Are sexual fetishes healthy? Just?

I can not get that image out of my fucking head.

I want to beat that woman so badly, she'd be curled up on the floor sobbing and crying in a high pitched voice.

It's weird, people's emotional lives just bore me or freak me out, but if I see someone hurt something innocent, I just want to tear them up and dump the pieces where only the moray eels go.

It's beyond me how anyone could hurt an animal or a child. It's like they're lacking something fundamental that makes you or me ill when we see someone/something innocent suffering.
It's beyond me how anyone could hurt an animal or a child. It's like they're lacking something fundamental that makes you or me ill when we see someone/something innocent suffering.

what they are lacking is empathy. Its a clasic indicator for a sexual sadist, they see people as tools to be used rather than people to be conected to and the same goes for animals. Basically there is a VERY high liklyhood that anyone who is actually sexually aroused by stuff like this WILL kill and will become a serial killer unless stopped. Its one of the reasons that goverments are looking towards sex offender type registries for animal crulty
It would be my opinion that it is not ok.

Just realize that what I am saying is that it is an OPINION.

In your opinion. And in mine. However, that doesn't mean it is set in stone and universally and magically "wrong"

In your opinion. However, it is possible that such things might be considered the most righteous, most pleasant, most healty of activities to an individual.

So one could consider this to be righteous, pleasant, and healthy?




Such a person who believed that would be insane, and therefore their opinion becomes INVALID. Some things are universal. Causing something extreme bodily harm and torture is one of those things.
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what they are lacking is empathy. Its a clasic indicator for a sexual sadist, they see people as tools to be used rather than people to be conected to and the same goes for animals. Basically there is a VERY high liklyhood that anyone who is actually sexually aroused by stuff like this WILL kill and will become a serial killer unless stopped. Its one of the reasons that goverments are looking towards sex offender type registries for animal crulty

It's truly beyond me. Mom and I were talking about it. Especially as a woman, I just can't imagine hurting a cat. My cats are like my children, my very horrible, spoiled children. :D
oh please what a bunch of generalization. The same thing happens in USA as well...except China has (1,330,044,544/303,824,640) 4.4 times more people than USA has...with more insane people obviously.

Yah... but here in the USA we have the decency to outlaw these freakshows and ban the sale of such videos. In China, such acts are perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the law. Why would they care about animals, when their government is one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet? Let's not forget Tiannenmen Square folks.

They eat dogs and cats in China. It is believed by the Chinese that causing the animals as much pain as possible before being slaughtered makes the brain secrete chemicals which make the meat tastier. Torture is quite literally an item on the dinner menu for the Chinese.
thats because your a normal empathetic human. Sociopaths ARNT normal, its a mental disorder just like depression is but unlike depression where its a lowering of the persons mood they are compleatly lacking a conection to the rest of us. Think about it like this, you open up a club kit for sport which has a whole heep of cricket bats (subsitute for sport of choice), you pick one and go out and it snaps. Do you feel anything for the bat? or do you just get another one, thats how a sciopath feels towards animals and other humans. The reason i said club kits is that alot of us DO feel a conection even to objects, for instance my own cricket bat which is unreplaceable because the man who makes them died a few years ago and is perfectly balanced the way i like it.
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Yeah, I do get that on an intellectual level. (My brother used to give me his old psychology textbooks as gifts. :p) However, depression is treatable. It doesn't seem sociopathy is.
Yeah, I do get that on an intellectual level. (My brother used to give me his old psychology textbooks as gifts. :p) However, depression is treatable. It doesn't seem sociopathy is.

Tak, they actually tried something like that in the NZ prison system. The argument of the prison authorities was that a lot of criminals do what they do because they don't realise or care how much their actions hurt their victims or mess up their lives. So they got prisoners in and talked to them, explaining how the people they had hurt had been affected emotionally. Some of the prisoners responded very well, and became much more empathetic to the needs and views of others. Almost all the prisoners showed some improvement in their attitude towards people, and when they were released, the ones who had gone through the course had a much lower rate of recidivism. The ones who showed no difference in their recidivism rates, despite going through the course, were the true psychopaths--in fact the course made them worse, because it taught them more about how people think and react. This gave the sociopaths more angles on which to approach their victims, and more ways to exploit them. Because their basic instinct of remorseless exploitation was not extinguished in any way--can't be extiguished, indeed, because it's part of their mental makeup--they became even more subtle and dangerous.
It's beyond me how anyone could hurt an animal or a child. It's like they're lacking something fundamental that makes you or me ill when we see someone/something innocent suffering.

