-edged sword. I think the bullet should roll up hill.

Where is the fine line that separates murder and self-defense in a war zone?
Karma is a great plot line for My Name is Earl, but it otherwise sounds highly unlikely when you argue the "past lives" bit.

Let´s not get into the "past lives" discussion, that is not the purpose of this thread.
I said: "just something to think about", and that is it. If you don´t believe it, then is great for you!!! you have nothing to worry about, just let it be man.
M*W: Whatever happened to the old saying, "All is fair in love and war."

I hate murder. I hate violence. I hate war. But sometimes I just don't understand how we can give our young men a gun, send them to a war zone, tell them to kill, and then prosecute them for murder.

It happened in Vietnam with Lt. William Calley and the My Lai massacre. I'm sure it has happened in all wars. I'm not justifying it, but the bullet should stop at the commanders in charge and not with our young men who have been trained killers. It is a double-edged sword. I think the bullet should roll up hill.

Where is the fine line that separates murder and self-defense in a war zone?

there is no line, killing someone is murder. The "line" you talk about is a BS lie to get people to kill others for whatever reason the liers want.
So, if I don't believe in karma - is that a reward or punishment? And if it is a punishment, why would karma not allow me to believe in karma so I can know to be better? If it is a reward, why would karma allow me to forget how I got my reward just to let me fall back into bad behavior?
So, if I don't believe in karma - is that a reward or punishment?

It is only your current level of awareness due to past experiences and beliefs.

And if it is a punishment, why would karma not allow me to believe in karma so I can know to be better? If it is a reward, why would karma allow me to forget how I got my reward just to let me fall back into bad behavior?

The answers to those questions are our reason for living, it is just a matter of understanding Buddha´s "Four Noble Truths" and the "Eightfold Path".

This is a cyclic existence, and we are experiencing all kinds of suffering in this life. All suffering is caused by our past actions, so we are trapped in this cyclic existence. This is my understanding of hell: as long as you live un-awared of your actions, you will continue suffering until you get it right. If you pay for your past karma, good and bad karma, and don´t interfere with future karma, you will be able to close this karmic cycle, and never experience suffering again; this is my understanding of heaven. Like Jesus, he never took actions against those who opposed him, and offended him; this is to not to interfere with your karma (turn your other cheek).
So, my refusal to believe in karma will keep me in this cycle until I believe? Well, if that isn't karma demanding that I believe in it, I don't know what is.
That's the same as saying- those without a knowledge of history are doomed to repeat it.
*looks at definition of murder*... No soldiers are not murderers. It's their job. It was given permission for them to kill by their superiors in the name of their country and in defence of their people. Besides we practically pay them. Why trouble yourself to think they are committing murders on our behalf. It's justifiable homicide.

If we are to talk this in context of religion then can some zealot mofo please tell me that if killing is truly wrong in religious teachings, did their god enjoyed the killings during the crusades? It must've been great entertainment for that fella considering both side were doing it in the name of the same Abrahamic god. Hehe...
That's the same as saying- those without a knowledge of history are doomed to repeat it.

History can never be repeated matter how hard one tries. All of the things that made up that history is gone, over, done, and can never, ever, happen again in exactly the same way.

Baron Max
Murder is to kill unethically and or illegaly. A square is a special kind of rectangle. Not all rectangles are squares. A murder is a special subset of killing. While there are a special subset of crime called war crimes neither biblical nor secular authorities have any problem with the act of serving your fellow country man by killing foreigners/the bad guys as defined by the king. The bible is pretty supportive of authoritarian rule and says we are to exceed our obligations. If acenturion ask you to cary his stuff one mile carry it two miles (does this mean steal it and run?). look at the restraint david shows saul when he is chasing david down to kill him. So it is green light from a theological point of view. It is obviously approved of within carefully proscribed limits encouraged by the state. So how would it in any sane world be considered murder?
History is always repeated like an old hollywood plot. The actors names are different but the story is always the same.
If killing is wrong, then are soldiers murderers?

While their killing may be sanctioned by worldly authorities and thus legal in this world their actions are not sanctioned by God.

So they are murderers in regard to the will of God as delivered by the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: Same with all executioners in nations that have the death penalty. Same with the legal systems that take part in the process of execution.