That condition is called 'psychopath'.
Quotation from an anti crush video article

I see you have discovered the illegal video market. After crush videos, you should try snuff films. The "faces of death" is a series of snuff films which are still this side of legal. Really their best stuff is in the first one though.

I wonder how many of the out raged are out raged equally by how people exterminate vermin without deriving sexual pleasure from it? Horrible poisons, snap traps, "live" capture and glue traps with subsiquent stavation and death by dehydration, death at the fangs of dogs and cats, death from various lab experiments...plane old being stepped on as they run across the floor.

Are we concerned with cruelty or is it concern with sexuality we disapprove of?
Yeah, I do get that on an intellectual level. (My brother used to give me his old psychology textbooks as gifts. :p) However, depression is treatable. It doesn't seem sociopathy is.

There was a very interesting study done on criminal psychopaths which consisted of explaining to them how it was in their own best interest to cultvate healthy relationships to avoid the problems they were having with getting thrown in jail. It included things like showing that even if one is smarter than any particular person, if enough people are against you the odds shift in their favor.

The psychopaths who got it still didn't connect emotionally, but they turned their intellectual and charismatic efforts to positive endevors once they understood why this was important and were able to lead effective lives.
Swarm: showing that even if one is smarter than any particular person, if enough people are against you the odds shift in their favor.

Unless of course your a jew in nazi germany in which case the psycopathy turned out to be the the majority that displayed it.

Sexual fetishes are evidence of Satan.

What man would need more than 4 women? In Islam there is no need for "fetishes". The reason non-Muslim's have fetishes is because they are not living as Allah has decreed. if non-Muslims were to convert to Islam, love Allah and ask Mohammad for his forgiveness and read the Koran they would be more than content with life with no need for fetishes.

Allah granted man 4 wives because men have higher lever needs. Once these have been met, then the fetishes soon disappear.
Tak, they actually tried something like that in the NZ prison system. The argument of the prison authorities was that a lot of criminals do what they do because they don't realise or care how much their actions hurt their victims or mess up their lives. So they got prisoners in and talked to them, explaining how the people they had hurt had been affected emotionally. Some of the prisoners responded very well, and became much more empathetic to the needs and views of others. Almost all the prisoners showed some improvement in their attitude towards people, and when they were released, the ones who had gone through the course had a much lower rate of recidivism. The ones who showed no difference in their recidivism rates, despite going through the course, were the true psychopaths--in fact the course made them worse, because it taught them more about how people think and react. This gave the sociopaths more angles on which to approach their victims, and more ways to exploit them. Because their basic instinct of remorseless exploitation was not extinguished in any way--can't be extiguished, indeed, because it's part of their mental makeup--they became even more subtle and dangerous.

That's kind of interesting.

That condition is called 'psychopath'.

Some day, an American woman is gonna smack the shit out of you. :p I still like you, though.


Sexual fetishes are evidence of Satan.

What man would need more than 4 women? In Islam there is no need for "fetishes". The reason non-Muslim's have fetishes is because they are not living as Allah has decreed. if non-Muslims were to convert to Islam, love Allah and ask Mohammad for his forgiveness and read the Koran they would be more than content with life with no need for fetishes.

Allah granted man 4 wives because men have higher lever needs. Once these have been met, then the fetishes soon disappear.

1) I have a good Muslim friend who's very happy with his solo wifey.

2) You're assuming women don't have fetishes.

3) You're assuming all fetishes are harmful and negative for one's sex life.
I say it depends on the fetish.

Necrophilia is probably a bit less healthy than a hair-pulling fetish.
^ That's an interesting question. People with Down Syndrome often aren't too impaired, having IQ's as high as 70-ish sometimes. My SIL has fragile X in her family and while her sister is honestly one of the most beautiful women you'll meet, she has an IQ a little below 70. She's married and has a baby, despite my SIL's freakout over this. Her husband is also mentally challenged, and they live on his parents' property. Should people who can't even read and write be in charge of their sex lives and personal lives like that?
I think they should, but there are people who prey on them. If a person's fetish is Down Syndrome sex, are they immoral?
Anytime you prey upon someone else for any purpose, you are immoral in my book. I don't care if you are trying to sell them something or trying to have intercourse with them. Preying on someone less capable is not good.

How different is Down Syndrome sex from sex with a ten year old in terms of ability to consent?